Be careful out there! Artificial thc

I remember my old friend who had the wildest stories used to say people would cut they’re cocaine with glass lol so it would cut your nose and enter your blood stream quicker… Lol one of the many stories…LOL …I hope the customers were all inhalers
(I guess I.V. users would hopefully filter out the glass with cotton. Lol…not good to put that in your veins straight to the heart )

I ALSO watched a documentary on A certain cannabis in Germany. that users are addicted to .it’s all they want. I think it’s synthetic canniboids


I’m guessing Rocky Horror Picture Show wasn’t playing that night?

Two days though, that’s a solid chunk of time to lose. Glad you didn’t get seriously hurt.


Well here in northern Indiana I would never buy brick weed ever again. It’s coming from Mexico already laced with fent. Why you may ask, well cause it’s a way to hook the kids who would otherwise never think of trying opiates. Plus even if they never realize it, they will have to keep coming back to the same guy or they’d get sick after smoking any other weed and not realize it wasn’t the other weed making them sick, but the fact they weren’t getting their fent fix and going into withdrawals.

Oh and they also have found a good amount of sinsemilla that instead of being weed, is just hemp flower bought cheap and sprayed with Jwh analogs, delta 8, delta 10 and then some cheap terps to try and make it smell and taste like the hype stuff.

It’s scary out there in the traditional market these days. It’s only about money and the honor of the old days is long gone.

Sadly once it’s federally legal and big corporations get involved and then lobbyists it’s only gonna get worse. Wait til they start allowing pesticides and herbicides cause they make it easier to grow large quantities for mega corps. It’ll be like all the weird things that allowed in food products like so many bug pieces are allowed per gram Of chocolate.


Some of these stories are crazy!

Growing up in BC, weed was readily available anywhere you went. I bought dirt weed a few times in my teens but never had anything laced that I’m aware of. Unless you count weed sprayed with kool-aid to give it a sweet taste as laced :joy:

Never had to buy weed from the shady “friend of a friend who knows a guy, who has an uncle, who knows another guy” type of thing, thankfully. I doubt I would have smoked if that was the case

Started smoking weed at Marc Emerys shop when I was 19 and it was a game changer. You couldn’t buy it but every so often Marc would share some of his stash. It was always loud as fuck. First time I tried budder was down there. Never been so high in my life :rofl:


Every post in here is the perfect reason to grow your own Cannabis… This world is nuts…


I agree with that.


Yea funny how growing can save you…isn’t it.

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Decent article.

I’ve recently bought some dispensary weed and that shit started to spark and pop. I tossed the whole batch. I never seen weed go off like the 4th of july.


Most likely not dried and cured correctly . put down damp.

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When I was young I got a bag with compressed bud that had a glassy sheen over the whole of the nugs. I decided to smoke, well it turned out to be some laced shit. We were tripping and everything was sped up. Last time I saw dude he was on the floor and the baseball bat broke. Another time a guy sold us a half p of literal grass, threw the bag took the money and peeled out. One of the biggest Jack’s that happened to us, we ended up chaining one of his rims to the other one, well nuff said.


some people or bad people. they would be delt with would not be pretty.

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Here in Oklahoma, the OMMA (Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority) has sent out a warning that stuff ( the artificial THC) is being put into some batches of concentrates. It’s been found in the dispos…

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One of my neighbors ended up with what they called “cannabinoid hyperemesis” which is barfing from heavy weed use. She believes it was from some additives the commercial growers use to bulk up their plants for the recreational dispensary. Seems if she uses stuff from the medical dispensary, no barfing.
Is there such a thing to bulk up plants that is toxic to smoke? /shrug

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I think she probably smoked some flower sprayed with THC-O-acetate… just a guess though.

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Yes it seems possible. That conversation where she told me about this is actually the thing that led to me ending up (edit: BACK)here on overgrow


Just saw this for first time, not good that it was a “two wheeled gang”, “no longer legal” with it at $4k a Qt., that could mean it’s everywhere… I’m just saying it cause my patients and customer patients won’t have to worry, we homegrown…


I know this for a fact. I am a building contractor in southern Az, and my concrete forman died two weeks ago from weed laced with fentinal.


I’m so sorry to hear this


Seen it first hand being put on gummies in Michigan, scumbags.
Tried to sell it to us for 4k a qt. at co-op!