Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

She looks good and frosty. Do you ever make hash? I don’t, even though I have multiple freezer bags in the, uh, freezer that I swear I’m gonna make hash out of one day haha. But that Hillbilly Fighter definitely looks like she’d be a good hash-making type of plant.

Isn’t that funny? My girl always smells things that I don’t pick up on, too.

You’re not gonna plant that, are you? Haha…


That Hillbilly Fighter looks amazing! Trichs everywhere :drooling_face:

So you said you ran it before, what is the high like? TBH your pics are making me wanna pop mine.


On average, women have a better sense of smell than men, it’s just the way it works… :rofl:



They also can see farther on the red spectrum than men.


It doesn’t help that I smoke cigarettes and my girl doesn’t.


Not really, no. But I, like you, have a bunch of trim in the freezer for when I finally get around to it haha. I am tempted by the simple as dirt screen stapled to a picture frame technique is saw on here the other day though.

And yeah, as long as I get it nice and dry, I think it should be a pretty good hash maker.

Ahaha, no. No time soon anyway, I have tons of seeds I want to pop that get older everyday. In some years when I have retired the cut and grown a bunch of other stuff, maybe then I will pop it or any others I find, idk. I don’t expect garden space to be at any less of a premium any time soon.


Honestly, I am having a hard time describing the high. I want to say “generic”, but that seems negative, and I don’t mean it in a negative way. Maybe “extremely balanced” is closer? It is not sleepy, but not energetic. Relaxing, but no relief from pain or tension. It can make you a stammering fool, but you can fight through it and not look like a stoner moron if you need to. It does offer a nice positive mood boost, but isn’t strong enough to be called euphoric. It does make me a wise ass, or maybe more accurately doesn’t slow my wise assery down haha. I hope this doesn’t make it seem not enjoyable, or not worth it, because that is not the case. It is just so… idk, mellow? The high is very malleable, seems like it changes to match the situation.

The biggest reason I have kept it though is as kind of a reference plant for my garden over the past 18 months I’ve been growing it. Since it is easy to keep happy as a tiny mother plant, I hope to keep it around and subject it to new “good” ideas haha. The fact that I really like the weed is almost secondary to that purpose.


It is because nature wants women to be cautious and stay alive, so they’re around to take care of things, while it wants men to be slightly less well informed so they can be more stupid and more likely to die sooner. Once we offer the genetics, we are kind of secondary haha.


Haha, dude, that is so true.


I threw all of the plants in the 1 gal hempys into flower last wednesday. They have all exploded with growth, which is nice to see. What isn’t nice to see is the male Santa Cruz Magic Haze that I missed haha. Whoops! Explains why it was the biggest happiest plant though haha.


I finally sat down with my laptop and moved all the pics I have taken over the past 6 or 8 weeks using one of my digital cameras. Looked through them, chucked a few, disconnected the camera, formatted it. But I missed the fucking move the pictures step. Wasn’t a lot of pics but it was at least a couple of shots a week of the flower tent overall and some whole plants shot of the Hillbilly Fighter when I chopped it.

Rest assured, things have stretched like crazy haha. I’ve had the SSDD propped up on a bucket since like a week after I moved the other plants up. She’s a bit below the canopy now, even on the bucket, but I think she’s gonna finish strong. Next weekend she gets the chop.

But what the fuck is that without pics haha.


I believe you, pics or no pics haha.


Right, can you draw some? :slight_smile:


Harvested the SSDD yesterday. Took some pics, maybe I can not delete these, you know, whenever I try to upload them haha.

I’ve been super busy with life stuff and haven’t trained the 4 plants left in flower at all, other than a bit of stem crushing. It shows, got some extremely lanky lady’s in there.


I know everyone loves snowhigh to the moon and back, and good for him for doing the landrace thing, but why does no one acknowledge that a lot of what he releases aren’t landraces. They’re hybrids, often poly hybrids. Poly hybrids with landrace ancestry, sure, but poly hybrids none the less. Preserve them all you want, but if you have access to his true landrace strains, but are choosing to preserve the polys, you’re kind of missing the point. That’s not gonna be a landrace preservation, it’s gonna be soup.

Flame away.


Are people propping him up for doing faux “landraces” or something? I’m not “online” enough to know haha.

Like you said, the crosses I’ve seen of his (and I honestly haven’t looked at any of his available gear in at least two years) always have some sort of polyhybrid mixed in, so I dunno why anybody would think he’s doing legit “landrace preservations” or anything, unless the people oohing and ahhing don’t understand the term “landrace” haha.

My issue with him is that he charges like fucking $300 for five regular seeds, which is just diiiiiiiiiiiick… I mean… The ego to do something like that… It’s extremely off-putting.

Anyway, what happened? Haha. Why are you bringing this up?


Nah, nothing new happened. The stickied auction thing just got my attention, it’s just a matter of time before announces their intention to do a repro of something they want to win. Which isn’t an actually an issue, it just seems so silly. Shame on me for predicting the future though haha.

But yeah, his crazy high prices and bad germ rates have always blown my mind, and then the whole dry ice seed separation thing really fucked me up and now I can’t look at any of his work with a straight face. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got some snowhigh repro beans that I’m excited to grow, I’m running a super massive black hole right now for that matter. But yeah, I feel like whenever someone on OG is giving away or trading snowhigh stuff people come out of the woodwork to offer to preserve everything, landrace or not.

Really, I guess I’m just being a bitch haha.


No… that’s pretty much how I feel about the matter. On top of that the preorder he did and then failed for like a year to deliver anything. Unsure if that all got taken care of finally. You also don’t exactly, uh, see anyone else keeping his gear around or working with it… ya know? Just these fan bois talking about it.


Oh, is OG doing another auction? Smacky told me how to, like, “unsticky” those things, so now I don’t see those, I guess. I dunno haha.

Anyway, yeah, I don’t know too much about him, no idea what you’re talking about with the dry ice thing, but $300 for five seeds? Fuck. You.

That’s alright haha…


I don’t really mind the auction itself, it is going to the site so that’s fine, but snowhigh being held in such high regard just kind of drives me nuts. I was triggered haha! Never said that before in my entire life haha.

I guess he let slip on a podcast that he makes dry ice hash with his seeded plants, then pulls the seeds out of the scraps afterwards. Meaning all of those $60 each beans are being flash frozen, then rapidly defrosted. Which would explain the notoriously low germ rates.