Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

It can be either (at least with bat guano)



You know, I fucking swear that I read somewhere, on their site, or on the bag of soil, to use the PPP when flowering first starts, but I’ll be damned if I can find it now. Now their recommendation is to topdress with more of the M3 soil. Maybe they don’t want to have to say “If our $30 bag of soil that has all the food you’ll ever need doesn’t have enough, you gotta buy a $25 bag of fertilizer too” and think top dress with more soil has better optics?

But it is already on there, and I can’t take it back now haha! I guess I could grab the shop vac and pull the top bit of soil, but I’m going to ride it out.

Regardless of that, it was the advice given to me years ago when I used this soil and found it to not have enough food in it. My original plan was just to chuck some other dry food on them (either Coast of Maine’s stonington dry ferts, or plant tone from espoma, both of which I have on hand), but when I realized they were doing well, I decided to stick with what they were in haha. Let’s hope I haven’t just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Well the PPP is 5-10-2, but I know there is stuff other than fossilized guano in it. I’m going to send them an email and see if they will tell me what is actually in it.

I did a quick google, and what I’m seeing for bird guano is 0-11-0 or 12-12-2 or 12-11-2, so like bat guano I guess it depends where it sourced from, type of bird, fossilized or not etc.


Then there’s this:
Bat guano & seabird guano are the 2 most common varieties of guano. Because of its high protein fish diet, seabird guano is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium. Fruit-eating bats create guano with a high phosphorus content, while insect-eating bats generate guano with greater nitrogen content.


Haha, yeah, that’s totally what it is. So irritating…

I usually just top dress the flowering pots with some neem and kelp (and MBP)(and Kashi, if I have it) as far as, like, “nutrient stuff” is concerned. I used that BAS Craft Blend this round instead and skipped the neem/kelp, but that’s just because it says both of those are in that Craft Blend. I dunno.

Is there some specific reason you felt compelled to top dress? The plants look fine to me.

The seabird guano I have (Down To Earth) says 0-11-0 on the box, so I guess it’s super-high in phosphorus and nothing else haha. But it sounds like that PPP that potpotpot’s using (PPP for potpotpot! That’s gotta be a sign… haha) has some other stuff added to it.

It doesn’t list the ingredients on the bag? That’s kinda weird…


Probably because Down to Earth has been bought up by the Hawthorne Gardening Cartel, and Scotts is taking the N & Ca out for their miracle grow, lol!


Were they really? Gawd, that’s fucking annoying. I’m so SICK of everything being bought up my these gawddamn global conglomerates and making everything a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary… I mean, on the one hand, fuck yeah, if somebody offered me millions of dollars to buy my company, I’d probably sell, too. On the other hand, it reeeealllyyy fucks us plebs…

Still, like I said, that box of seabird guano’s been with me for eight years haha. Was DTE purchased by Hawthorne eight years ago?


Maybe :frowning: Scotts got busted in 2008, then formed Hawthorne to fool it’s customers, and to buy up any and all weed related gear that they could. Check out the list, they’re doing pretty well at that.

I still have boxes of DTE stuff, too, from my dirt shenanigans, and still use it for outdoor veggies and flowers… but I won’t buy anymore when it’s gone. Too bad, too, I liked their stuff.


Gawddamn, I didn’t know about any of that. I’ve been using the DTE kelp for a long time, buy a new box of it every couple years. I’ve read that kelp only comes from the same three of four sources, though, so maybe that’s okay? I mean, I don’t wanna support Hawthorne, but I also don’t wanna have to be ordering my shit from some place halfway around the country/world and get it shipped here.

Kind of a “Catch 22” situation haha.

[quote="HorseBadorites, post:618, .com/shop/product/down-to-earth-seabird-guano-1-10-0?nutrients-and-supplements), they’re doing pretty well at that.

I mean, yeah, DTE is like the only shit I can find around here. They’re definitely doing well. I found a feed store relatively close to me a while back, maybe I’ll check them out.

I looked at that list you posted and as I was perusing, I noticed something about “CA Transparency in Supply Chains,” so I took a look at that. One of the first lines in that act says,”This Act requires Companies to disclose information regarding their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chain.”

Oh, sweet! Down To Earth is helping to eradicate slavery and human trafficking! Good on them! Haha…


Gotta keep that slave tradin’ transparent, lol! And, to be honest, DTE is probably still a good company that has fallen in with bad company… Sotts/Bayer/Monsanto/Syngenta and their arrogance just pisses me off… rabble, rabble, rabble!

I use Kelp4Less for kelp, and other stuff. Just don’t buy their soluble silica, cause it’s not!


Right? I for sure wanna know whether or not a company who produces things I buy dabbles in the slave trade…

Makes me think of that David Cross bit about,”Why do they even turn on the ‘no smoking’ sign on airplanes now? They might as well mention,’Also, this is a No Slavery trip. There will be no slavery on this flight…’” haha.

Yeah, but if the profits are going to these fucking global conglomerates that’re destroying basically everything, I don’t wanna buy their shit.

It’s so fucking exhausting (and maybe that’s the point) trying to keep track of all that stuff. “Where is this really coming from? What is this a subsidiary of?” Reading labels, googling shit, following the rabbit hole… I dunno.

I forgot about Kelp4Less, though, used to have their site bookmarked (probably still do, but I never look at my bookmarks), I’ll just use their site the next time I need to buy some or try to find a local non-DTE vendor.

What a hassle… haha.


You bet that’s what they’re banking on… and every time I check Hawthorne’s product list, there’s something else I’ve liked, gone to the dark side :frowning:


Well, mainly due to my past experience using this soil. All good through veg, couple weeks into flower and she started getting hungry, fast. That time I finished the plant with Earth Juice stuff I had on hand. The plant finished nice, it just wasn’t super soil. A buddy of mine who was running the M3 back then told me about the PPP, said he top dressed right at the start of flower. And he was/is a serious fucking grower. As a side note, that was my last grow using my overdriven t8s before I put the led tubes in them. Also was in a big ass fabric pot, which I have since learned to hate indoors.

This time, I just started seeing lightening on some leaves, so I decided to try to get ahead of it. We’ll find out soon if I fucked or unfucked myself I reckon haha.

If they didn’t give it a stupid fucking name I would type it out! Now it just going to confuse people who search the site for the couple of strains that go by “PPP” haha.

Yeah, super weird. The bag of soil lists the ingredients as: blood meal, bone meal, green sand, and fossilized sea bird guano. But the soil has different npk ratios, so the ingredients are not the same, at least not the ratios they’re mixed at.

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The Hawthorne thing is a real bitch. There are so few truly independent anythings left. My big concern is that supply chains are so constricted that if you can afford to buy or profit from, for example, kelp harvesting, people who want an independent choice are out of options. I feel like the “or profit from” portion of that adds layers to this problem too. Because no matter what a company is making, they are still paying someone else for some raw ingredients or parts or something. I’m not a paranoid guy, but I am a very skeptical person. I apply these concerns to every purchase I make. But I try not to be so cynical that I can’t enjoy life. A work in progress sometimes, still haha.

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Roots on all but the BB X T1000 cuttings.

How I hang my light upstairs, cause I didn’t feel like sweeping up drill chips. Been this way since day 1, I just wanted to show it cause it makes me chuckle to myself when I look at it. Works though!

Edit: also worth mentioning, I checked the bag of soil again. It says the use 1tbsp of PPP to make a tea to be applied in early flower. I’m sure I saw “use 1TBSP…” and completed it “per gallon of soil” in my mind. That matches to bag of ferts too. So that and vaguely remembered advice from like 5 years ago are what encouraged me to topdress as I did. Plants look fine, and I have watered it in a couple times now. And also, really a tea would be available to the plant faster, right? So I shouldn’t have to worry about burning them at least haha.


Roots on the BB X T1000 today. So that means all the reveg plants came down. Thanks for the patience ladies, I’ll try to make that last six months of torture up to you with a good run soon.
Revamped 8 watt reveg and cloning


Think was have a male here, one of the two chocolate Buddha. I’ll give it some more time to be sure, but that looks like a male preflower to me. And this plant is tall and picturesque, which made me think male before I even saw the pre flower haha


I knoooooowwwww…. I hate that. Every time I’m like,”Ooh! Those nine plants are so vigorous! They’re really outpacing the other six!” my very next thought is always,”Probably males…” haha.

And I’m usually right.


Yeah looks male-ish from here tho arguably a lil hard to tell :face_with_monocle:

Popping whole packs of beans at a time, I haven’t really found that to be the case. Most of the time, my most vigorous, tallest plants are usually female. But then I do see a lot of herms too so :sweat_smile:


Well you know I’m never gonna do that. 4 or 5 different strains, 5 seeds of each, baby! Haha.


The lightening continues up top. As per the usual the wide/short/hashy plant is complaining more. Noticed my water is floating from 6.5 to 7.1 after a couple days in the jug, idk if that is it though. Also, contrary to my usual habits, I think I have been under watering these. I’ll try not to overcorrect haha

Mostly the thin/tall/lemony one

Mostly the wide/short/hashy one