Beacher - some past grows and future

Beautiful work on all of them @beacher :pray::pray::heart:
And a happy harvest :maple_leaf::evergreen_tree::maple_leaf:!!


A quick update with some more (crappy) pics lol. Iā€™ve been absolutely messed up health wise and mentally lately so have not been putting as much love into the ladies as I should, but theyā€™re plugging along OK.

Hereā€™s a couple of my 7 g99s at day 47. Since I spotted a small amount of PM on them a couple weeks ago Iā€™ve been spraying with potassium bicarbonate weekly and havenā€™t seen any since. Iā€™m hoping I can limp them home to 9 weeks without it taking holdā€¦this seems to be the trend with my plants lately

Despite the spraying theyā€™re looking decent, great smell and super dense.


These ladies in my veg room are getting flipped today. 2 Orange Gojis (#5 and 6B), a Blackberry Breath (#1 keeper) and my Monster GSC. I think theyā€™ve been vegging in these 2 gallon hempys about 2 weeks, but Iā€™m too lazy to go double check lol. Iā€™ve sprayed them with suflur today and will once more in about a week, then its potassium bicarbonate only going forward if needed.


Sorry to hear you been a bit Tom and Dick
:mask: :face_with_thermometer: :sneezing_face: :nauseated_face: :face_with_head_bandage: lately, the plants are looking nice and healthy even if you have not.:+1:


Hi Beacher!
Sorry to hear about the heath issues, I hope all is better for you soon.
(thought you were a little quiet lately)

What is your protocol for using potassium bicarb. for treating the PM?
(inquiring minds and all) :laughing:



Keep up the good fight @beacher, hoping things swing around for you soon mate! :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks guys. This shit has been ongoing for over a year now. I was on a major upswing for months there and really thought I had got over the hill then out of nowhere right back down. If I could figure it out I would be happy but I really have no fucking clue.

Iā€™ve quit drinking, eat like a goddamn hippy, vitamins, exercise, yoga, meditation etc etc and I still canā€™t make the connection of wtf is going on. Iā€™ve given up on medical professionals at this pointā€¦ anyways enough whining lol

@Gpaw per gallon (4 liters) of water I mix 3 tbsp potassium bicarbonate, 1tbsp of vegetable oil and 1 tsp of dishsoap as a wetting agent. I spray every week once I see any signs of it and it does seem to keep it at bay. I use this because itā€™s totally non toxic, the plants donā€™t seem to mind too muchā€¦it burns their pistils and slows them down a bit

Thatā€™s for flowering plants. In veg Iā€™ve been using 5 grams of sulfur powder per 500ml spray bottle and hitting them every weekish. It definitely seems more effective than the PC, but leaves a residue so no bueno for budding plants.

I gave up on the lactobacillus unfortunately as pm would show up a few days after spraying it, itā€™s not very effective.


I was told sulfur was ā€˜the go toā€™ in veg. but not to use it in flower (messes with the taste of the bud).
So thanks for the advice (and my brew supply guy carries pot. bicarb. cheap!)

Thanks & Cheers


Have you had your house checked for mold? As you have a pm problem mold may be there also, it maybe connected to your health problems.


Good point!
Shadey is right on that - worth checkingā€¦



No and I really should, itā€™s a very old house with moisture issues in the basement. Thanks for that Iā€™ll look into it!


Hey buddy, you might also check how youā€™re sleeping. If you have apnea it can really make your time awake unpleasant. I always thought it was just bigger people who had problems with it, but Iā€™m fairly skinny and had really bad apnea that messed me up for like 10 yearsā€¦ Hope you get it figured out bro, good luck!


I think I sleep well, I sure sleep enough haha. Did you have any indicators? Like waking up all the time or something?


Tired all day and crippling headaches in the morning. It took me a long time to figure out because I just wrote the headaches off as a sinus thing since I have pretty bad allergies, and thought the fatigue was just a sign that I was no longer in my 20s lol :slight_smile:


Well definitely tired all the time but no headaches reallyā€¦did you get one of those Darth Vader masks?


Lol yepā€¦ itā€™s definitely not my favorite thing to wear to bed but Iā€™m pretty used to it now. Headaches are gone and Iā€™m a lot less tired during the day and overall feel a lot better.

Thatā€™s the big symptom for apnea though is just feeling tired all the time. I donā€™t snore, which I always thought was the big signā€¦

Anyways I have no idea if thatā€™s whatā€™s going on, but I know a few folks who just kinda felt like crap all the time and it turned out that had sleep apnea. So my mind generally goes there when someone mysteriously is fatigued all the time.

The first step is usually to do an at home test which just means wearing a monitor on your finger while you sleep.

It sucks feeling crappy for long periods of time and can wear on you mentally as well.

Hope you figure it out dude!


Well at least you sound all scary if a burglar broke in or something haha. Iā€™m glad it worked for you and thanks for another avenue to explore I hadnā€™t considered that at all.


So I lied and will not be flipping my hempys today. After a sulfur spray and training session I realized theyā€™re not quite where Iā€™d like them yet so should be a few more days of veg yet.

The gojis and BBB are just incredibly vigorous. My girlfriend loves the BBB smoke as well, its sweet and has a subtle hint of the blackberry jam that it smells likeā€¦such a ā€˜beautā€™ haha

Most of you wonā€™t find this very impressive, but I donā€™t get fan leaves like this with my small pots and spaces. Monsters!

Note the white stuff is sulfur, NOT powdery mildew for once :expressionless:


So i know I only want to keep one of my Orange Goji double seedling ā€˜twinsā€™. Iā€™m keeping 6B which was originally the runt when they started. Iā€™ve now got a clone of that for a mother so I decided to put them outside to finish their lives together.

Theyā€™ve been together in this tiny pot since sprouting, about 4 months now I think.

They should enjoy their new home, a 3 gallon of promix with some dolomite lime.


I flipped my next round. In the large hempies are Orange Goji 5 and 6B, Blackberry Breath 1, and my Monster GSC keeper. Off to the sides in half gallon pots are an Orange Goji 6A and Blackberry Breath 6.


Theyā€™re under a 400HPS for now, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll go up to the 600 or not. Note the white residue on them is from sulfur spray.

I noticed a leaf with some holes in it a few days ago and didnā€™t think much of it. I assumed I had damaged it while pruning or something. Well today I found another one. No signs of bugs anywhere that I can seeā€¦anyone know wtf this might be?