Beacher - some past grows and future

I have some of those issues. PM and black mold living in the same house/basement. The block foundation is leaking thru in a couple of places at the basement level. Needs to be dug from the outside and sealed in this case.

Channeling the water runoff away from the house helps. When it is damp I will sometimes put some vinegar in the water and spray the floor and walls where mold is seen. And in the cracks and corners. Also found that sprinkling alfalfa meal on damp spots seems to help change the ‘biosphere’ and deters both.

Pooled stagnant water is a possible vector for Legionnaires and not safe between 20-50 C


Never heard that about alfalfa meal, very interesting. Our house is very old and the basement is designed to have water running through it, I think it would be nearly impossible to fix via patching etc but when we eventually do some landscaping i definitely want to figure out a way to just move the water to somewhere else. I believe there’s also a spring or something running right through the property, so thats fun lol

Whitewash is very cheap and good to cover surfaces, it acts as an antifungal of sorts and a sealant too.


I used Concrobium and a product called Moldex when I gutted my moldy basement a few months back, and it worked wonders. The concrobium in particular keeps the mold away even in the spots I expected it to come back, and both products are just spray and walk away. The Moldex removes all mold stains almost instantly without scrubbing.


Looks like good stuff, thanks. Glad to hear it worked for ya!


Bleach water you can actually watch the mold run off the wall, with a spray bottle


So my seedlings that were stalled out finally took off after flushing and feeding them. They got huge in the last week to so so I was finally able to take some clones to sex them. Only a few showed preflowers.

Up top are the seedling donors that I hacked way back to slow growth, clones down below. There’s someOrange Sunshine, Cackleberry, Snow Lotus 10-d and a couple of my mystery male x jungle spice.

There’s also a Reiko FAM auto that I absentmindedly started in a solo cup, so sadly I don’t think it will get very big but it sure is cute!


You can transplant the auto if you are gentle…


Hmmm i might try, although gentle is not in my vocabulary lol. It’s pretty established, I think about 4 weeks or so from sprouting. It got stalled out with the others at the beginning due to crappy, poorly flushed coco.

I’ve started another of yours in a 1 gallon pot and it’s doing very well!


Is it true once the tap of an auto hits the bottom of the pot it’s done getting any more size?


I believe that is a cultivar specific trait. I have seen it in the Lowryder2 and his offspring, but not so much with the FAM crosses or the Gas and Guns I just finished. I still say it is best to plant in the final container, but you can transplant an auto if you are gentle.

Also, you might be surprised how big an auto in a solo cup actually can get.


Yeah I heard you should put them in their final resting spot instead of up potting.


Ya I’ve seen some pretty huge autos in Solo cups! This one was stunted by it’s shaky start so I think it’s about as big as it wants to be.


The g99s are finishing up really nicely. They’re very dense and sticky now, hairs are mostly red and about 20% or so amber trichs. I’ll flush them one more time and harvest in the next few days.

I took a few small buds to sample about a week ago and it’s really nice weed. It has a classic ‘hashplant’ sort of flavor, with hints of fuel and/or fruit depending on the pheno. A really nice uplifting buzz that is clear-headed and energetic. It’s going to be hard to pick a favorite!

Here they are at day 59.


I’ve been meaning to make a better door for my veg room and finally got around to it. At first I just went with a hanging piece of black/white, but unfortunately I have much more negative pressure than I expected lol

It’s crazy because I have a small 4" fan going out and two 4" intake holes but it’s still vacuumed out like crazy

Had to scrap that and make a more proper one out of wood. This one’s nice because there’s a gap along the top edge that will allow for more intake air from higher up where it’s warmer and cleaner.


I spent a couple days in trim jail this week and got everything chopped. The g99s came out beautifully, really big and dense…the smoke is incredible. Here’s all of them on day 64 before harvest:


Nice finish…


Damn @beacher that is a great looking grow. Buds are looking so nice. Fat, caked clusters of deliciousness. What smells you getting off them ?


G99 #1

This pheno was a bit larger than most of the others. Faded to some nice lime green and golden yellow colors. It was more floppy than the others and required the most support. It has a more fuel like scent on the plant. It was about 50-60% cloudy and ~10% amber at 64 days.

One topper from this plant had a small amount of botrytis on it…thats the only rot I found in the entire crop, there was no hint of it on any other buds.

Here’s the whole plant with just large fan leaves trimmed off

And some gratuitous nug shots. The smoke from this is fruity, with a pineapple type taste and hints of fuel/pine. Very pleasant, energetic high. I also noticed I can see very clearly with this one, lots of strains make my vision kinda blurry lol


That is just outstanding! Another OG created strain kills it!!! Love seeing that!!!
She yields too, nice combination !


G99 #3

This was a more medium sized plant. It stayed mostly green with a bit of yellow fading. This one also needed quite a bit of support/tying. On the plant it smells fruity with licorice (or maybe rubber). It was 50-60% cloudy with very little amber at day 65.

The whole plant fans removed

The smoke from this one is very fruity with a definite pineapple taste. Its quite strong and actually has a more relaxed, almost sleepy buzz to it. The others are all ‘up’ smoke. This one’s quite different!