Be careful out there! Artificial thc

Vaping mercury sounds great.


I like my pax 3 on the flavor setting. I always use it one time on each new harvest to really experience the flavor. That’s about all it gets used for :joy:

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That was the grit weed :sweat_smile::open_mouth:‍:dash: that fucked you up hard from the inside…

Cats around here’ve been cutting their bags with cbd flower. Harmless but makes me glad not be buying anymore.

Did they really or did they report that they did? A few years back there was a sudden rash of “fent laced weed” popping up and the timing and locations were conveniently timed with marijuana reform happening. It’s funny cause they hopped on it saying basically “still think marijuana is harmless? Rethink legalization” and my thoughts were - so you’re telling me there’s fent laced weed out there? Damn we better hurry and set up a legal market so that people can buy safe tested marijuana then you dumb shits!

Was this in the UK? I heard about that but iirc it was instances there I heard about. Also heard Ireland had a spell of plastic laced hash going around at one point.

I have a nice little portable vape that is really nice, and will smoke a joint over it 9/10 times. I actually keep forgetting I have the vape and haven’t used it in over a year.

I’m honestly surprised we don’t hear about this happening much more.


It’s been like that forever. Embalming fluid PCP angel dust. Crack. They probably even mix shit in it. Cat P. I don’t trust anybody. They’ll put whatever they want to. Sad. @Slick1 yes the fake THC stuff they love it. In my opinion I think it’s got meth in it. I don’t mess with the stuff I have some friends that like it. I can’t say I’ve never experimented. I’ve never had a problem with anything. Meth I just didn’t see it. Do not understand the addiction. Some other stuff I have liked but never really cared much for it. I think sometimes the killing of the brain cells triggers something in their head I think they’re getting a feeling of what I don’t know. I like salvia


This was east coast USA, buds were generally coming from people involved in serious organized crime groups. I do remember when I posted a warning on the forums back then the UK guys were familiar with the concept.


Great idea! Can do that too! :laughing: :hugs: :flushed:

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I have absolutely seen that, my guy got some “from his guy” when I was buying still. I had picked up CBD flower from BostonHempire before then so I knew it was passable. I called my guy on it, had him smoke a few bowls WITH me, and he agreed. Still didn’t help him get much better shit, it just became mids with new names every week but still the same old shit.


Smoke shop owner up the street from me tried to sell me on a bag of it awhile back. I just pulled a bud of gorilla glue out of my pocket, she laughed then gave me a free pipe and her phone #


Exactly. The people I was getting it from would not hesitate to mount heads as if they were car hood ornaments. That’s why I never said anything other than “oh. Okay”. And never went back. Lol.

We had an old lady around here who only smoked bud. She had been feeling bad for a few weeks so she went the doctor. Her test came back with 7 different drugs. roach spray, hair spray, crack, meth, xan, k2, I can’t remember the last one. But it was the worst one.
She only got bud from one person, but this cat is a bad drug head. So she have expected that.
They have stuff around here that so loud, but the smell goes away 2 to 3 days after you get it.
I find it hard to smoke anything besides my own. I just don’t trust it.


I got laced once. Not cool. Guy told me “it’s really good weed” I looked at it like “this is brick bud man, what’re you talking about?” The guy looked at me dead I the eye and said “it’s reeeaally good weed man”. So I was like okay whatever. I remember smoking some, filling up my tank, and woke up 2 days later in the woods on empty. And I violated probation for going missing for 2 days. Apparently the first night I walked to the movie theatre wearing nothing but boxer shorts. Acted like I was gonna cut the line, and knocked some guy out standing there. Til this day, I don’t know who he was, or why I did it. Crazy stuff man.


Damn, it’s getting crazy out there in the real life. I’ve never had laced bud that I know of. Although, I’m sure I have… fent in weed? That’s scary stuff. Glad I don’t buy on the streets!


The thing about it you could have. There’s no telling. I have had people tell me that they put something on it was something after the fact. We called those Wolf’s. Because you didn’t know if it was going to have a bite to the bark. I would go to some rough places back in the day.


Cartridges in calif are the worst.
Before legalization I would never even take a hit off a friend’s if it came from any shop.
Brassknucles had lawsuits against them.
Stizzy employee said they woukd sell bulk out the back door untested.
Grow your own kids.
I remember selling brick in the 90s an it smelled like so many different things
Parquet from our own government

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Vaping is not good imop. Something changed about it. Hopefully he won’t have those problems anymore. I think if they’d go ahead and make some of the stuff legal it wouldn’t be so bad on everybody. To be honest weed is hard to get some times.


That woulda been last time I dealt with that plug and probably woulda resulted in a brick to the face. Shit like putting glass or shit like that in it shows how little you matter as a customer and what kind of person they are. If the product is tainted or bad it should never reach other people much less people paying for it. Sorry if that was a little above and beyond but anyone who puts stuff like that or sprays their product down with synthetic/ stuff like fent deserve anything that happens to them.


Yea jeez…lots of.comments
I’m growing landraces curing them.myself.and smoking joints with zigzagz…just.lik it was.1977