Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

SSDD meeting the axe tomorrow! HF photobombing the overall on the left too.


Looking nice and fat over there! :heart_eyes:
Are you chopping at ~57 like I’ve been doing? or did you take her longer? The day 82 stuff is pretty damn potent :sweat_smile: definitely a bit heavier tho. Mixed with the bubba and it’s pass tf out time.


It’ll be 54 days tomorrow. I know it “should” go longer, but the pain relief was there on the other very small plant and that was way earlier than this. Probably could have gotten the pain relief aspect a week or two ago, but I wanted to let her fatten up a bit. I can sleep anywhere, anytime, so I probably won’t be running these to 82 days anytime soon haha.


@potpotpot hadn’t checked in here before. Nice mix of plants. The HF is a good freebie. Just curious…you always rock such big plants in Solos?


Awesome! Yeah pain relief is there all around afaik :thinking: I do like the earlier picked ones best for my use case. I’m taking the next one down at 77 days lol Third one in the 4x4 I might take down sooner, like normal, tho :wink:


Which one is your pain relief strain?


Autos still are creepy to me! :wink:

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The Sunshine Daydream F2 #1 girl

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You’re welcome anytime. I try to keep it green around here, but there are brown plants sometimes too haha.

The HF has impressed me in so many ways, and I haven’t even done a good job growing it yet haha. The word durable comes to mind hah. And the taste of the lemony one is outrageous. They’re both good smoke too.

I only let plants get huge in solo cups when I’m being lazy and stupid because I can get away with it. So the short answer is, yes haha.

And Holy is right, obviously haha. It is his selection of SSDD.


I think it is a fun adaptation, and I’m sure I’ll plant some more before too long, but they made a lot more sense for me when I only had 1 growing space.


What are these lights? Custom jobby?


Is that just because it get less functional as time goes on?

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Ish, yeah, vanity strips with led bulbs that I popped the domes off of. “Real” lights are probably cheaper, but I love the spread I get with these and the ability to change bulbs for different colors or wattages.


Yeah pretty much :sweat_smile:

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Found this bit of Purple Satellite a week or so ago when I was cleaning. It has been in a brown paper bag, forgotten on a shelf for better than a year. And let me tell you, it still smoked awesome. The licorice scent was still there, and the high was still great, seemed like it mellowed out but lasted longer, a real treat.

Not the first time I have found weed I forgot in a brown paper bag after months, and it has always been surprisingly good despite the “poor” storage. The other standout was a branch of Galaxy Brain I forgot about, brown bagged in the very top and back of a closet. I swear that stuff aged better and was stickier out of the bag than it was in the jars. Not that I plan to make this my primary storage method, but I’m tempted to put up a little brown lunch baggy of everything I grow from now on, just to see how it works out.


Also, check all the new growth on the hashy HF, she definitely likes having more room. First time dusting the rootball with mycos at transplant, hoping that helps this lady get well established with the quickness.

I didn’t get a pic of the rootball, but the hempy solo air pot thing worked out well, there was root circling in the “res” portion of the cup, but none of the portion of the cup with all the holes, impressive given how big the plant is and how long she’s been in the cup.


That’s cool. I actually found a little jar of that Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai, the one that turned super-purple, in one of my kitchen cabinets a week or so ago, definitely planning on getting into that. It’s not quite a year old, but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless haha. The flowers are SUPER-dark purple now.

What’s the deal with putting it in brown paper bags? Do you put a nug in them to take to work and then sometimes don’t have time to smoke it or something? Or are you trying out a new curing technique? Haha.


I know a lot of the older harvest guides suggested paper bags as an intermediate stage in between drying and jarring, usually after trimming. The idea was that buds would dry a bit slower and you could put them in jars at exactly the right time. For me it always seemed to have a detrimental effect but I suck at dry & cure.


I tried it but with a small revision this last time and it worked really well. Basically I put the paper bags inside garbage bags and it slowed the drying perfectly. Was able to leave them like that for a week+ extra and take my time trimming. I have heard that some curing on the stems is good. Without the garbage bags it overdried.


syzygy has it, more or less. I read about using paper bags during drying somewhere online, way back in the day, probably the original OG or another site I was lurked on, Cannabis World maybe? Was that a thing? I might just be high and making names up haha.

But anyway, yeah, I read it, but don’t remember exactly what the instruction was, just that it was a tool for changing the drying rate. I use it for a couple different scenarios, both related to our extreme seasonal humidity swings. If I harvest in the spring, summer or fall and it is super humid and I’m unable to get it dry enough to go in a jar after a week or so of hanging, I will put it in a brown bag with the top folded over, and put it in a stableish climate in the dark, normally the top shelf of a closet. It’s dark and protected, but can breath a bit and holds well until I am confident I can jar it safely. If I harvest in the winter and it is super dry, I will put it in a bag shortly after I harvest to slow the drying down a bit.

And often a stray bag will be forgotten, for obvious reasons haha.

The image of me going to work with a little brown baggy and pulling out my sandwich and a big stinking nug is a funny one though haha. One time a guy came in to work and I actually walked over to him and warned him that he reeked of the ganj, and he got all panicky and surprised, then pulled some loose buds out of his hoody. I was like “wtf, how can you surprised that you smell?!” Fucking goofball haha.