BeagleZ Corner

Yeah buddy! Sun is shiniiiiiiing!


Light’em if you got’em, Happy 4-20 Fam!!

Sticky sweeeeeet


Happy 4.20 @BeagleZ !!!
Thank you for growing and sharing your beautiful findings.
It’s good to be here, it really is. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


Happy 4-20 bud, its good to have you here @Rogue :facepunch:


My old fingers love cones. Sometimes I’d go to roll one and it’s perfect. Next one, 3 papers later is lumpy and burns poor. I bugger up maybe 1 in 25-30 cones. They burn great. I’m old and stuff takes me awhile to get done. Cones help me utilize my time better. I can get stoned in less time, then forget what I was doing sooner. Logic.
Just finished a cone of Useful’s Blackened Oranges. RIP. Glad I have a few more seeds of that one. That’s some good weed.


Happy 420 homie, hope you’re enjoying it :heart::v:t2:


Happy 420, that IMO-1 looks amazing! :heart_eyes:


Hey hey, happy 4-20 to you @LegsMahoney, Hope your well growmie!! Lovin life today, Ive got 3 more legs to choose from :thinking:what will be next???

I like the cones a lot @crownpoodle , still have yet to have my rolling “ah-ha” moment. But the cones I stuff at least 2 grams in, then I bore a hole down the middle with a cannagar skewer. They burn for about 30 minutes, perfect to sip a stout or a old fashioned with :crazy_face:


Happy 4-20 @SensiBowl !! Thanks bro, I’m pretty stoked, it’s fermenting now and will be all over my property by the end of next weekend :metal:

Will start the IMO 3 pile next weekend as well prob. Want to get it going before it gets too hot and muggy around here

Just waiting for some goods…


What’s on deck? I just had an infused seltzer to carry me through the kids bedtime routine then it’ll be time to break out the glassware and get to chiefin’


BlackRasberry, FireOnTheMountain, or the SaintsCrossing.
Might save the :fire::mount_fuji: for later, it’s the very last of it.
Man, I gotta get me some of those infused seltzer’s.
Enjoy bud!!


Gotta go with that saints crossing! How’s that one smokin’ for ya? Night night weed? Or no?


It’s awesome lol. Only night time if I take far too much. Really like the flavor during the day, it’s very “bright”.
Can space you out a little bit nothing over the top.

And off we go…

I dedicate this 4-20 leg to our fallen homie @DJSF. May he find peace and look down upon us with a grin.


May those that go before us make smooth the path for the rest of us to follow them some day


Happy Holiday to everyone.


Happy 4-20 @Sprawls!!! What ya holdin there homie?


My buddy Gabe and I always give good whiskeys to each other for Birthdays. He has a girl at work that he’s been raving about…her growing that is. My belated but perfectly timed bday gift today was about a 1/2 oz of this Code Red #3 he got from her, 2× 7-seed packs of Mephisto autos, and a Clone of this bud. I am giving the clone to my friend Matty Cox ( @CrunchBerries knows him) who says he will keep her alive for a long time. I’m gonna have to find a really good bottle of whiskey for his next bday. He doesn’t grow…yet.


Thanks again @BeagleZ for getting me started! The ladies are doing great. Space cowboy, Raspberry, Sun ra, SS 4 starting from top left going clockwise.


Happy 420
and that is awful news to hear about DJSF.

I had no idea.

he was doing seed give aways for some time correct ?

i Believe i have some of his seeds still.

i will have to do grow them in his honour.


Howdy Fam, happy Monday update for the 4x4, day 65 of 12/12.

Everyone is fading fast and getting pretty tired now, the BR is really going hard showing more purples at the bud sites and fall colors on the fans, she’s so pretty IRL.

SunRa did chunk out a bit this past week so I’ve decided to let everyone go closer to this weekend and then I’ll start the chop party even though everyone else has pretty much stalled out.

Seeing quite a bit amber overall with zero clear . SunRa being the least ripe out of the bunch not surprisingly.

All the smells are holding but much more intense the last couple days so another good sign we are close.

Turned the light down to 40% now. It’s been on 60% for about 2 weeks, I think I forgot to mention that.

Here’s the group…


SpaceCowboy #2

SpaceCowboy #1


The past week the bed got some JLF, JMS and a FruitFormula with WCA. Prob just H2O from here on.

The whole tent looks to be a pretty easy harvest, looking forward to this rounds trim camp :crazy_face:

That’s all for now folks, hope y’all have a great week!!
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses: