Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I just transplanted three sorta rootbound Malanas tonight from plastic to fabric, and as usual I sort of picked them with my fingers like pulling fuzz off of a couch sort of? I pluck at any clumps of strings thicker than a few until I rip off the thicker bits then just plonk it in, I’ve definitely used a knife before when it’s bad and that’s sometimes how it goes but usually I think if I let them get a little bound then pluck that works fine


Yeah, my last grow I did something a little different and transplanted before there were tons of roots poking out of the drainage holes in the veg pots, first time I’ve ever done that. Like I said, I usually wait until they’re pretty rootbound (and I know the sex, which for whatever reason seems to be taking like 45-55 days lately). It was kind of a pain in the ass, soil was falling around all over the place. Plus, I had to transplant some plants that turned out to be male. But I did notice when I recycled the soil, after I’d chopped everything, that the root masses were significantly larger than they usually are.

I also got some pretty epic yields last round, probably my best in like five years, so I do think that old adage of,”The bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits!” is true. I can’t guarantee that I’m gonna do the same thing for this grow just yet, though haha…


I also first saw this done with nursery plants. They sure know how to get them rootbound haha.


Yeah, that makes sense. Really those plants getting maxi was a matter of convenience (laziness). They wanted more food than I had the mega crop mixed for, but I had some stronger maxi on hand so I gave them a splash. They looked great for a week or two, then got pissy haha.


There is like the happy middle ground of rootbound enough to handle, but not so rootbound that it’s a brick haha. I tend to let them get a little bit rootbound, just so the soil stays together.

And this is why haha. I have also experienced the misery of transplanting the perfect looking not yet rootbound plant and having the root ball rip in half because the roots weren’t enough to hold the soil together.


Never knew they can get so tall and bushy in small pots… never kept moms tho


I know, right?
These plants are the first ones I have kept this long, and I too am surprised at how well they have tolerated the crazy small pots. They definitely will be happier with more room though.


imagine putting those things in a big hole outdoors


If you donate to the site with patreon, you can add a title under your name. I’m a plant geek, so plants plants plants it was.

I knooooow! They would have become trees.


The 8 watt reveg continues. If i wasn’t so lazy, I’d scroll around in here and find when I put them down here. My money is on me being lazy though haha.
I think they’ll straighten out soon.


Hay, it doesn’t matter how long, just as long as they do it… and those certainly are doin’ it! Pretty work :slight_smile:


This is the rare occasion where my extreme litfa tendencies work waaaaay in my favor haha.


So upstairs first.
The lemony Hillbilly Fighter actually looks like a weed plant still, go me haha. Coming down the last weekend in June.

The hashy one looks bad. She’s gonna come down this weekend, because there’s defo no recovery possible here.

Still gonna run it again though, cause I have it.

The plants in the basement are cruising.

Check the stump on the Maui Wowie

Started a couple more Chocolate Buddha from @Moka, going upstairs soon, right after the HFs come down.
Soaked these Sunday night, in coco Monday morning, broke the surface yesterday.


Up potted the short HF. On a whim really. Into M3 soil, with tap water adjusted to 6.5. I wanna grow through the summer, but don’t want to have to work for it, and I already own the bag. I even made the pots of soil up a few weeks ago, then put them aside. Clones were taken.


Now that they have rooted, and survived a week and some days out of the 8watt reveg area, I feel comfortable posting pics of these. SSDD cuttings I was given by a generous member here. In “critical” situations I try not to tempt fate by acknowledging the thing exists haha.

4 days in a box, they were hurtin, but I got two to work. They have a slight pissy yellowness, but I’ve been feeding them light, and they moved from 8watts to 80 watts.


Up potted the taller HF today. Again, into a pot of the M3 soil I made up and set aside a while ago when I thought everything was going completely off the rails haha.

I love the structure of this plant.


Those are real healthy roots! Good job!


Yeah, nice rootzone!


Thanks! They seemed to really like the minimal up potting I did there. This is like, the perfect amount of almost rootbound to transplant from too.


Thank you!

That is one thing I will say about Megacrop in coco, these are the happiest veg plants, including the roots, I’ve ever had, and the easiest to take care of too.