Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Ah, okay. I do the same thing every time, too. Hang them for as long as I feel comfortable (hopefully two weeks, but that barely ever happens), break them down, put them in paper bags for a few more days and then trim at my leisure.

Still, though… I always dump the leftover stuff from the paper bags and into the green bin once I’m done trimming. Why were you looking through your paper bags??? I NEED TO KNOW haha.

Just kidding.


The real question is why wasn’t I looking through my brown bags haha. I knew the bag was there, but thought it was empty and was too lazy/slobby to check/throw it out. haha. Worked out well in the end though, like a little surprise I left myself haha.


You’re not totally crazy. I remember reading this too but it’s been so far back I can’t remember the site I was on. Then I took a twenty year hiatus, so here I am trying to figure it all out again.


Ended up chopping the SSDD yesterday, trimmed it while we watched A Christmas Story haha.

It is laying on a rack in the room to dry, my wife said the house smells like if someone armpits smelled like catpiss and they used bubblegum as deodorant haha.

And on that note I used a Christmas gift card to pick up a little 2x2 tent to dry in from now on so I don’t stink the house up. It’ll go next to my flower tent and have air drawn through into the flower tent so it all gets carbon filtered. I was gonna get a cheapo melon farmer one, but decided to spring on a spider farmer one for the extra ports and better quality. Won’t be here till the SSDD is done drying, but that’s ok, hopefully lots more stink to come :+1:


I really wish I could remember what the other board was that I was on then, pretty sure it was CW. I’ll try to remember some of the threads I used to watch there, see if it rings a bell for anyone haha. I remember one that really influenced my growing style to this day, but I’m probably the only person who remembers it. More later when I have more time.


This is the IBG, pull the two outer leaflets and tell me that doesn’t look like poison ivy haha.


Wow, except for the no serrations and shiny leaves, exactly, lol!


I was hoping that trying to write this out would jog my memory and I would remember any of the names, or even more specific details, but no luck. I am pretty sure it was Cannabis World.

The thread I remember the most was a woman who was growing in her basement. I think Canadian? She only used flouros and her plants were the healthiest, most beautiful specimens you could hope to see. Big time encouragement for me to start fucking around growing weed in my bedroom, seeing her success without using big lights and all the complications that come with it. (I ended up using cfls at the time because I was a kid putting stuff together secretly in my bedroom, and didn’t have room for or access to shop lights. Got that idea from the same forum, in a different thread about micro growing. I cut the bottoms out of soda cans, and opened them up to make little ghetto batwing reflectors haha) But yeah, that woman’s thread and her super healthy flouro plants in comparison to everyone else with their 1000watt hps or outdoor, was a revelation, and a huge motivator for me to plant some of the bag seed I had. Her crackhead brother tried to turn her in, and she claimed to have buried all her gear and stash in the woods somewhere, don’t know what happened to her after that.

Also a crazy ass Aussie guy talking about growing 20ft trees that needed a chainsaw to take down. He also showed pics and discussed some pretty high tech(for the time) guerilla setup with solar powered pumps that would bring water up from little well holes he would drill, fun stuff to read as a dumb kid haha. He talked about smoking 20 “cones” a day, never did figure out if he meant bowls or joints.

If any of that rings a bell and you know where it was, let me know!


The internet was such a different thing back then, barely resembles the centralized internet we have now. I remember a cool Cannabis review website back then as well that I used to look at, and there would be reviews of various types of hash and flower at the coffee shops.

One of the strains I remember was Yumboldt and the description of rainbow warrior crystals lining up in salute. A quick search shows that the site was scraped and reposted, but it’s clearly not the same site.

I think I used to browse CW as well occasionally but never really delved into individual grows or anything like that. Did CW suffer the same fate as OG? I really don’t even remember too much about it. I used to toy with the idea of ordering from Marc Emery’s site, and after he got scooped up that made me rethink all of that for a while. Dark times…

I also remember when the original OG went down it seemed like 100s of alternatives popped up overnight. 420mag , icmag , growery, grasscity, icmag, thcfarmer, etc etc.


Are you talking about the paper bag thing? That’s just a tried-and-true method that people have been doing for decades, although the only reason I know about it was because I read it in Skunk like fifteen years ago, before I actually grew. I didn’t even own a computer until around the same time, 2008 or so, had to ask a chick I used to know to show me how “the internet” worked haha. I still used the yellow pages for a couple years after that, too haha. And pretty much spent two grand on the first iMac just to hook up with women via the “casual encounters” section of Craigslist haha.


I doubt it but I remember there being a little sub group on I spent a lot of time there. Of course then it was the same people in multiple sites trying to really push the knowledge.


Aussies default to crazy ass… :rofl:

Phat joints… see crazy ass above :arrow_heading_up::vulcan_salute: :wink:



More that I was hoping I could remember the name of the person I was talking about. But nope, it’s gone haha.

Back when the world was innocent, now I’d be afraid someone would steal my kidney or something haha.

It wasn’t there, but yeah, that is a deep pool of knowledge. I have actually never done shrooms, I keep saying I’m going to try to grow some, but one of the other 100 irons I have in the fire needs tending and I forget about it haha. All my buddies in HS would pick them, but I know my color blindness would be a risk in mushroom hunting, and didn’t trust those idiots to keep me alive haha.

An excellent point haha.

That’s what I thought, I just can’t imagine smoking 20 joints a day. Guess that’s why he needed to grow 20 ft trees haha.


Actually, the very first time I did it, as I was on my way to meet the chick, I was like,”Wait, what am I doing? Am I gonna get robbed and beaten?” But it turned out to be such a fun experience that I got totally hooked, pretty much posted or responded to posts a few times a week for like six years. It was fucking awesome.

I did, of course, eventually develop a system through trial and error to make sure that everything was legit. Like I said, I didn’t even know how the fucking internet worked; the first time I did it, I think I had had my computer for like a week haha. But yeah, I for sure thought I may get my kidney stolen that first time haha.


Happy New Year everybody! I appreciate all of you, whether you have given me advice, chatted it up in here to break up the brown plant posts, or just bore witness to my endeavors and dropped a like from time to time, so thanks! The past year was a crazy but good one for me, here’s hoping things keep going up!


Did a pretty massive trimming on everything downstairs yesterday. Took a couple clones off all the seed plants, except the IBG. The IBG is sad, and while there was plenty of plant material to try with, I’d rather get the plant healthy before I try to clone it. I think it doesn’t like the solo cup. Idk if I am willing to up pot it though, if the thinning doesn’t get it to throw a bunch of new growth I’ll probably trim the roots and drop it back into a solo cup again. Maybe a fancy solo air hempy thing, now that I saw how well it worked for the hashy HF. Speaking of which, I haven’t decided exactly how, but I’m going to have to train those stems in, and soon. It’s well established in the pot now, and is coming upstairs next weekend at the latest.
No before pic because I got a picture of the floor instead haha.


Proof of life from the flower tent. Another week or two left.
She’s a bit floppy, I was late with the yo-yos obviously haha.


Is that the IBG?

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Nah, that is the lemon hillbilly fighter. The IBG will have to wait a run or two.


Ah very nice! Did you already post the lineage on that thing?
Green Crack x Pre98 x Lemon Starfighter or something?