BeagleZ Corner

BeagleZ! Dude been a while, I feel off for a minute there (again) but it looks like you’ve been cruising along doing your thing man, those plants look great! Like what you’re doing with the string tied around the LED bars, I just started using some of the plant yo-yos this flower run to a similar result, you might like em!

Plant Yoyo Hangers - 20 Pack - 2 Hooks - Plant Support for Stems & Branches with Heavy Buds, Colas, Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables - Great for Grow Tent, Grow Room, and Garden

They have a locking function so you can set where you want the branch to sit after you get it hooked up and use it to control your canopy, I figured I’d give it a run in place of stakes just to try em out and I really like em. Good to see you’re keeping it strong in your garden man, gonna try to catch up with what I missed here. :heart::v:t2:


Yo @LegsMahoney! Thanks bud!!

I feel ya man, not been around as much at all lately either, got super busy and just had too much going on. Trying to get back in the swing of things though.
Thanks for the link, I do need to get some of those, like everything else I procrastinated until the very last minute and had to find a quick solution.
Thanks for stopping in, hope you well homie!


HAHAA you got this dude!! Really looking forward to following along with you!


Doing good dude, sounds like I been in the same boat as you: work, kids, life, etc. etc. it’s been taking all the little free time I have to keep the garden going, posting was the thing that had to take a backseat. Trying to get back to speed though. :call_me_hand:t2::v:t2:


Happy Saturday Fam!
Sitting here waiting for lights to come on so thought I’d post the pictures I took last night.

All the girls are happy and stacking. Today will be day 38 of flower. Switched over to FruitFormula this past week. Hit with a blueberry mix and banana so far both with WCA. Also keeping up the weekly JLF bump.

TropCookie is getting some nice color. Really pretty plant. Super loud Tang nose.
The Jacks are putting out classic aromas so far. Filling in nice. One is starting to show a bit of purple while the other is still just as green.
BR is showing off in the trich department, love this cut, but she’s not producing as much as I’d like. Thought if I vegged her longer this run the yield might improve but not the case so far. We’ll see how she finishes up though.




Have a great weekend everybody
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Plants look amazing, i haven’t been to active lately, just lurking, but I’d love to trade genetics if you ever wanted to.
Right now I have:
2x strawberry fantasy
1x booty
1x midnight cowboy
1x forest queen, about to get flipped to flower. I see you’ve grown most of those, but I also have:
Kali mist x everything
Lavender jack
Super silver hp
Mothers hp
Strawberry temple
Pine apple
Strays metal skunk
And some Snow monkey’s in solos otw, none sexed yet, but just throwing it out there. I’d love to get my hands on some of that black raspberry and jack herer


The babies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nevermind the malnourished plants lol


Hopefully this pine apple is a female, has really unique serations, and Hopefully some unique terps, I’m guessing this trait is coming from the kashmir, idk tho fr lol


Those leaves do look really cool!


Ohhh that Pine Apple does look nice! Looking forward to growing that one as well!

Quite the line up!!

I just so happen to have a spare BR in a solo right now ready to go @RiverCityRando. Didn’t get around to cloning anything that’s in the tent this run so no go on the Jacks.


Yea I’m definitely looking forward to that one, :crossed_fingers:it’s a female, but even if it’s not I’m guna use it to chuck some pollen this summer. And yea, I might’ve gone a little overboard lol, my last seed pop I killed a good 1/3rd by damping them off so I accounted for that this time but of course ALL 30 beans lived… well 29, but I won’t count that one because it broke through dirt and lived for like a week before it decided this world wasn’t enough for it lol, pretty sure it was a runt/mutant anyway so it’s all good. But FUCK YEA! lol, I’ll def take that br in the solo, I’ll come wherever you feel comfortable, and bring whatever snips you want if you want any too, I just started some in the clone machine and taking some more tonight before I flip to flower, up to you, I’ll throw in some of these sunra f2’s i made too, I haven’t popped any yet but the female wasn’t like any I’ve seen described on here, it had a loud smell but no cedar or pinsol, I can’t even put my finger on what it smelled like, definitely unique tho


I’m pretty slammed with work through next week, actually going to be out of town for a while. I can drop it off at token rhyme for you today or tomorrow before I leave town if that works.
Im good on plants right now, appreciate the offer though, got too many plans :crazy_face:

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Fuuuck yea lol, I appreciate that and I know how it goes, I should’ve flipped my plants to flower prob 3 weeks ago but between work and family it’s hard to find the time. I actually have to go up there to get a few things so that works perfect fr, I guess just let me know when you have time to go drop it off and I’ll head there after. I definitely understand that too lol, I have alot of beans to go through myself, but if you see anything I flower out that you want a cut of I got you, just let me know and I’ll do the same and drop it off up there at tr


On its way @RiverCityRando….


Fuck yea! I’m at work now but I’ll definitely get there before they close, youdahmanbro! Thanks again, like I said, if you see anything I flower out that you want a cut of just let me know, I keep cuts of everything, atleast until I know if it’s guna be a keeper or not


The eagle had landed 🫡, thanks again


My pleasure bud! Hope she treats you right.
She is pretty slow on the veg and not a huge yielder but to me well worth it.
I’ll look forward to your thoughts on it!


Me too lol, yield and vigor are definitely important things to consider but for me as long as it’s not horrible, the terps and effects are more important. Plus, there’s no way it’s yields less than this platinum terple haha, that shit was terrible, dialed in (I think) i got 5oz’s per 2x2… is pretty fire but not worth keeping, I did still but I’m probably guna chuck some pollen at that clone this summer and call it a day


So I’ve been looking through your thread, but I can’t figure out where your jack herer’s came from, you popped seeds yea? If so where do you mind if i ask where you got them?


I got them here from a member here that no longer graces us earthly beings.
RIP @DJSF onward through the fog, see you in the ether