Beacher - some past grows and future

That’s great, I’m glad it worked out for ya! Honestly I’m at the point where I’ve given up on the system, I’ll either figure it out myself or die trying. The process is too stressful and rage inducing for me to start it over and over again.


Ok so there’s definitely something eating the plants in my veg room. I’m seeing damage like this on all the plants in the to varying degrees, and I’m seeing hints of it in my newly flowering plants too…yay lol

The damage is always around new growth tips, the ends of the leaves closest to the stems are being eaten away and the growth tips are coming in deformed.

No signs of bugs even with the microscope. No droppings, webs or any other signs of pests either. Anyone seen this before? WTF :grimacing:


Man you are not having an easy life with your plants buddy. I have never seen that kind of damage before. It seems to be very specific where it happens. Does it just suddenly appear, do you know if it happens in day or night time. You need some kind of security camera in there taking a pic every 30 minutes or so.


just those two plants? area specific? humidity? isolate maybe? never seen that one. new growth on top looks like it was hit with a hair dryer. Any heat sources? hole in a heater vent or flue somewhere?

Color me baffled


All 4 mothers in my veg room have it and it’s showing up a bit on all the newly flowering plants in my budding room.

Temps weren’t too bad lately,but got up 90+ the last few days. No heat sources. Humidity between 60-70 for the most part. I highly doubt this is environmental…roots look ok as well. I’m totally baffled I can’t find pics of anything like this online.

@Shadey I was thinking about something like that, it’s like something is sneaking in an out for snacks lol


when you blow it up the edges do look eaten. Looks like the damage from a hornworm maybe


Ya when I look at pics online it looks like worm/caterpillar or slug damage but I don’t see any (or even traces of them).


Holy shit its from the sulfur! Not sure why I didn’t see this before when searching, but this is definitely it…very distinctive.

Sorry to link to an enemy board haha


I thought it might have been that a couple of weeks ago when you posted some pics up when it was pooling on the leaves heavily, when you were spraying them for PM. You dont see any residue on the leaves on these plants though. I wonder if the heat over the last week made it more intense.

The title on that post says sulfur burner, which is different to spraying it in water but may still have the same affect. Reading more of that post when mixed with water sulfur dioxide becomes sulphuric acid :frowning:

I have seen holes occasionally on my plants leaves as well 2 -3 weeks after using it, never thought it was the sulfur causing it though, as they were tiny holes compared to yours.


Ya I remember that. Good call man. I didn’t think it would be possible as I’ve sprayed with sulfur numerous times before seeing this and never saw a hint of this. I real the sulfuric acid thing too, it must have something to with temperature, and the higher humidity lately allowing the liquid to sit on the leaves longer. What a crazy, obscure thing to happen lol

They all just got a nice freshwater shower hopefully that will rinse the bulk of it off. I think I’ll leave my flowering ones as the damage is negligible and they have so much new growth that never touched the sulfur.


my ig accounts are “north of 7 farmer” and “ontarioautoflowernetwork”.


hopefully there’s been enough sprayed around to break the cycle. You could definitely cut back on the concentration - I can’t say I’ve ever used it strong enough to make that quantity of acid. I’d try like half that amount of sulfur or at least 1/3 less and see. It doesn’t have to eat the leaves to be effective…although as I said before, it’ll still kill mildew. Are all the blooming plants down and only sulfurized plants are left alive?


Interesting. I would have bet it’s some kind of animal. Thanks for solving the mystery. I hope your plants recover soon.


Yes only sulfurized plants alive, but the last round of budding plants had been hit with it too. I don’t have much faith that it will ever go away unfortunately.


So two of my mothers are inexplicably dying. I would assume its due to the sulfur damage. I sprayed them all off with clean water when I figured it out, but the orange goji and BBB moms are both looking pretty sad. I had hacked them back to like 2 small growth tips before I sprayed with sulfur, i guess that was just too much stress for them. I uppotted them hoping that might help

Here are the other 2 moms in there, perfectly healthy so I doubt its any type of bug or disease.


I chopped the 7 guava99s in my back room about a week ago. Nice sized plants, but the P deficiency and heat beat em up for the last couple weeks.

I dont think they appreciated the weekly potassium bicarbonate. The buds have a darker color than usual and the pistils are quite a bit darker too. Sadly the PB does work as a weekly preventative, but its too harmful to the plant.

The buds cleaned up nicely once I trimmed all the yellow shit off


In my front room the Gojis and BBBs are looking really great. I vegged them a bit long and the room is jammed, but so far so good. Basically if i see any pm on these I’ll just cut it off…if it gets bad I’ll just kill them. I can’t keep fighting this losing battle forever and I’m not going to ruin quality using potassium bicarb

Theyre all at day 21 in these pics

Blackberry breath 1. My keeper mom (assuming it doesn’t die lol). A short and stout plant, dark with massive fan leaves

Blackberry breath 6. This one stretched like crazy I was surprised. It lives shoved into the corner, so probably alot less light back there. It looks like a weed plant from one of those old growing books from the 70s haha


Orange goji 5. I have a mother kept of this one. Short, branchy and stacking up very nicely.

Orange goji 6B, the ‘runt’ twin. Also a keeper. Similar structure to 5 but stretchier and thinner fan leaves.

Orange goji 6A, the larger of the twin seedlings.A nice med height branchy structure.


Monster Girl Scout Cookies

I ended up keeping the #3 pheno of this. Its just a great plant. Good med height structure, no nute issues and great natural shape.

All rammed into their box. I’ve been using the 400W HPS this whole time and don’t think I’ll even bother bumping up to the 600. Its hot enough and I’m starting to think the 600 might actually be a bit too much light for my spaces.


Got this in the mail today from a giveaway I won on here. Thanks, @AquaTerra !

I’ll start hitting all plants with it immediately. It only calls for .5ml/L of water so this bottle will last me quite a while…sweetness. Its got a nice electric blue color lol