Beacher - some past grows and future

Budding ladies are at day 33 now and looking just great. No signs of PM at all so far which is encouraging, maybe its the Harvest Miracle??

Blackberry breath 1. Short, frosty, dense chunky nugs. Already has a really great blackberry smell.

Monster Girl Scout Cookies. Great structure and starting to chunk up nicely.

Orange goji 5. Also starting to chunk up and really getting that goji smell now

Orange goji 6b the ‘runt’ twin. This one is starting to look bigger than the #5 which I didn’t expect. Also has that goji smell but not quite as pronounced.

Sorry for more garbage pics lol


I lost my BBB1 and Orange Goji 5 mothers to the mystery ailment. I still have no clue wtf happened. The orange goji 6b mother in the front here started to look like it might develop it too, but now new growth is coming in normally. They’ve all been fed the exact same thing the whole time…

Note the GSC mom in the back that was fed the same and never had any issues.


I was secretly wondering if any of the sulfur got into your growing medium, because it will shift the PH down by producing acid and leaching out the calcium. Otherwise you can go down the checklist. I start with light, nutrient and water - then branch to temp, ph, humidity etc always start with the big three.


I considered that and flushed them nicely. I also wondered if maybe it absorbed through the leaves and led to an imbalance. I really can’t say as nothing changed and the GSC mom remained perfectly healthy the entire time. The roots on the ones that died looked fine too and no signs of bugs or anything in them.

Oh well I was planning on slowing things down for a bit anyways, sucks to lose the BBB mom though it’s a great plant. I might try and reveg the one I have flowering now.


you could clone a bud from the end of the branch. It usually takes a bit longer.


Ya good point I might give it a shot!


Outdoor plants are looking very happy with all this hot sunny weather.

The orange goji twins really blew up in the last week. I’m not sure if thats because they’ve stretched to start flowering or because I stopped being lazy and started feeding them.

Guava 99 starting to take off in its big pot


An old dude I know gave me seeds of this plant that he said is a ‘perennial hibiscus’. I didn’t know such a thing existed. Its a couple years old now and starting to flower. Lots of buds so more flowers on the way. Anyone know wtf this plant is? Its very pretty


It’s a tree! I had some when I lived in the warmer south, they are spectacular! Seems you’ve got this one:


Wow good eye! What a beautiful tree, I thought it was a trumpet vine at first and cringed for a second there…I just ripped one of those out at our place they’re freaking unkillable. Thanks for the ID :+1:


Budding plants are at day 48 now (day 45 in pics) and looking great. Not a speck of PM despite no spraying. Also none of the usual P issues I generally see by this point. Maybe its the Harvest Miracle?

Blackberry Breath 1. I lost my mother of this and its a shame because this is an awesome plant, such a killer berry smell.

Orange goji 6a and Blackberry Breath 6. Theyre doing OK in their smaller pots off to the sides. BBB6 is sooo lanky


Girl Scout Cookies. Chugging along without complaints, nice and chunky.

Orange Goji 5. Big and smells amazing.

Orange goji 6b (runt twin). This one is getting bigger than the #5 and also smells great.


I made my first batch of bubble hash with a help from a friend who has done it for years. Pretty straightforward process and I think a decent yield from one spin. I actually got more from the 25 micron screen than the 73, weird. I’ll be spending some time working through all my trim in the next while.


Mmm bubble, I need bigger bags. 1 gallons aren’t worth the ice you put in them lol


You could always try to reveg that one after she flowers.


Ya I think I might. I killed off all my mothers gonna do a refresh but I regret not keeping that one.


I am seriously stoked to see you put the powdery mildew in the rear view! Now you can add yourself to the list of people who have defeated it :wink: ^5


Or to its list of casualties haha, time will tell!

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While you’re hanging around here, any tips on getting this pile of bubble hash chunks into one of those cool looking balls? I was thinking put it in the corner of a baggie and working it in my hand for some heat?

Damn beacher , looking good bro

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