Be careful out there! Artificial thc

My wife’s niece and her husband were found dead in their house. Cocaine laced with Fentanyl. Apparently they bought a bad gram. Very occasional recreational snorters. I haven’t messed with blow in a long time, but these two left behind 2 kids and were pretty upstanding people in their community ( High School teacher and coach, and a nurse)


Damn :cry::rage:

That’s why I shoot my kids straight. Weed, acid, shrooms you’ll be okay but wait til your an adult. Pills and powders can kill you that one time. Sorry some scumbag cut their lives short…


Meanwhile in Canada….where cannabis is legal! :grin:

I get prescribed synthetic THC by my ex pain mgmt specialist! I refused, politely! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Will just grow my own thanks, :+1:t2: with or without a script!


One of the growers for our medical dispensaries just got busted adding delta 8 to their carts.

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It used to be a creed to never drop a dime on a weed user or seller but I have to say if I knew of a person selling weed like this I really would not have any compunction against dropping a dime on scum like this. The health issues they cause and potential long term effects I cant imagine. No different from someone selling heroin maybe even worse. Heroin addicts should know, even if they dont care about the posion they are using. Buying weed thats adulterated and expecting it to be just weed is beyond criminal, its immoral but I know that lots of douche bags are like that. I have not smoked anything I have not grown myself in years. The only exception are some gummy’s we like sometimes from a legal dispensary. I just have to have a little bit of faith in the testing required for them and we have never had a problem we know of.

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Dispensary weed 9.times out of ten so nasty and caught inducing, sometimes gave me headaches…
Those ten percent that are.not nasty are.really good though.