Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

A handful of slate dropped the ph of a couple ozs of water .3 over night. My tap ph is pretty high to begin with, so I’m not gonna sweat it.

Was it being heavy the biggest thing that stopped you from using it? It is pretty heavy, but I’m only planning to fill up the the hole in the side, above that will be coco and the last of my perlite, 2:1ish as usual. After I’m done with the perlite that I have I’ll just run coco or buy the premix.

I actually haven’t decided if I’m going to try to recycle it or just throw it outside. I am more tempted to reuse this than perlite or coco because it seems like it would be able to stand being cleaned without breaking down, and also my soil is more than rocky enough already without this stuff in the compost. It is pretty tough and large, I imagine it will be easier to clean roots out of than perlite, which crumbles when you touch it. Then disinfect somehow, bleach or pressure cooker.

But yeah, to Horse’s driveway comment, this stuff is tough! The guy at the grow store dropped a handful on the ground and ground his foot into it, still looked like new. As opposed to perlite turning to dust or the sound of a clay ball popping under your boot haha.

Also, to the people saying “look at this jerk, finally keeping plant alive and now he’s gonna change things again!”, I’m not being totally reckless. I have enough perlite left to fill a couple hempys, so I’m going to run some plants with perlite bottoms like usual just to hedge my bets. I also have a 3 gallon pot of organic soil that I filled but never used. I filled it, moistened it slightly, and put it in a trash bag, then never went back to it. I’m tempted to run the same cut all 3 ways and see who wins.


It was. Trying to carry stuff while in a slightly crouched position gets old, especially if you are old!

I tried reusing perlite exactly once, and it was extra chunky. No way with anything finer.

Unless it doesn’t pop and acts like a ball bearing under your foot :frowning:

I’m not sure if even @hempy uses perlite anymore, but maybe he’ll chime in.


I’m lucky to be fat enough that they would just pop haha. Maybe if I stepped on a pile of them I’d of ended up ass over teakettle.

The old school original way was perlite and vermiculite, right? I started with the KISS method, so straight perlite, then changed as I went.


Phone camera is not cooperating, and the real camera requires effort, so documentation might be spotty for a bit haha. I’m just not in the habit of grabbing the camera when I’m checking the plants. We’ll see if I can develop the habit haha.

These roots are only a week out from an uppot! SSDD

Big trim on the veg plants, everyone is happier for it. The SSDD hates me for the transplant, but she’ll get over it soon. Hoping to train the SSDD like the hashy hillbilly fighter I have in flower now, and run the other plants next to it in the smaller rectangular hempies.

Some snuff film quality pics of the flowering hashy hillbilly fighter. I said i was going to defoliate, but never did. I probably should, but I try to avoid damaging plants once they are in the thick of flower.


Good idea. It’s kind of weird, because I’m always like,”No no no, don’t snip leaves off with scissors!” but then I’m always pulling leaves off here and there throughout flower. For some reason, cutting leaves off is different than pulling them off in my mind haha…

Plants look good! Those roots look really good!


So question about hempys. Do you top water at first until roots reach the rez? Actually better question how do you go about watering? I overwater like it feels good so thinking hempys and just adding water through the drain hole. 🤦 Just remembered have a small tube running from topside into perlite.

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Yeah, scissors especially I try to avoid. They leave such a nice wide open wound for pathogen access haha. I don’t mind so much pulling a leaf if I can get to where the petiole meets the stem and snap it off, or if it’s old and tired and comes off easily. But when the plant is nice and green and thick (like this one) and I would have to dig blindly in buds to get the whole petiole, that’s a no go. I’ll end up taking whole buds site before that, at least then there is only 1 wound on the plant.

The roots kind of blew my mind haha, in a good way!


Hempies are top water all the time. I have put a tube from top to bottom with the intent of trying bottom watering before , but never actually did it.

You kind of have to baby them right after transplant, until the roots have grown into the new coco enough to use the reservoir to support the plant. It’s a tricky week or so where you can easily over or underwater a plant.

But I am the overwatering king, so your mileage may very haha.


So depending on what other threads you read, you may or may not know that I have a possible HLVp issue going on in here. Not the end of the world, but a possible bump in the road for sure. Still gonna run the plants I have on hand regardless, to get some jars full for summer. I will play anything after these by ear, depending on test results.

Moved the SSDD upstairs to the flower tent yesterday. Was on 24hr a day light, down to 10/14. I normally give my plants a dark period to rest, even in veg, but it’s been cold enough that Ive just left the lights on for the past month or two. Curious if it will take longer to start flowering with the bigger jump in lights on time.

Also, been on OG 2 years now, times fucking flies hah.


She’ll probably flip quicker honestly. No more than 2 weeks, but I’ve had her start making flowers after just 1 week before. I almost always veg on 24/0 and then flip to 11/13. She’s a trooper :muscle:
I just hope she’s clean :pray::pray::pray:


I have been taking pics using my real camera, but have been too lazy to upload them. But today my phone decided I can take a couple pics, so here they are!

SSDD got tied down a few days ago, gotta thin her out quite a bit.

My “training” on the hashy hillbilly fighter seems to have worked out. And I’ve been cutting branches off this to smoke for the past couple weeks too haha.


I was already having a great weekend, but this sealed it!


Congrats! :partying_face: Should be a relief and bring peace of mind.

How does the testing work? Do you send in a Leaf, branch, root sample, or all of the above?


It depends on the place really but for hlvd you WANT to do root snips from inside the pot, coming off the main stem/root mass.

Those negatives include the ssdd f2 #1 girl :partying_face:
so thankful for that :pray:
I got a local buddy that just started doing tissue culture so I’m gonna get her backed up that way too whenever I get her back here. Will prioritize work on bx2’s/ebx1’s asap as well.


Such a relief, yes haha. I was not naive when I took a cutting in, disease is a risk you take and I accepted that risk, but yeah, nice to not have to think about a total tear down and bleach out haha

For this lab, you send in a root sample, possible other labs use other tissue? They have an article on their website about root testing and why it is their choice. Their minimum order is 5 tests, I chose to use all 5 on the SSDD because it is the only plant I was concerned about. They also recommend you retest the plant a couple times over the course of months, but unless I actually see some symptoms, I’m not going to do that.

I actually used all 5 on the SSDD, only plant I had any concern about and didn’t want any false negatives.


Phone is cooperating today, so a shot of veg while I’m here. My wife helped me repot into the 1 gallons last weekend.


Pulled the SSDD out to check her over and thin it out a bit. Didn’t take an after shot because the phone stopped cooperating haha. I thinned her out quite a bit and there’s still a lot of plant left.

A bit of the variegation, same as I have seen on this plant before. I have only seen this once before, when I first got it and the plant was still getting healthy from 5 days in a box in the mail. Despite the knowledge that variegation is not necessarily related to hlvd, and the knowledge that one of the parents of this cross show variegation, AND and the recent clean test, it still makes me sweat a bit haha.


Can’t say I’ve really seen the variegation on her specifically :thinking: but I’ve always ran my feeds pretty heavy for her overall. She definitely likes the calcium and magnesium.


I have lightened up on the food, now that you mention it. I think I was frying them before actually. I was however feeding this plant super light when I first got it too, so may in fact be related. This last run with the Hillbilly Fighter I fed both my veg and flower plants the same feed the whole time. 1/4 tsp gypsum and 19 grams of Megacrop 1 part to 4 gallons of tap water. I used to add Epsom salts too, but stopped a while ago trying to have less stuff to mix up. 2 things plus water works for me haha. Comes out at 820 ish ppm and 5.8ph. I am feeding the SSDD the same. I have to refill the hempy every other day, so I know it goes through some nutrient solution concentration and ph cycles, probably why I can get away with it. Funny thing is, the veg plants look hungrier than the flower plants haha. But I’m not messing with it, because it seems to work.

Also, just because I never noted it: I noticed toward the end of the last bag of MC that the plants were looking kinda pissed. I opened a new bag, threw like 1/2 cup in a blender and pulsed it until it was mostly all powder, instead of the stupid balls and dust. Plants perked back up immediately, and it dissolves way, way faster. That was 6, 8 weeks ago maybe? I’m curious if I was seeing the stupid ball to dust ratio drift over time using a tbsp at a time.


Put the hashy Hillbilly Fighter in jars today. 3 pint balls jars, loosely filled. For 96 watts of light, I’m ok with that haha.
I ended up with 10 or 12 branches like this, 8-10 inches long with nice little clusters of small ish buds. Smells a little bit less hashy this time, and more oily lemon. And a pretty good skunky note too, which is the primary thing my wife smells in this plant.
Have found a couple nanners on one lower bud, and a single beautifully ripe seed. Hashy Hillbilly Fighter S1 haha.