BeagleZ Corner

Damn. RIP then @DJSF. Glad to see his work live on tho, I definitely think it’s important to preserve old school genetics like that and I definitely respect the effort


Happy hump day Fam, Hope everyone is having a great week.
Today is around day 75 and everything is coming down slowly but surely.

The TC has already been in the dry tent for a bit and is getting bucked down and paper bagged.

Cut the tops off the BR, TONS of under developed larf on her, that corner really is a pain to get to and thin out. I think at this point ill just fresh freeze all the leftover mess instead of trying to ripen it all. ya win some you loose some.

JH’s are coming down now and looking really nice.


Now in other news… Looks like my time in the light is over, for now at least. The family and I are relocating this summer to a not so 420 friendly state. The timing doesnt work out for me to squeeze out another grow before we need to start showing the house so this will be my last public grow with y’all. It has been a pleasure sharing my journey with all of you.
I will be around the forum but not really in my usual capacity. Hoping this will free me up a bit to concentrate on the KNF/JADAM stuffs, eventually… Most likely I will go fairly MIA for a while while I get ducks in rows.

Thats it for now
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:

P.S. if anyone local RVA wants any bulk(or not bulk for that matter HA) HighGradeA FAA let me know :wink:


Dang!! It’s been fun brotha!! Hope your new chapter is bright and awesome!


Damn. That’s lame. We’ll see you next month then lol. I’m jk, I’ll def take that faa off your hands if you’re guna get rid of it, unless anyone needs it more me


There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. -HST

You will be missed, brother. Onward through the fog!


See you around brother @BeagleZ

Good luck with your future endeavours man :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

You will be missed …


Onward and upward. You’re not gonna let the man get the best of you are you? You can fly under the radar. You have the technology.


Really sorry to hear you won’t be around as much but I’m excited for you and the family. I just want to say how much I’ve loved your threads and watching your grow. You have been an inspiration to me.

Best of luck on the move brother! I know you and the family will be on to bigger and better things!



…but I just caught up!

Thanks for your contributions here and good luck with your move! Your new state will change, too, so don’t go completely MIA on us. :kissing_heart:


wishing you the very best for your relocation. i was in the navy moved every 3-4 years. to me moving is a pain in the arse. after a while i realized if the box was not unpacked by the end of the first month, i usually did not need this stuff why did i move it? take this opportunity to purge the junk / clutter. and no worries, some how the junk re-accumulates in a couple of years. :laughing:
seriously i really hope thing work out the best for your move!


Good luck with the move man! Will miss following your journals, maybe someday again in the future!


Congrats on the move. Didn’t get to know you well but you inspired me to step my shit up and get on here! Thanks for the contributions and commitment. Goodluck, see you soon :purple_heart:


Thanks everyone, it is bittersweet for sure. Mixed emotions about the whole thing for sure

naaa, just back to the shadows… going to be hard to keep my big mouth shut now though lol


Best of luck and see you on the other side!


Wishing you the best on your new adventure one of my favorite ogers on the fourm for sure hopefully the state your relocating too goes legal sooner then later will miss seeing your updates much love brother :heart::seedling::sunny::v:


Sucks your new state hasn’t caught up with the times yet, but hopefully legalization on a larger scale is approaching. Good luck!


Godspeed with the move and new location!!!
Thank you for your great contributions here, keep it low key there and may all be well for you and your family, always!

By the beginning of next year cannabis will be legal on a federal level anyway!


He’s not dying… haha.

Anyway, like everybody else has said, @BeagleZ, sad to see you go, but I’m gonna assume that the move means even better things are on the horizon for you and your family. And that’s always good.

God speed! Haha…


Sorry to hear you won’t be journalling your green adventures, I’ve enjoyed them. I’ve been growing in a totally 420 unfriendly state for for over 40 years… you get used to it, :slight_smile: Best of luck with a new adventure.


Best of luck brotha!

Hope the move goes smooth, and your next journey filled with success!

Who knows maybe shortly after you move, they become a cannabis friendly state! :crossed_fingers: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: