BeagleZ Corner

That was a detailed post with great pictures & closeups. Healthy AF plants. Now that’s how its done :metal:


Very nice scene here. Space Cowboy caught my eye before. Hope we get a smoke report at some point.

I thought Space Cowboy, Air Guitar, and More Cowbell would be a nice mix.


Sha-Bra! Looks killer! Looking forward to seeing what you found! Congratulations on another successful harvest!



Love the colors, so awesome, looks like it will be a very decent harvest, gonna be some cramps and gummed up scissors there soon


Thanks guys! Appreciate ya’ll stoppin in for a spell :call_me_hand:
Its getting more and more difficult by the minute to not pick up my clippers…


Looking great!! I’ve been slammed with work, helping friends out, catching up on making some green coconut oil capsules for a buddy that’s going on a cruise next week, trimming/jarring, hanging with my son, and still need to cut clones off of the two Copa testers before sending those in to flower. Light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.

Good luck on your upcoming harvest. New flavors are always fun!!


Had some fun with fungi today… started my day with a walk in the woods…

Got a good sample of the IMO :wink: going to try to colonize some saw dust and I’ll make some JMS to spray all over my property.

Then came home and saw these in my KNF prep area…

These are just LBM’s, prob galerina. Going to slurry these and feed them to the 3x3.

Love mushroom days :mushroom::mushroom::mushroom: :sunglasses:
The good vibes are colonizing


Ey @BeagleZ the garden is looking proper as usual my friend. I’m limping my way to the finish here too with these long-ass flowering Kailash plants. Cheers to a successful harvest my friend :heart::v:t2:


Are those Dead Man Fingers?


Sure does resemble them @imstinky , found them near some other reishi looking specimens.

The waiting is my least favorite part @LegsMahoney lol but my wait is over :wink:


What’s good Fam, been super slammed with work and spring family stuffs, sorry for being MIA.

Been chopping things down for a little over a week. Took the SC1 and BR down first and let the SR and SC2 hang out for another week. Finally got the last of the SC2 in the dry tent last night.

Today I’m working on harvesting my EWC and compost for the re amend and the next few top dresses. The compost is going to be a challenge, seems roots found it and grew up into the pile :confused:

Aaaahg yup, roots!

So that’s about all for this thread for a while y’all. I’ll come in and do an initial smoke report but I’m going to be updating the COPA tester thread more often now. Hope you all join me over there.

I’ll be updating the re amend etc. on the bed over there.

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:
Have a great week everybody!!


Told ya I’d be swinging in bud! Congrats on the harvest. In true BeagleZ style shits looking great all the way into the jars. Bravo buddy :v:t2::v:t2:


that black rasperry and spacecowboys and sunra are looking amazing!

great job sir!!!

love it@


Great job!! Hopefully this corner makes it to 2000 comments before it withers away. Hopefully your COPAs are doing as good as mine are so far! I think I’m a week into flower now


Thanks @LegsMahoney ! really stoked on the SunRa, hoping for a keeper with her. SC2 could have gone longer as she was the shortest with the least light but time to move on.

Appreciate it @Calix! both the BR and the SC1 could be wook leaners which im looking forward to :yum:

Damn your fast @imstinky! Mine need new shoes ASAP, a little apprehensive about posting them currently lol but what can ya do :man_shrugging:
We will be back to this thread, dont you worry, I can never seem to stray away from Bodhi for too long
You can kind of tell by the COPAs that I chose to run :crazy_face:


My veg tent get crowded this time of year with friends asking for clones. When I got the COPAs from you, i uppottted the same day. So when my flower run was over, it was like next day when they made it into the bed.

GSD x Appy clone rooted yesterday. And the Goji x Appy rooted a few days ago. Both plants look super healthy and I can tell they will stack. The branches are getting thick and ready to support some weight. I’m not using the normal pvc/wire trellis this time, just the normal string one because it looks like they won’t need the support.


What’s the problem with that? Just bust out a shovel, break them off and let them compost with the rest. Or am I not understanding this correctly?

I throw roots back into my soil bins after every grow. That’s kinda the whole idea.


I’d guess they are tree roots, and they suck nutes out of the compost. At least that’s what happens to my piles. I have to put double layers of plastic under them, and then there’s still some overachievers that bust through!


This IS the problem lol just more work than I want to deal with but here we are @minitiger :hot_face:
The roots get thrown into the next section over to compost with the rest of the scraps

Yup, it’s all good, still plenty of goodies for my girls in there :slight_smile:


Brought my Copa seedlings outside today to harden off. Also my next round just hit soil outside. Hope its nor too cold for them. And congrats on 2000 posts