Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I did, but it was a while back.
It is: Tennessee Kush(Tennessee Hogsbreath x Alien Kush) x Long Bottom Fighter(Long Bottom Leaf x Starfighter)


Ah gotcha! Thanks!! Is she reeking already?

The IBG was just me throwing out a completely random guess :sweat_smile: but as soon as you said lemon hillbilly fighter i was like OH, I do think I see some Starfighter in there now that you mention it :face_with_monocle: She looks pretty kushy overall though. I’d imagine that’s gonna be some :fire: image


I’ve never grown the Starfighter, so I can’t speak to those similarities. But I do see some differences between the two plants I have. The lemony one has (what look like) more narrow leaves and has a really sour mouth coating lemon oily taste. The hashy one has (what look like) wider leaves and the smell is more greasy/hashy with a lemon under tone. The hashy one also likes to throw 3 finger leaves if it is stressed, which I think is really neat. When I discuss the leaf differences I qualify it by saying (what looks like) because they really aren’t that different in width, it is the shape of the leaflets that make it look like the lemony one is more narrow.

EDIT: On the lemony one the broadest part of the leaf is closer to the petiole, on the hashy one the widest part is closer to the tip of the leaf. I was mistaken here, the lemony one is fatter near the tips, the hashy one is fatter near the petiole end of the leaflet.

And it’s not a huge difference, if they are both stressed, but the hashy one isn’t throwing the 3 finger leaves they are really hard to tell apart. One of the two was a variegated mutant from seed, but grew out of it.


Just as a follow up to the post above, which seemed like rambling madness without a point. Also I was wrong about one of the details, so I fixed that too. The point was that I think I have a plant that leans to either parent, hashy being the Kush leaner, and lemony being the Longbottom Fighter leaner. But having never grown any of the Kush side parents, and only growing a couple Longbottom Fighter fighter plants but none of those parents, it’s all a guess really.

I would love to be able to run the Longbottom Leaf, but it’s super hard to come by. I do have a few packs of Mota Rebels SFV OG BX which is SFV OG x LBL, which I am very excited to look through though. Might be the closest I can get to the “real” LBL.


That Longbottom Leaf was one of my old “online mentors” favorites, she used to rave about it all the time. Somebody here started a pack like last year, but then they just kinda disappeared, no idea what happened with that grow (or with that person, haven’t seen them post in at least a year). They offered me their second pack, but I turned them down, even though I was SUPER-tempted haha.

I didn’t think it sounded like madness haha. I definitely knew what you were getting at.


Yeah, I remember that log too. Too bad he disappeared, I was looking forward to seeing how they grew. Hope he is ok.

Ahh good, that makes me feel better haha. I normally type things out in a different place, read them, mull them over, then paste them into the browser window and post them. But that one I just typed out and posted so I deprived myself of my normal proof reading ritual haha.


Yeah, it was foreveryoung. I didn’t mention his name because I didn’t want any random dickhead who stumbled across that post to hit him up for those seeds haha. But yeah, I dunno what happened to him. I hope he’s okay, too.

Mhm. Gotta proofread! Haha.


That’s an excellent point, I edited his name out of my post. But it doesn’t matter until you edit yours too haha.

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I’m not going to haha. He’s obviously not around, so I don’t think it’ll matter. He never struck me as the type that would respond to a random DM anyway, if/when he ever logs back on.


Found some new buckets that I hope will stand in well for the Folgers pots. 1 gal tall rectangular buckets. Most buckets this size are pretty short for their width, I prefer a taller pot almost all the time. I could fit 12 upstairs, but I won’t haha. I think 6 would be fair, if flowered from just rooted clones.

And a shot of the hashy HF. I’m going to try to train the branches horizontally, and let the individual nodes grow up, hopefully giving me a bunch of little tops and less larf.


Got the hashy one tied down and moved to the flower tent. Gotta put a box under her or something until the lemony finishes up haha.


I’ll try that again, with not useless pics this time haha.

Got the hashy hf propped up on a couple of the new buckets, coming in handy and I don’t even have plants in them yet haha. I’ll probably defoliate some this weekend.

And the lemony hf actually has real buds this time, not just sticky leaves haha. The smell is getting more oily as times goes on. Still lemony, but more oily on top of it.


Quick shot of the flower tent. The hashy HF wants the whole joint to herself. You can see the part of the lemony HF I didn’t have time to chop last weekend still hanging in there, this weekend I’ll finish chopping it for sure… maybe haha.

Speaking of not having time to do things, I’ve been lucky to have time to splash water at the plants lately, and the veg plants show it. The clones were taking a long time to root, checked closer yesterday and found some black mold on some of the cups they’re in, I think those are gonna be a loss. I could bleach them or peroxide them or something, but I’m not sure it is even worth fucking around with. I cut the seed plants back again, will probably toss them all into bigger pots soon and flower them out once they recover. On that note I chucked the Mexican widow and Maui Wowie clones, they were depressed as fuck and I just didn’t feel like spending the time to resuscitate them. And I need the room if I’m going to up pot the seed plants. I didn’t feel bad at all haha.



I don’t know toooooo much about molds, but all of my Time Bandits had a green mold on the top of the soil around day 30 (or that’s when I noticed it, anyway haha) and I kind of got freaked out and wondered if maybe I should toss them (they were also super-slow veggers, which is another reason I considered tossing them haha). I don’t remember exactly what I did to remedy that, but I think I just let them dry out for a few days and they grew fine after that.

I’m not sure what the difference between green mold and black mold is, though. I know the Santa’s Beard/white mold is something we’re supposed to encourage, but both green and black sounds bad haha. Still… Those Time Bandit plants turned out very good.


Idk, might be green, could be fucking blue for all I know haha. But I think it’s black. I have seen algae on hydro medium before, and that is bright ass green so I know it’s not that haha. And yeah, the white fuzzies in a bag of organic soil is a good thing. Took me by surprise the first time though haha. If this was a seed plant I probably wouldn’t think twice and would just wipe it with peroxide and forget about it. But I’m all paranoid now that the weird growth and twisted leaves (that I would probably normally excuse as being stress from cloning if I hadn’t seen the mold) is actually because the plants have some wild fungal shit going on that I can’t see.

You can see the mold, or whatever it is, on the rim of the cup here. And yes, I washed the pudding out of the cup first haha, put them through the dishwasher too, and spritzed with peroxide before I filled them and put the cuttings in. I’m curious if it is growing in the adhesive that is left on the rim of the cup.


Hashy HF appreciating the room


Anyone ever use expanded shale for hydroponics? I have found plenty of things discussing its use in hydroponics, but no actual weed grows using it. I did find organic people using it in place of perlite to lighten their soil, but that’s not what I’m doing. Weed is a plant like any other, so I’m doing it regardless, I was just curious if anyone else had actually done this with weed.

I’m so sick of rinsing perlite, I fucking refuse to ever deal with that again. So I had to find a replacement for the bottom of my hempy buckets. I ended up finding expanded shale at a local grow store, and it was “cheap” and available so I grabbed a bag. We’ll find out soonish if that was a bad gamble haha. It doesn’t float, so that’s a big plus for me.


I’d soak a sample in distilled/RO water and see where the PH goes after 24 Hrs. Any thoughts on how to recycle?



I have used it in Hempies. It was heavy. I went to lava rock later. You can recycle it in your driveway.