Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

I was just looking the pic and thinking about it before reading :grin:, must be a good idea … ejem|nullxnull


Cheap solution would be a tarp shelter


Bout what I’d do. If even. Might just scooch them under the overhang and give em a pep talk about little bit of rain building character :wink:


I love the idea. They’ve had rough lives. Shaky start. They’re strong and small. Gotta do all we can to allow them to finish. Considering a fan for the coming fog.

Beautiful Sunday morning. Be Easy.


Inspired by a local Monk I began trimming what remains of Glitterbomb. Had plans to pre trim all but…


Ver cool Bay !!! Donating a valuable pack to a preservation run is extremely generous thing to do. Thank you @Bayarealivingsoil Sir !!! Very kind, generous act !!! Cheers !!!


The Tahoe Og cut came as a freebie just like the Sour Blutooth f2 beans( arent these from b4 Bluetooth tech?). The spectacular Goji f2 was from here as well. Many of the best plants grown came from OG.

Giving back to OG goes hand in hand with the seed hoarding this site encourages. Thanks @LemonadeJoe. I will get to your response in due time Sir, you are appreciated. :clap:t5::raised_hands:t6:


Spending like a minute per branch on Glitterbomb. With this focus seems like more rot is inevitable. Remember the felon saying we have the highest numbers because we do the most testing? Feels kinda similar.

Communion is burning better every day. That Hella Jelly makes me happy. Will be trimming and jarring the “Sour Diesel” by the end of the week, then Hella Jelly.

But it sure beats digging a ditch.


Love your grow style. Very similar to mine, but i always try to buy as little as possible.
The best way for me to build soil on a small scale is bokashi bucket for kitchenwaste(use a simple 5 gallon bucket). When its finished put it in a soil factory. You add all the amendments in this step.There are many good videos on youtube that can describe it better than me. My worm population is just exploding with this.


Have you considered IPM against the rot?
I have heard great things about serenade and prestop. You can just spray them together with your BT. They also seem to be safer in late flower than BT. I will definitely try them next year if possible.


I bet it is. I have not considered IPM for rot. Kinda accepted as an outdoor reality.

Do you have a journal here?

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Love growing Cannabis. Not a great DIYer. Contradictory realities when I began. Anyways the tarp 3’x6’ is not wide enough. Wont reach from ceiling to fence. Thought there’d be overlap. 6x6 ordered.

Beautiful day.



Wondering how budrot and roots sitting in water relate? Seems logical that it aint cool. Allowing Chems to dry out before 1g each. The 91 is drinking more. Just a healthier better grown plant than the D.

Glitterbomb and everything else grew great lower nugs. Clones. Sunlight.

This is the 1 addition to all water till now. Prolly little pieces in each res. And just getting better. Less than $5 lil thing from HD.



If you’re on OG and buying beans from anywhere please look no further than @JohnnyPotseed

Viet Black foo

Try a little tenderness.

Just anticipating…


Ok I bought 3 packs. Skinny leafs. Only 2 came. I let JP know and requested a change. A fem instead of the missing Durban Whirlwind. Cool. Then another 4 came. 6 packs. Less than 1 Bodhi pack. No shade.

Done buying beans!
No co-op sign-ups either. Still trickling in from auctions. Smh. So much fire in the fridge. Regs and fems.

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