Beacher - some past grows and future

Oh shit you’re right lol. It just looked so much better on the chart vs the other nutrients lol. I have a bottle of dnf silica I’ll have to try bumping it up with that.


Hmmm. I see you using ml/gr per Litre in the chart.

Everything I do is based on ml/gr per Gallon.


Ya I’m used to converting as a Canuck anyways. 5gr/gallon is exactly the strength I use MC at (1.25gr/L).

It’s actually 3.8L to a gallon but I just always multiply by 4. Close enough, eh? :canada:


You’re bilingual! - that makes you and honourary Hoser!
:+1: :sunglasses:



Oh ya. Gotta up my international flair. I like the exposure.

My sign language skills are useless here.


Yeap, I noticed you say litres (U.K.) instead of liters (rest of the world) … frech|nullxnull


Sorry u r not feeling well… i would say check for the ole diabeeetus. When I was idganosed at 40 it was because I couldn’t stay awake. And I’m somebody who only sleeps at night


It runs rampant in both sides of my family. It’s something I’ve thought about, especially as I was a heavy drinker for years and would sometimes go hypoglycemic the morning after a good piss up. I try to eat a low GI hypoglycemic diet now which seems to help for sure.

I got blood work done a couple times and numbers were apparently ok. I’m going to pick up a blood sugar monitor and start checking at random times during the day (before/after meals etc) to see if I can notice a pattern. I’ve pretty much given up on doctors at this point they just enrage me lol

Thanks for the tip!


Man doctors can be so useless. Especially in Canada where our diagnostic testing is so year 2000 at best. Universal Healthcare has its downfall. Not to mention we lose a lot of great doctors and specialists to superior markets. I had severe testicular pain for 2 years. Seen 3 or 4 doctors. They all felt on my cock and balls repeatedly. None of them gave me an answer. Finally after being with my wife for 7 years her lifelong family doctor finally accepted me. First appointment I mention how the old danglers really bug me. 5 mins later I was diagnosed with multiple severe hernias and was booked forba repair. The line was too long and my intestines ended up filling up my scrotum in a moment I can only describe as sheer panic and the most pain I ever experienced. Had to wait 6 months for surgery. Having a nutsack the size of 5 pin bowling ball was reason enough for my surgery to be immediate after I only made it 4 months or so. DONT GIVE UP. And if you want to try the beetus thing just drink a mountain dew wait 10 mins if your blood sugar spikes over lets say 7 or 8 u have the beetus or pre. I’m not a Dr just play one on OG. If you have full blown beetus you will see double digit numbers.


Holy shit man that sounds absolutely terrible. Hopefully the old nads are ok now? Of all the things to have a problem with… :grimacing:

I agree about our medical system. I’m like the opposite of a hypochondriac, I’ve never really been to a doctor in my adult life. I’ve had tons of injuries and issues that I just dealt with myself because I couldn’t be bothered going to a dr.

When this started I had a long list of pretty serious symptoms. I really thought I would go to a doctor and they’d be like ‘ya it’s clearly this’ and we could go from there. Instead the guy talked to me for like 2 minutes and gave me a prescription for lexapro to ‘get my serotonin levels right’. I was floored (and pissed lol). I asked him what my serotonin levels are now which he obviously couldn’t answer and seemed offended by.

Now it’s over a year later. I saw a couple more useless, too busy to care doctors, 3 naturopaths, a CBT counsellor and have read dozens of health and self help books. I still don’t really know wtf is up… I’m convinced if I talked to the right person they’d be like ‘oh ya it’s X’, but I don’t know where to find that person.

If I was richer I’d go to the states and pay large at one of those one stop clinics but that’s just not gonna happen.

Anyways, rant over… I’ll take solace in the fact that my nuts remain happy hahaha :neutral_face:


I think the mold idea is a good thing to check out.

Drs are terrible. Basically they go to school and learn how to be a sales rep for pharmaceutical companies for 6 years

Last time I went to the Dr was for my sciatic nerve and she googled some stretches in front of me. Then she printed off the pages and sent me on my way. Useless…


Ya this all happened after moving to this old, probably moldy, house. I have a friend in the environmental industry I’ll see what he thinks I should do.

That’s so fucked about the doctor. Aren’t they embarrassed? That’s all I thought when I talked to that first guy…I would be ashamed to have so little invested in my profession, especially if it was something so serious as medicine.

I had no idea what our medical system had become, it’s a real shame. As a kid I had doctors in my family so was luck, but they’re all dead now so no more special treatment for me!


Nuts are in tip top shape. Can feel the repair from time to time. I also walked away with a lesson that I wish I knew when I was younger. Just bc you can lift something. Doesnt mean you should


Ya I wish my back would have told me that years ago haha. I’m amazed that I’ve avoided a hernia all this time somehow. I’m pretty skinny and am always lifting things I shouldn’t.

Good news about your nuts! :peanuts:


Seriously though get your air tested. Even if u gotta spend cash. Money means nothing. All you have in life is your health when u break it down. Checking sugars easy and cheap. Eat a chocolate bar or a real sugary drink and test. Good luck beacher


Amazon have mold spore test kits. So does homedepot. If they test positive in any sort of alarming way just then maybe pay an expert


I didn’t know that, very cool. What a time to be alive…I guess haha


There are some good ones out there, I have met a couple.
There’s a lot that fall into Ok & ‘waste of time’ :-1: categories as well.



Oh definitely I agree. Unfortunately in our socialist paradise here you don’t necessarily get to choose.


lol don’t worry the medical system hooked me up at the hospital with a specialist who has the same chronic disease as me. I don’t think anyone could be better at helping. The best part is, if you don’t like what the first doctor says you can go see any number of other doctors for a second or third or…fourth opinion. When I had three doctors workin’ on me the staff at the hospital seemed very pleased. Temporarily solved a lot of problems ;)… with my diabetes mellitus. Reversed some of the damage. With some looking/searching and talking, you can find smart doctors not just the button pushers.