BeagleZ Corner

Plus you get some boron. :wink::grin::rofl:


Just in time Fam, barely a lid left of this stuff.

BlackRaspberry - GojiOG RazCut X Wookie15

I am in love with this bud. Far and above better than my first cut.
2 of my all time favorite herbs that I have grown came out of this run. I feel like I keep saying this but it’s always true at the time lol

Smells of straight up sweet lavender. Has a very artificial candy after taste from the nose, never experienced that before so that’s neat.

Super fucking sticky. Hard to pack a bowl and not have the entire pinch stick to your fingers. You gotta be ever so gentle with it :crazy_face:

Taste translate to the smoke, lovely floral lavender taste, I could puff on it for hours and never get bored.

The stone is very relaxing and calming. Love it for the evening wind-down on the deck with a bourbon.
I will add that is just dandy with a glass of black tea in the morning too :wink:

The yield was not exciting on this one. She’s a slower vegger and got overtaken by the SunRa. I feel I can do a whole hell of a lot better in that department knowing her growth habits, so not considering this run a indicator.

All in all I want to give this plant a 10 out of 10 for my pallet and head, but that’s saying a lot so we’ll go with 9/10 for now until we get a proper yield factor.

Direct and indirect sun lighting…


Beauty! Glad you found something you love buddy.
I’ve got a 6 pack of SunRa F2s getting wet today, any other thoughts on that one?


oh yes, Love that one too!.. the other favorite of mine. trying to get that review up today as well.


:eyes::eye::eye: I’ll keep my eyes peeled


Up next on the block is the SunRa

the second of my all time favorites to date (right now).

The cedar pheno. Cedar with a touch a citrus oil. To me it basically smells like a more woodsy Goo-Gone.

Like the BR this one ended up translating aroma to flavor. the initial fruity/berry flavor has given way to more woodsy with a touch of citrus. Very pleasant :yum:

The stone on this one is pretty hard hitting for me, not in a bad way at all. hit the eyes pretty quick, sweaty face feeling. Happy/trippy, give the feeling of being tall and short at the same time, has a somewhat out of body feeling. Great for concerts or outdoor festivities. Not really into her at night as it can make me a little jittery if I’m not doing something.

The yeild was great, she was a monster, I have much much more than a lid left of her lol.
Above average for sure, of course I kept a momma of her as well, planning on running her outside next year, I think the sun gods will shine on her.

She checks all the boxes, so again i want to give that 10/10 but I just have a hard time with that. So for the time being she gets a 9/10. We will see how she ages in those nifty grove bags.

Direct and indirect sun lighting, later obviously, apologies for the harshness…


I read this to my roommate and she is now very excited.


I’m very excited for you both :yum:


Vetiver oil helps reduce ant population.
Effective against cockroaches as well.

(Above link is for exterminating termites, but I suppose they’re cousins of ants :thinking:)


What beautiful flower / buds !!!

Have great weekend my friend !


I am officially dubbing today as First Flannel Day.
That is all, carry on


I’m extraordinarily jealous. We’re at least a month away from that.


its prob short lived, RVA weather is a cruel mistress


Gonna be making a purchase here, when the time comes!
Local shop:


Buckle down for this rain. I might shred a boogie board up 64 to find a hurricane party.


We had to cancel going to Monster Jam 2023 at the Hampton coliseum because of the weather. Lil dude is going to be bummed!


I don’t think so, pretty sure this is gonna be a baaaaaad winter no matter where you live. I’m already wearing a fucking hoodie (still in shorts and flip-flops, though haha, but that’s only because I refuse to accept that it’s already a little chilly), but it’s fucking cold in LA already and been that way for a few weeks. Usually I’m still swimming in the pool this time of year, but that’s out of the question now.


Aww man. That sucks. When I first moved here I jumped the fence to Monsters at the Beach. That was a crazy good time.


Well Fam, I haven’t seen any ants in about a week. Maybe one or 2 here or there but seem to be either hiding from me or dying off. I did several rounds of Tero traps then loaded the bed with LABs and IMO.

The cover crop is getting its legs so I soaked some Tropcookies and some JackHerer.
They all showed tails in 24 hours and now chillin in their solo homes for a few weeks.

Wish me luck!


Positive vibrations, brother!