Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I, through a bit of trial and error, came up with:
1 gal water
1/4 tsp gypsum
1/4 tsp Epsom salt
1 tsp Megacrop 1 part
Mix 1:2 with water. Makes enough for 3 gallons.

In that order.

I will take the final 1:2 mix and cut it in half again for seedlings.

I had been using RO, but have been using tap for the past few weeks, and it doesn’t seem to be hurting. With RO I needed a bit of ph up, with tap it floats on the high side at 1:2, 6.1-6.2, and drops into the high 5s as you increase the feed.

I want to repeat that really dislike the dust and balls situation. I take 1/2 tsp from the top of the bag, and 1/2 from the bottom, just to make myself feel better haha.

For the flowering plants I’m still using Maxibloom with RO.


That’s the thing that always bothered me most about dry nutrients! Must be made for people who mix large amounts at once, otherwise how do you know you didn’t mess up the ball to dust ratio?

Interesting stuff going on in here with those SILs, looks like you are getting your setup dialed in :sunglasses:


I was concerned when I first started MC, but it always seems to even out! 3x level tsp from anywhere in the container, into a 5G bucket of RO, always comes out 1.30ec +/-0.01. I don’t understand how it happens…and I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth!

Used to add Ca, K, and silica, but stopped adding anything to the MC a few months ago… don’t see any difference, still no deficiencies, and gives me more time to slack off :slight_smile:

You roots really look nice and bright :yum:


You got superstar roots @potpotpot !

Hey @HorseBadorites what RO system do you suggest?


I use this one, but it dumps 3-5 gallons to make a gallon.


That’s the same one I was using for a while, I think it’s the best in it’s price range. Plus it’s modular and you can add filters. For my water I added a chloramine filter and it was pretty easy.

One thing I’ll say about RO is that I actually had better results when I went back to tap.

Everyone’s water is different, but my water is only .3EC out of the tap and I probably wouldn’t mess with RO unless my water was .5EC or higher.


And I think that is the difference. I was trying to mix single gallons, and it was all over the place.

In the Megacrop thread, the manufacturer even acknowledged that mixing small amounts was troublesome. They recommended making a concentrate, but it only lasts like a week before the organic elements in it start to breakdown and dropout. The recipe I posted above is what I settled on because it is measuring spoon qtys, and I will use it up before it starts getting weird. I measure out (x2) 1/2tsp, one from the bottom, one from the top. Very consistent. But I wonder how much I threw the balance off when I was first using it. The ultimate test will be to wait until it’s very close to empty, screen off the dust, and measure the dust vs beads. Then, do the same thing with a new bag and compare.

1 part was the goal here, as was slacking off haha.

Also, I have the 3 stage 50 gallon version of the ro buddie, seems to work. I am getting away with tap now, at least in veg. I’d play around with the flower plants too, but don’t wanna risk roaching them haha. My tap has returned to normalish ph, mid 7s, so that helps too.


Yesterday was chop day, got a rough wet trim, prolly all they’re gonna get haha.

They’ll get a week in the tent, then I will move the HFs upstairs. I wants to get one of the SSDD up there too, but they’re gonna need a bit more time to get established, prolly up pot the one on the left today, let the other stay in the solo for a while down in veg land.
I will say, the bitchier HF is really loving the M3, and both of them are drinking like woah.

8watt reveg and cloning station. Normal growth on all the reveg plants, hooray! Been hitting them with a kelp foliar, they seem to love it. Clones “soon”


I’ve had plants “green up” before, but this is something else. Gonna have to do some real thinning soon. Been topping and cracking everything, hoping to get a flattish canopy, and hope not to stretch through the roof of the tent haha.
Mostly the short one

Mostly the tall one


Moved the HFs upstairs. They’ll stay dark today, 11/13 starts tomorrow.

Didn’t realize what bully’s they were being until I saw the basement without them haha. Moved a couple clones into the wire rack too, now that there is some room to spare.


Took some cuttings of all the plants that I was able to reveg. It ended up being x2 DSDxSJ, and one each of GTH X BS, BB X T1000. Keeping the moms alive for now, don’t count your chickens and all…

I also finally went ahead and potted up one of the SSDD yesterday, forgot to take take a pic though. She’s sulking from the transplant, but both of the HFs did too, before they started poppin off. Fingers crossed.

I also finally turned off the ceramic heater in the basement. They liked 80s better than 70s, but I didn’t like using 100 watts of heat for 80 watts of light in July haha. They’ll figure it out I’m sure.


Upgraded my wind


Couple lights out pics, cause I realized I rarely even look at the plants upstairs with the lights off.
Tall/skinny/lemon one (mostly)

Short/wide/hashy one (mostly)


Wow, those lights out pics really shine, lol! I rarely go in the crawl at lights on, (my eyes are as sensitive as the rest of me!) most pics are from lights out… try your flash!


Here are some that are less dungeony haha.


They do look nice, I knew it lol! Dirt or coco?


These are in M3 bagged super soil. 1.5gal pots. Only given 6.5ph water, though last night I did scratch in a bit of their top dress too, like 30% less than the bag says.


What’s in the top dress? Like, this is something that comes with the soil?

Good idea. Those fuckers always try to get you to use more than what’s necessary haha.


It is called “papas perfect poop”, made by the same company that makes the soil. I really hate that fucking name though haha. It’s a dry guano, they don’t specify which guanos, but it is at least partially seabird guano. I wouldn’t normally use something like that, but the soil is working so well I wanted to stay in the family, so to speak. And yeah, especially with dry things, better to undershoot than over. And that’s aside from them trying to get you to waste it haha.


Ahhh, okay, I get it now haha. Do they say to use that for the duration? I know seabird guano’s pretty high in either P or K, can’t remember which one.

I actually have a box of that in my garage, never used it, been with me for like eight years. It even got moved from our old house to the new one haha!