Beacher - some past grows and future

I usually take some that’s been freeze dried or if it’s really good you can take the crumbled powder and melt it into a ball with your fingers by squeezing it. If it’s freeze dried it melts when you push on it with your scissors. You could try filling a bottle with hot water and melting it into a ball. It all depends on the melt level of the hash as to what can make it into a ball. If it’s almost dried and is like bubble gum you can cut it into strips then make little chunks then finally roll it into a bunch of tiny balls.


Cool thanks, I’ll play around with it like playdoh…or just smoke it lol

@anon81143130 thanks I’m pretty happy with this round!


just try it with a tiny bit then you can use what happens to it, to judge the quality. Usually I get a little bit of it when it’s dry and rub it between my fingers to see if it’s like fluffy powder(good) or like sand(bad)…or a hard rock which is garbage.


Mines more like sand I think, which I can live with. Trash to stash!


My indoor flowering babes are at day 63 now (9 weeks). I expected to harvest at least some of them today but they are taking their sweet time…maybe due to the heat? They look great though and still absolutely no sign of PM on any of them.

I chopped the smaller BBB6 in a one gallon a few days ago as I was sick of its lanky bullshit. It was like 3 feet tall and kept falling over. Frosty plant but pretty generic smell.

BBB1 is a beauty. Very chunky and dense nugs with killer blackberry smell. It sure is ripening slowly though, it might need another week+


Orange goji 6a (large twin) in a one gallon. Nice plant, its starting to lean alot lol

Orange goji 6b (‘runt’ twin) is just a monster. I staked it but its still flopping everywhere. I think the OGs should be done within the week.

Orange goji 5 is quite a bit smaller than 6b, but still a floppy monster and has a better goji smell. Also looking almost done


Lastly Monster Girl Scout Cookies is looking the best it ever has this round. Chunky, dense and really frosty.


My mothers that I chucked outside are looking good, but they’re all starting to show a bit of PM, particularly the Guava 99. I’ve just been picking leaves off where i see it but I think I’ll have to spray them. I"m thinking I’ll try the Harvest Miracle.

The g99 looks awesome outdoors…except the pm lol

The orange goji twins blew the fuck up and need watering pretty much daily. I probably should have went with a bigger pot, they blow over when its windy and they’re dry.

A smaller Orange Goji mom that I put in the ground…not so impressive :expressionless:

Girl scout cookies is a bit smaller but looking very vibrant and has barely had any pm.


Lastly an Orange Goji that my mom is growing lol. She doesn’t smoke or anything but she likes to grow a couple every year for fun. This year she heard me talking about the og and said ‘I want a jooji’ haha. A bit underfed but its pretty happy.

Nice pink pistils, mine aren’t doing this. Maybe its something in the soil.


Could be like a Hydrangea, the colour of the flowers is dependent on the acidity of the soil.

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True I wonder if we could make bluish pistils like the hydrangeas


Blue pistils would be :sunglasses: or better blue buds.

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uaed to be blue hued buds but it all got bred out.
Mid 90’s to early 2k


I remember some blueberry from way back that was bordering on blue. Incredible taste too. Someone’s got a blue strain somewhere it could be the next thing everyone chases after.


I chopped the last 5 of my flowering plants a few weeks ago at days 66 to…69 :relieved: I’ve just been too lazy to get the pics up lol

Orange goji #6a (large twin) chopped at day 66. It did well in its 1 gallon pot, medium height with a good topper and no support required. This og is the least flavorful.


Monster Girl Scout cookies - day 68. This is the nicest round of this mother I’ve grown for sure. Good open structure with dense nugs on each branch. It didn’t need support until the last couple days. This has a nice fruity/hashy taste and a high that makes me really paranoid haha

Orange goji 6b (runt twin) harvied at day 68. This plant is quite branchy with pretty large nugs on each branch…probably the largest yielder of the ogs. Its got that goji flavor and citrus, but less pronounced than #5.


Orange goji #5 at day…69 :relieved: hahaha. This is my favorite of the ogs. More compact and less branchy but with big and dense nugs. Its got the strongest ‘goji’ flavor of them all, as well as a whole ton of other subtle smells.

Blackberry breath #1 - day 69. A short. dense indica structure plant. Big, dense chunky buds. Very frosty with a legit blackberry jam or muffins smell to it. This is the only mother i really regretted losing, its an overall killer plant that checks all the boxes. Its not as potent as the other bbbs, but strong enough with a more mellow buzz.

So thats it for my indoor atm. Its very strange to not have any plants going down there…I have a feeling I’ll be sprouting some new seeds soon but I want to figure out my PM sterilization options before I do that.


I’m dealing with similar issues. What are your plans? I’m thinking a mild bleach including removing the floor tray, and then Lysol wipes after. What do you think?

I’m going to close down for a bit too


Milf Bleach is my Debbie Harry cover band name.

(nobody is gonna get that, lol)


I didn’t fix it in time :slight_smile: but we could all use a little bleached milf