Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Which plants? The ones in the solo cups? Or all of them? They’re all dead?


Yeah, that all makes sense, and on some level I knew that. But obviously I did not apply that haha.


No no, the solo cups are happy. It is the plants I was flowering that kicked off.

Maybe I’m overreacting, I only had a couple moments to peek in before work, but inthat minute or two I could see that tons of leaves are browned and shriveled and pissed. Maybe I’ll get home and it’ll seem less catastrophic, but I doubt it.


I totally get that… it’s why I can’t go back to mud, lol! Hopin’ they look better for ya tonight :slight_smile:


Maybe you should just only grow in solo cups? Haha. I mean, those plants look pretty fucking awesome, so… Perhaps you’ve stumbled on to something here. What that might be, I can’t say haha, but if you got them blowing up like that in the cups, seems like you’ve found your niche.


I know right?! I’m doing fine as long as I stay in solos and don’t flower haha.


So, it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought. I ended up pulling like 1/3 of the leaves, I thought it was gonna be way more. Didn’t have time to do a real flush, so I gave them a half strength feed with quite a bit of runoff. We’ll see if they come back. I’m not too confident in that though, so will be transplanting my next two clones of these plants into soil tonight, in preparation for if these puke all the way out.

On that note, I grabbed a bag of M3 soil on the way home yesterday. It has peat and blood and bone and guano and all the stuff I don’t want, but I have used it before, more or less successfully, and it was readily available. So here we go haha.


Alright, back on track-ish, I hope. If not back, at the very least the decline has slowed a lot haha.

But, there is more to it than just less food, back on track. As I stood there, ready to drop the new plants into the soil I bought, I surveyed my plant stuff shelf and changed my mind, about a couple things. First of all, I realized I was back to mixing 4 different things each time I mixed nutes. Not what I wanted. Also, I have grown in inert media before, not super successfully, but way more successfully than any of the plants I’ve tried to flower in coco. The only new thing, other than the coco, is the switch to Mega Crop.

So I said fuck it and mixed up a batch of maxi bloom and Cali magic, phed it, cut it to 800 ppm, and splashed it on.

The new growth is sexy af, the flowers are growing again, there is even resin on the leaves now. After 3 days.

The second thing is I didn’t transplant those plants into soil. If the the plants upstairs do keep going, I’d be fucked for space, and the plants I was gonna a transplant are growing way too fast already haha. That’s the kinda problem I’m ok with having though, “oh no, they’re too vigorous!”

Basement plants are happy af, even the plants I almost killed in the fabric bags are showing reveg growth. I did start throwing maxi at the two huge solo plants, but the rest are all mega crop still. For what it’s worth, the mega crop plants are the easiest plants I’ve ever dealt with in veg, so I’ll keep using it there.

Also the jars are light enough that I’m into the PCB X NWHP jar. Pleasantly surprised, a bit of time in the jar has definitely benefited it. Still not a mind blower, but better than dispo herb haha.


My IPM haha.


Pulled off most of the damaged leaves today, and some good ones too, the middle of both plants were grown in thick!

Gonna clean some of the lower buds up too, but I had to stop before I got tunnel vision and ended up with bare sticks haha.


Right?! Haha.
I really love those containers, it’s just a shame I don’t drink Folgers, so I only get them rarely. I’m not ready to trash pick them haha.

Long time no update haha.
The upstairs plants are still salty, but carrying on.

I pollinated both of them with some shiskaberry pollen like a week and a half ago. Thanks @SHSC-1! I pollinated by dipping my fingers in a bit of pollen and rubbing all the flowers on one lower branch on each.

The hashy one looks like the entire plant has been pollinated, which wouldn’t surprise me.

The lemony one doesn’t have many browned pistils, but does have seeds already.

The basement plants are chugging along too, still gotta repot the two huge plants in solos.


Looks like you did an excellent job correcting those nutrient issues. You swapped from megacrop back to general hydroponics right? Wonder what was causing the problems with MC


Idk, it works so well in veg. But in flower it feels like the happy place between underfed and overfed is razor thin.

Also, I really hate the little beads / dust formula.

Also I’m tempted to say it has too much zinc. But zinc excess is hard to find info about, so I’m totally talking out my ass there haha.




Flushed em like crazy for the first time in weeks too, right before I transplanted. Slit the root balls with a razor. Also, these two went back to mega crop. They didn’t like the maxi.

Edit: the two plants I trimmed and planted up today went back to the mega crop like a week ago, maybe two. Everything else down there has always been on mega crop. Just for the sake of clarity.


Do you usually do that? I tried that for a few grows (used a knife, not a razor) just because I noticed that the roots pretty much stayed the same size that they were when I transplanted from the half-gallon veg pots into the seven-gallon flower pots. Didn’t seem to encourage the plants to grow more roots after they were transplanted, but I also maybe didn’t cut them up enough.

Now I just transplant into the seven-gallons a little earlier than I normally would (read: before they get root bound haha), before I even know if they’re male or female sometimes, and that seems to work pretty good. But yeah, just curious.


I always do that. Had a landscaping job with a nursery as a yute, and most nursery trees and shrubs are rootbound. Those roots are usually too tough and tight to loosen by tickling, and Roger the Shrubber jokes weren’t around then. Slicing the rootballs with a utility knife is similar to air pruning.

I like plants to be a little rootbound before transplanting because it holds the rootball together nicely, and weed roots are easy to tickle :slight_smile:


Yeah when they get big like that in veg the maxibloom no longer works as well. They usually need more N then the maxi provides and regardless you’re gonna get longer internode spacing using maxibloom in veg than you would using an N heavy fert in veg. Not surprised megacrop works better for ya then. I just deal with it :joy:

They’re all looking good tho!


Yeah, I like them a little rootbound, too, for the very same reason you said. I used to “tickle” them when I’d transplant and then somewhere along the way I stopped doing that, I dunno why. Maybe I just forgot to do it haha, I dunno. Then I tried the knife thing, but maybe I’ll just do my best to remember to break the rootball up a little bit by hand moving forward. That always seemed to work well.

I do think it’s interesting that when I transplant from the little starter pots to the half-gallons, the roots will continue to grow sans “tickling,” but when I transplant from the half-gallons to the seven-gallon flower airpots, the root mass stays pretty much the same size. Doesn’t seem like they wanna grow out, even though I don’t flip for two weeks after getting them in the flowering pots. Kinda weird.


If they’re not super root bound, I just kind of fluff them up. These ladies were super rootbound, no fluffyness about it haha. So they got the razor to loosen them up a bit. These were not perfect, if I had more time I would have taken a thin layer from the whole rootball. That’ll be easier in the future with the square pots anyway.

Also, I don’t know if it really helps haha. Sometimes my the roots don’t look like they hit the new media hardly at all. Not sure why. But most of the time they keep growing, so I’m ok with it haha.