Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

So u don’t mix those with water

When I have something outdoor that looks that ready, I say chop before the bud rot hits. Better to get it right before peak ripeness than right after when the plants natural defenses start to shut down. If you can time it perfectly, that’s great, but I think it’s not always worth the risk.

I learned to grow in sf and the plants would look perfect until suddenly they can’t tolerate that last day of fog drip. And here in oregon, it’s all a game of chicken with the fall rains.

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I do not mix those with water. Not to say that it won’t work. Just more work for you. I let the soil life work for the plant.


Ok i had a dream last night. There was only 1 plant in the alley. The feelings were real.

It was all a dream


Sounds like a bad dream. :open_mouth:

It all looks great!



Ok the res is empty👀
I said id chop when dry. Feels like shes drinking too fast to be ready?

That dream mentioned above might be a sign to chop. Don’t do lotsa dreaming cuza smoking the plant. So a dream about the plant might mean smoke more?

Please share your thoughts. @JoeCrowe @JohnnyPotseed @AMunkFromCupertino @Cummings420 @Coffweed
@ramblinrose and any OG willing?



well… it’s a sign that either you’re smoking too much weed, or not enough. I always err on the side of not enough! Give the plants a good sniff, and see if they have reached peak stink. It’s kind of like a ripe fruit in that way.


Like u listen to ur plants u might wanna listen to ur dreams as well my friend lol I think u might go ahead n chop Bay if it was me i would cause when i dream it usually plays out in real life not always but again its UR LADIES


I heard never go off the stink test but IDK it’s my 1st grow n all so I have no idea


You’re there. Like Joe said, cut now or wait for more amber. Your choice.

If it’s making you anxious, harvest. If not, wake up tomorrow and check them again… then do that everyday until they seem right to you.

I can’t speak to your dream, or how fast or slow she’s drinking… I’m blind to this data so best I can do is flip a coin and give you that as an answer.

I have pics that look like yours. I’m taking some of them down this week once the weather goes under 90F, which makes it 80F in the shade where my drying happens. Others, I’m taking down next week. Personally, I’m not trying for peek maturity, it’s more of ‘when I have time available’ and weather patterns. My recommendations might not be what you agree with - and I only offer them because you inquired :smile:



Theres water in there.

Embarrassing. The water level looks like what I expected. High! Like maybe it’ll be dry by next week. The 2 around it were dry :person_facepalming:t6:.

Kids can you say ANXIOUS



Ima chop 2 branches dunk em in h2o2/h2o hang 1 and dryer the other.

Thanks all.


@Foreigner thank you Sir


I was thinking back to 1 of the first OG beans that impressed me. It was a Sour Blu Tooth F2 iirc. Outside in a 1 gallon pot and given very little attention. The nose, taste and high were great. Keeper shit. Diesel fuel. Not alot but really good. That was an opportunity to learn how little they need me. The other lesson is the best plants Ive grown in the last 7 years came from free beans. I mean Space Monkey, Old Soul, Iraqi Goji, Babylon Buster, Garlic Goji and many others from JBC and GLG none of those compared. To be fair i didnt run whole packs. Some sparked an interest like the Iraqi and the Mango Biche that may be further explored. Shoutout @Kyumonryu moving forward the Iraqi. Also @Couchlocked for being adamant that a large volume of soil isn’t necessary for organics to work as many soil sellers say. Still support BAS btw. Apparently I had evidence that i forgot. It was a freebie included in one of my first trades here. It was good. Sour Blu Tooth F2.

Ramble complete.

Grow on


Thank you, but it was more @backyardboogie420 that reinforced the notion you can run a lil smaller pots.

I Just was doing it, not knowing why or if it was proper.

BUT i too, in spite of my recent change in opinion on Bas, still following a good bit as well, Just now, ill seek second and third opinions on what they’ say before i consider implementing Thier method or advice

Thanks for the shout out :fist_right::fist_left:


So… when you choppin those beauties? They look extremely close!!! All trichomes are looking grown up!! And bending from weight… not sure if thats a real thing … but it looks close… how amber are you trying to go?


Communion. Took 2 branches today. Will take the rest of plant soon.


Its a trip how we can miss certain threads on OG. I found a banger. I paid like $300 plus $50 shipping for the plants currently in flower. To folks pockets for their profits. Smh.

Superhero shit


I really like what you’re getting at here. Also, the way that it was said felt right… “That was an opportunity to learn how little they need me.”

Not to hijack it or anything else here but to add on to those thoughts… I think this should be the main topic of discussion on a certain pinned thread right now… how do we get more amazing genetics out to people, as a community. And don’t get me wrong, as you noted… there are many individuals here doing more than their part in this regard. It’s why I’m here and not talking to myself in the backyard.

I can’t wait for the day when someone posting a thread “Is $1000 too much to pay for a pack of seeds” is met with giggles… and there is always at least one pinned thread about about someone running genetics for preservation and giving them away. Hell, we might not be that far off… who knows.


Conversation is encouraged good brother. Thank you. Thread really moved me this morning. At low prices. Maan listen.