BeagleZ Corner

Hope the transition goes well for you and the fam! There hopefully won’t be too many non-legal states for too much longer, but we’re definitely gonna miss seeing pics of your grows. I’m betting you’ll keep up the good fight after you get settled… Mary Jane is patient, and she’ll be waiting for ya! Godspeed!


Thanks bud!

I’m hopin so to brother! I believe it is on the books for May so hopefully it will be real soon

Appreciate it Homie!

Thanks @Rogue! Low key is the plan my friend. IM holding my breath on the federal level :wink:

HAHAAA kind of feels like it in some ways

Thats what we’re hoping for at least Ha, we’ll see, its a BIG change

Appreciate ya bud!

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

You’d win that bet :wink:


At least you have a pro-legalization candidate to vote for!


What up Fam! Hope everyone’s been good. Far too long since updating here so thought I’d drop a little good news.

Looks like I’m staying put for a while. We’ve decided it is not the right move. This will mean readjusting and sacrifice from everyone in the house but at least I don’t have shut down and figure a way of moving a couple hundred gallons of soil, not to mention barrels of FAA and various other fermented concoctions.

So with that decision made I decided to celebrate in the only way I know how, pop some seeds!
OM4, ShakedownStreet, 2 PineApple and a guest appearance by the mysterious @Higgins cut LavenderJack via a @CrunchBerries cut. Thanks again brother!

Going to get back in the normal swing of things around here I hope and update a lot more frequently again.






Knowing Crunch had some cuts for me I only popped 6 seeds, 2 each of the OM4, SS and PA. They all turned out female and all looked identical for the most part except that PA1 so decided to flower out both of those as they are obviously very different phenos.

Everyone adjusted great to transplant and I think they’re ready to run. I’ll top them and defoliate this weekend. I’m going to be much more deliberate with the training this round. I had far too much larf last harvest.

Been up to my usual weirdness. Cover cropped and let that do its thing for a while. Feeding the bed with SoilFormula, compost/EWC and IMO4. Mashed that down like a stampede before transplant.

Now I’m foliar feeding with LeafFormula and drenching the canna JLF once a week.

On another note, I filled up 6 more EB’s for the deck garden. The pressure is now on to eliminate the squirrel population 🤷🏼

That’s it’s for now I think

Yall be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


I vote PA1, but they all look great from my chair. I’m looking at what’s hanging and see more larf than I like too. My butter bin is low, so it’s ok.
I’d prefer to not keep growing that way. As long as I’m running as many different strains as I do. Testers at the same time. You know… you’ve seen my circus.
Hey. Glad whatever was the issue with your living situation has settled to a manageable level.


Yooo! Welcome back, brother!! Garden looks great, as usual!! Excited to see these grown out by your big, green thumb!


Huzzah! This is excellent news!


good to hear from you, welcome back . great looking plants!

good luck with the squirrels. :bomb:


Somebody on here has a cat that gets squirrels and rabbits!


Good to see you back around bud, life just loves to turn everything upside down at the drop of a dime that’s for sure.


Damn, it’s been two months already? I feel like it was just last week that you were talking about moving.

Nothin’ but Bodhi, can’t go wrong with that, but you’re KILLING me, dude haha. Here I am planting 25 seeds a round and only ending up with five females and this motherfucker goes six-for-six haha…


Yeah, she’s looking pretty killer so far. Excited to have 2 such different expressions of it since it’s new and I haven’t seen anyone grow it yet.

Nothing really changed. Just the fact I don’t want to cash all my equity in to enter a dropping housing market. I’ve been underwater before and I never want to be there again. The area we were considering moving to is far too over saturated and inflated.

Thanks bud, feeling really disconnected. Got a lot to catch up on.


Thank you! The bed is still keeping me looking good.:+1:
I’m thinking a little SquirrelAminoAcid is in my future :crazy_face:

Hey hey, good to see you as well my friend. It sure does, you know more than most, hope your well bud. Sending those good vibes your way!

Why fuck around lol

I was shocked! First and last time prob. Maybe the moon cycle shit really does work!


What up Fam, happy Sunday! Hope everyone had a great week.
Had a bit of a curve ball earlier in the week. I fucked up pretty good and fried my bed a little. Monday I decided to give the tent a good cleaning before the ladies got too big for me to move around in there. The last thing I did was filled the drip tray grooves up with vinegar to loosen up the dried on overflow sludge. Well, got high and forgot to deal with it that night and the next day I was on set early and got home late. Apparently the roots have already made it through the bottom and everyone had a nice acid bath.
When I opened the tent the first night all the cover crop was fried, all ladies but PA2 seemed unaffected. PA2 had some pretty obvious burning around the fan leaves.

Over the next couple days everyone showed some degree of stress. Safe to say they were pretty pissed at me.
Flushed the bed with about 14 gallons of water through out the following couple days. As of tonight I think we are on the rebound. They all have some new growth and looking fine.

Trimmed them up a little and I’ll start foliar feeding again tomorrow.

Crisis everted, Lesson leaned. Have a great week everyone!

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all! :sunglasses:


Dodged another bullet @BeagleZ . Always nice when you get them coming back.


What up Fam! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend.
Update for day ? of veg. Prob somewhere around 20-30 days in the bed.
Everyone rebounded from the acid bath and we’re back on track. Put the first trellis in a few days ago and I’ll prob flip within a week or 2.
I would like to give the two runts a little extra time but the others will start shading them out here pretty quick.
I’ve been trimming something off someone almost daily, and feeding all that back to the bed since I have about 15gallons of JLF built up. I know I have said this already but really going to try to stay on top of it, I want zero larf this round.
I’ve been foliar feeding almost daily with the KNF stuffs. I feel like a broken record so if y’all want to know specifics still, let me know Ha🤪
JLF once a week blah blah
Alright, on to some pics

Group shot, here you can see the 2 runts. OM4 and PA2. ShakedownStreet is my favorite in the tent right now. Love her structure. PA1 is close second, she has some serious branching potential although I keep cutting it off :speak_no_evil:






That’s it for now, have a great week everyone!

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Oooohwee your ladies are lookin pretty.


thanks bud, was sweating there for a minute. Shew


Lookin good doggie!! Don’t wait too long to flip. I keep making that mistake trying to wait for things to catch up, then the big stuff is TOO big and causes more work than I want.

Gonna keep shit smaller this round, but I do have that SCBlueDream cut I’ve been wanting to grow for 10 years so I’m gonna have that alone in my 4x4. I want some good summer bud even though it prob won’t be ready til September. Keep up the good work!


nice and healthy as always.

