Beacher - some past grows and future

There seems to be a lot of mottling on all of the leaves, could that be mold?
Perhaps shooting the leaf in natural light may help.
The RH has been edging up, I think we are over 70% today.



I see lots of residue on your plants leaves, is that Sulphur you were spraying in your water, it may be burning holes when it collects and concentrates itself in spots.


Ya those spots are sulfur that I spray for powdery mildew. No spots on new growth!

@Shadey I never thought of that, it does tend to pool in places. Iā€™ll keep an eye out going forward to see if thatā€™s it, thanks :+1:


Are you using a wetting agent? A drop or two of Castile soap would work


I normally use dish soap but for some reason I havenā€™t been with the sulfurā€¦duh. My girlfriend has some Castile soap, yoink!


which form of sulfur are you using? a wettable powder or just ground up pellets or some garden sulfur powder? I used sulfur sludge concentrate defender safers it was easy to mix with water and spread out good. If you get too much sulfur you can generate lots of sulfuric acid. Should still kill mildew though :slight_smile:


Itā€™s a powdered form that I got from a greenhouse. Seems to work great so far!


It should do the job! You could probably cut back a bit on the sulfur if itā€™s making holes. The wettable sulfur dissolves better in water. The sulfur is deadly to mildew DIE DIE! Have your blooming plants been cut down so there are only veg plants left that can be soaked? Iā€™m hoping you can saturate all plant material and make a clean break with the fungus.


No I have two flowering rooms going atm lol. I spray the one with g99s with potassium bicarbonate weekly as it showed up in there a few weeks ago. It sucks but keeps it at bay and it totally non toxic. The other room has some other strains that I have yet to see it on so hopefully they will show more resistance.


Possibly a silly question, but do you use a silica additive? Iā€™ve heard it can make plants more resistant to PM. I doubt it would prevent it entirely, but maybe added to what you are doing already it could help?


Mega crop has a good dose of silica in it. I actually do have some as well, but Iā€™m too lazy to add it every time. I guess I should probably try itā€¦thanks!


heh hehā€¦ I didnā€™t want to tell anyone this, but my theory about cannabis that doesnā€™t burn is based on too much silicon. That shit doesnā€™t burn. If you can falsify that, it would be nice!

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Hmm interestingā€¦ maybe I should try loading them up on it and see. I wonder if you could grow bud that would break scissors lol

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Iā€™ve tried a few things to reproduce that effect, including overdosing on nutrients and also keeping the nutrient levels high right until trim. Neither of those made the weed nonflammable, but I gave this guy a clone and he made nonflammable buds. So it is possible! He had just grown the plants in some dirt he dug out of the ground. Looked heavy! I should go and question the nonflammable bud growers, perhaps I can see what they all do that is similar. Black ash and the dooooooobs go out and are hard to relight. That is what I am investigating right nowā€¦as a contamination.

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Iā€™ve always wondered about that because Iā€™ve done a few rounds with no flushing and (high N) full strength mega crop right to the end and didnā€™t have black ash or anything like that. Like WTF are they feeding those things?


Orange Gojis, Blackberry Breaths and GSC at day 5 last night. Theyā€™ve really blown up fast, theyā€™re already drinking like crazy.

Iā€™ve been defoliating a bit but wonā€™t be so aggressive with these. Iā€™ll spray them one last time with sulfur tonight or tomorrow before flowers start forming.


Orange Goji twins are super happy in their new home in the sun. I topped them a couple days ago and tied them down to opposite sides of the pot today.

Look at this freaking thingā€¦hens and chicks i think? Insert beavis and butthead laugh here hehehe


My veg room looks so pathetic. I hacked everything back as I usually do every week or so and hit em with sulfur just for kicks.

Despite the sad looks I love seeing it like this, easy street! I should be getting something ready to go into room B when the guava 99s are done in about a week, but Iā€™m just gonna leave it empty for a while. My back is destroyed from the endless basement hunching and I just donā€™t have it in me to start another round yetā€¦


Hi @beacher
Checking out your thread to see whats up. On the Megacrop. MC contains silica, but itā€™s a very small amount. Based on the GLN website calculator, I believe it takes 5grams per gallon of MC (1 part) to obtain one (1) ppm of silica.

Compare toā€¦
GH Armor Si 1ml per gallon.
26.4 ppm Silica
8.8 ppm K

Good read.


Iā€™m not sure because I have it like this plugged into this random nutrient calculator I use: