BeagleZ Corner

Oh yeah, I know what that is. I read a lot haha. Plus, somebody on a private grow site that I used to be active on was showing off the squirrels that they’d just shot and were planning on eating and I was just like… uh… WTF? Haha.


Tree rats!! Been digging up my wife’s moss and chewing on my Japanese maples.


lol! I always call them tree rats! Then I found out other people say that as well.

I have this one time crazy story though about a tree rat. I called this one rat sciuridae, and he would gather the turkey turds from the deck and pack them into a pile on a lid. Trade that up for some sunflower seeds. A raven got him one day and the rest of those tree rats weren’t like that at all. They’d scuttle in and kill the baby birds and eat them. Nasty things!


I’m not a squirrel fan either, unless they’re stewed! But, relocating them is just another form of death sentence. They are highly territorial, and newcomers are not welcome. It’s illegal here to relocate them.

They eat all my plastic gas cans including the tanks on tillers, gennies, oil drain tanks, anything that has touched petroleum, and then dig up the flower bulbs for sport.

I trap them in a Hav-a-Hart… then forget about the hart part… oh the irony, lol!




Dude I can relate, we have squirrels here that are always digging the gardens, chipmunks too, the chipmunks are dumb enough to meet their end VIA oversized snap traps, haven’t figured how to trap the squirrels though, I do have a have a hart trap though, what’re y’all baiting em with?


I used peanut butter when I trapped them


I’m loving it! Smoked on it pretty much exclusively today. Stuffed 8 cones with her in advance of my beach trip as well, just to start things off right :wink:


I just put a lid with sunflower seeds in the back of the trap, and another just inside the trap door for some extra enticement :slight_smile:


I like that! Thanks for the tip


I guess the moral of this story is to just use the damn comfrey however you can/want :crazy_face:
It’s all beneficial one way or another


What up Fam!
Quick update, the @CrunchBerries cut Sunshine4C is loving the sunshine!! Thanks again brother :pray:
She already stinks like she’s in flower. Deff hit her stride in the EB. And the rats have been leaving her alone :+1::+1:

Enjoy the weekend everyone, try not to blow anything up :crazy_face:
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Update on the SS4 CrunchSpecial…
She is beautiful and happy as can be. She’s been getting Unripe Blueberry BloomFormula since my return. Wish I was here to spray those few weeks but she doesnt seem to have suffered too much.
Pretty sure the stretch is done, so we are about a week into flower I’d say.
Quite possibly the loudest plant I’ve grown already…

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


One of the greatest questions to mankind,
What to smoke while smoking?
I think some cedar pheno SunRa might do :slight_smile:


Good morning Fam!

Starting off today with a SS4 update. She seems super happy but not packing on the weight like I thought she would, (full disclosure I have been dragging my feet horribly and not spraying though). Getting a little concerned she won’t finish before the weather turns but time will tell.
Super sticky and stinky though :yum: stinks up my whole backyard.

In other news…
I have ants. Lots of ants. I removed the mulch layer on the bed to re-amend as it was too thick this round to amend over it and I’m out of room. This upset a fairly large colony of ants hiding underneath.
I noticed a few a while ago but they seemed to just go away.
They are not entering or leaving the tent so there must be queen in there I’m thinking.
I’ve tried smooshing the soil to aggravate them and get them to come to the surface in mass but they won’t budge.
Also as they aren’t leaving the bed at all I’m thinking the usual DE ,cinnamon or powdered sugar won’t work.
I’m leaning toward trying a little Terro or mixing a new batch of soil. I have all the materials and IMOs to do so but feeling down about abandoning the soil I’ve been working on for a few years.
I figure I could overload the bed with IMOs and LAB to hopefully chew up any negative bits that would be left behind.
I’d let the bed “cook” again then with cover crop for a month or 2 before replanting.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Sorry to be a bit MIA lately, been busy with summer stuffs and then this ant thing has gotten me down the last few weeks.

Going to try to get some reviews up today as well. The BR is going quick so need to get that one done before it’s gone :crazy_face:

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


I’ve had good success with this product .

Might be worth a shot .


If they are sugar ants (I don’t know how you tell, lol), Boric Acid (20 Mule Team) , sugar, and some water in an upside down jar lid works for us. They carry it back to the nest as a deathly dessert!


I find if you mix 4 tablespoons of sugar and 1 of borax, the ants will be extinct after they eat it.


I never knew there were so many damn types of ants before @HorseBadorites HA. I cant tell either!!!

If its got the word “MAX” its gotta do the job @ShiskaberrySavior lol might have to up my game , thanks for the suggestion!

Ill try that too @JoeCrowe Thanks!!


You could try it, though. I’ve never gotten good results with DE, but that was for fungus gnats. It always just makes my mulch layer all clumpy and matted-together. I could see it working for ants, though. Maybe… haha.