Beacher - some past grows and future

G99 #7

This plant is a good size with full, chunky nugs. Hands down the most pretty of the phenos, this one faded to beautiful purples, ambers and orange hues. It needed almost no additional support or tying. On the plant it has a fuel scent, with hints of pine or mint. It was 50-60% cloudy trichs with no amber at day 65.

The whole enchilada

I don’t have any smoking notes on this one even though I took a sample of it with the others about a week ago. It just kinda got lost (smoked) in the mix lol. I’ll have to give it a good review when dry…


Very nice Beacher, you made a good job of those :thumbsup:


G99 #9

This is a big plant, heavy chunky toppers…smaller bottom nugs were more fluffy than the others though.This one faded to some nice light purple and golden colors. It needed a moderate amount of support, mostly due to hugeness lol. Fruity hashplant smelling. It had 40-50% cloudy and a very little amount of amber at day 65.

The whole plant

The smoke from this one has a distinctive hashplant taste to it. Good potency, with a buzz very similar to #1 - clearheaded and upbeat.


Damn, you need another one!!!


I also hacked the 3 smaller SOG style plants I had along the back in 1 galls. They were a bit behind the big plants so at day 58-60 when chopped.

Here’s the #4 G99. This one is pretty in line with the others as far as structure/size. Not quite as ripe as the others due to being a bit behind…I haven’t sampled this one yet

The Jungle Spice I kept from last round. This one has a really cool distinctive spicy kinda smell to its. Its a really nice smoke, tasty with a pleasant mellow buzz.

The Girl Scout Cookies I kept around from last round. I’m glad I kept this plant and gave it a better shot, its quite chunky and has a really great fruit punch smell to it. A SOG of this plant would be crazy. Its a bit bitchy about food and likes weaker nutes and less nitrogen.


A great harvest, I’m really happy with the outcome. Thanks again to @paintedfire420 for these killer seeds, this is the nicest strain I’ve grown in years!

I also took down my remaining outdoor plant…a bit late lol. Its a Jungle Spice x Black Domina. When I threw this outside my other outdoor plants were a few weeks into flowering. This thing just took its sweet time and still wasn’t totally done. It’s been through numerous sub zero nights and kept going. It has a nice lemon cleaner scent.

And here’s a nice nug of Da Fuzz that I’ve really been enjoying, just amazing tasting weed. Thanks for looking!


That’s surprising that an overnight freeze didn’t turn it black and kill it.
You must have a lot of silica and calcium built up in the plants… can’t freeze a rock?


I’m not sure lol I think it just got acclimated as the temperatures dropped slowly. It was in my sun porch most of the time, but it definitely got below freezing in there several times. Tough plant!

@Jetdro thanks bro!


Some really nice grows there @beacher! :clap:


Very nice haul, killed it man


Some nice grows man! Always love looking through your thread :slight_smile: that’s sweet about that outdoor one heh. Some strong genes in the black domina x jungle spice !


Nothing too exciting going on here lately, but there will be lots of action soon enough lol. In my big room I planted 14 autoflowers in 1 and 2 gallon pots. 2 seedlings didn’t come up so I replaced them with some autos from my veg room that are 2+ weeks old…they’re the way bigger ones

I have them under the 400 MH conversion bulb at about 24" away for now.

Edit: I should have mentioned there are 5 x ReikoX FAM autos and 9 x Dark Sparks by Mr Sparkle


My little 2 storey veg closet is rammed. I could move more of this stuff down to my new bigger veg room, but I want to make sure the PM is gone before I do that so they’re stuck here. I haven’t seen any signs of it for about a week so I think I’m OK. I modified the airflow in the tent and sprayed with a 4:1 water:h2o2 solution and i think its worked, I’m really happy about that.

These are all seedling "mothers’ that I started I think about 6 weeks ago and their clones. Orange Sunshine, Cackleberry, Snow Lotus x ? 10-D, and a couple of my own mystery male crosses.

I manually put these clones on the bottom shelf into the dark every day as I’m trying to sex them. Its been a week now and only one has definitively shown…wtf. Soon enough they’ll show and I’ll kill these and be able to sort out the mothers.

On the top shelf more mothers and a FAM Auto from ReikoX that I started at the same time as the others. Its chunking out really nicely in its solo cup and smells incredible. Maybe kinda like incense?

Edit: also the blank cups on the bottom are 3 Girl Scout Cookies fems from Monster Genetics that I won from the Vault. I think they’re a pretty new breeder, let’s see what they’ve got!


that Da Fuzz bud is a beauty :heart_eyes: I’m such a sucker for the purps.

You did an awesome job on these G99, showcased them real well. Any idea for potential keepers yet or is it too early to tell?


1 is my favorite smoke. It’s got a really zingy, fresh flavor and a great happy buzz…but they all have their charms. I’m running them all again with a big #4 as that didn’t get a fair shake last time.


I would have thought #7 was gonna be the one!!


7 is the nicest looking for sure and second biggest yielder, but the smoke is less exciting to me and gf. She’ll get another chance in a couple weeks, I still have them all except #3.


My next run will be his plants, and Orange Glue.


I’d love to see these let loose in the octos. Did you hit the JW glue cut you got with the orange goji?


Not yet, they just went into flower today with the 4 in the Octos.
Will let them go 3-4 week in before "painting " them with OG pollen.

Gonna be crushed if the OG pollen in my freezer is no good still.