Beacher - some past grows and future

Here’s the g99 #4, jungle spice and GSC that are on a shelf in the back of my bud room. They’re in the same cheap coco, I forgot to flush them when I watered tonight but will next time for sure. They’re doing well enough, but the JS and GSC are showing some issues.

This Jungle Spice (middle) has such an amazing smell. I’m not even sure how to describe it…fruity pine? Its very distinctive and unlike anything else I’ve ever grown. The GSC is a bitch about nutes and too stretchy, I’ll be killing this one off after this round.

The G99 #4 (left) was the odd (wo)man out that wouldn’t fit on the scrog screen, its a nice plant…very similar to the others but it might be my keeper we’ll see


G99s on the screen are looking so amazing, some of the frostiest plants I’ve ever seen. They’re at day 30 now. I’ve numbered them here so I can stop checking my notes every time lol

They’re very consistent, with minor differences. So far I’d say #1 is the weakest, its a bit smaller, less frosty, and is already seeming to have a bit of trouble holding up its nugs. #9 is the standout as of now, incredibly frosty and a bit ‘fuller’ and bigger than the others, but its very close. Here’s a couple of its nugs in a blurry lights out shot:


That’s awesome to hear.

Your plants are looking nice man. Great run!


Looking great!!! Killer colas up in here


Beautiful setup all around.

C99 and its children always look so distinctive to me, almost silver in appearance with those dark leaves. Absolutely on my must try list.


They definitely have a distinctive look, and they ALL have it too. They’re also unbelievably sticky.

I started a couple seeds of the accidental cross I made of the ‘mystery male’ and Mr Sparkle’s Dark Sparks. They’re nice plants so far, good structure and very drama free.

I noticed something cool when I topped them, they both inherited these ‘knuckles’ from the male. It was very noticeable on him wherever i trimmed a branch. Apparently weird beefy stem lumps is a dominant trait? :thinking:

I’ve got a clone of one rooted and in the flower room for sexing, the other’s clone should be rooted in a week or so.


Those knuckles make STRONG branches. I get those usually from super cropping or even just lst.
Gonna be some hardy plants


The juices cant flow fast enough!! Lol…she’s just pushing hard, eh!! Great stuff!! Cant wait to see this play out. Do you just flush in the sink or bathtub with ph balanced water to flush the salts?..I may have to do the same thing.


I just toss them in a Rubbermaid and run tons of tap water through. I don’t bother pHing because i wet them again afterwards with pHed nutes so I figure it should balance out.

Its started becoming part of my routine for all plants that are a bit older, every month or so I give everything a good wash haha


I like to call them gussets


My welding teacher loved gussets…gussets on everything!!! “You know what would make that better and stronger?..add a gusset here and another one here…and here, here, here, here and those spots over there.”
If you wanted an A+ just put gussets everywhere…lol…getting baked in the TIG welding booths…blowing hits in the exhaust…lol.
Ahhh yes, high school. Good times!


Gussets and dimple dies! Yeah baby!


I don’t know anything about welding, but I find those very aesthetically pleasing if they’re neatly done.


The autos in my veg room are doing pretty well. They’re nice and tight considering i put them in a ring around the outside of the lights main coverage area. Eventually I hope to line the sides of the whole veg room with autos in varying stages of maturity.

Here’s a Dragon Tongue, a Dark Spark, and an Earth Lover. They’re all showing a hint of too much nitrogen at their tops, especially the Dark Spark which I feed at about 75% of the others…they’re all quite healthy otherwise though. Mr Sparkle’s autos are some of the best smelling plants I’ve ever come across, its intoxicating!


Here’s the rest of the veg room, with a ‘da fuzz’ auto in the front. I’m still only using 1 out of 3 light fixtures, I’m not really sure why tbh. I guess just to be cheap, and I’m so used to working with small spaces that it doesn’t really bother me lol


The G99s are at day 39 now and doing really well. I added some wire supports that run from the left to the right of the room about 8" higher than the screen. Quite a few of the branches were really sagging with their weight…SWEET lol

They’re all crazy frosty and really, really sticky. Smell is sweet, and very strong. The #9 in the back right really didn’t need any support and has the biggest colas, its also the one with the least nute issues. The others are showing minor cal/mag deficiencies at various levels but the 9 really isn’t at all.

I gave these all a straight water flushing tonight, runoff came between 1600-2000ppm with tap water, so they definitely needed it.


They are looking very nice for 39 days Beacher, I think you are going to need some supports soon.


@beacher really solid man. Looking great.

Did you keep any seeds to run later of these? Or take any clones? Curious if you gonna keep it as a mom?

Ya they’re getting heavy, I’ve been patching in stakes and wiring as I go to give them some support. They’re not the biggest nugs, but they’re super dense and heavy!

@Mongobongo, I have clones of everything in my veg room. I’ll definitely be keeping one or two of these as a permanent fixture.


Tig is like silver solder almost. Very good thing to learn either. After so many years with a torch I prefer gas for most everything lol