BeagleZ Corner

Ive watched that one more than a few times. lol


I grew a Gran Champagne in my last cycle. Enjoyable smoke. Yield could have been better if I realized sooner that my soil mix lite on amendments by half. (Next time, I make the spreadsheet calculations before I smoke.) :rofl: But, I’d definitely grow another. Pretty laid back girl with a little more stretch than I anticipated, but nothing some bending couldn’t tame.

Speaking of the Gran Champagne…I haven’t dipped into those jars for a minute…


Yeah buddy, really excited to see the EB perform first hand!
On the KNF, yeah, I hear the same and makes complete sense. The only thing I’ve tried so far that was not from my garden or property is the banana ffj I did and those were organic, but pretty sure that failed anyways :wink:

Ramble on as much as you want, the more the merrier :slight_smile: thanks for stopping in @Sunvalley

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Sweet, glad to hear you had good experience!
I sampled the Trainwreck from last round a few days ago and then I took a nap :wink: So yeah, looking forward to having some more on hand

@bassman5420 , so as soon as I typed this it reminded me of the Nazgul tomb scene in LOTR. So I go to youtube to screen shot it to post along with the image but look what the CC did to the lines!!!

bwahahahaaa instead of “one of Nine”
My wife and I had a good laugh


Lol. Damn you technology!

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A pin in the earthbox already! :open_mouth:


Hey @BeagleZ , nice corner you have setup. Very professional and clean! I have a lot of reading to do, can’t believe I missed this one! but beautiful looking grows.

Gonna pull up a chair
:v: :maple_leaf:


Welcome in @Leaf! Thanks for the kind words…
Was just catching up on your thread as well :wink:


What’s up fam!
Almost done with the trim, was not able to take as much per day as was hoping but will finish the last hanger full tonight.
I should have a smoke report in a week or so.

The 4x4 is chugging along. We have almost filled the 3x3 foot print for the first screen.
Started the more intensive training this evening.
Defoliation and bending, the screen will go in later this week once the new exposed tips have a few days to perk up.



I topped the inner most main node of HindSight2 (top left) to give some breathing room to the FOTM.
Will not be training this main branch other than the topping.
My plan is to take the 4 perimeter plants and train them outward, training the FOTM in a cross between the 4 with a concentration in the middle. We’ll see how that goes :wink:

HotMess2 ( bottom left) is still being a runt but branching out like mad. Won’t be training her I don’t think, she simply won’t require it.
I have not done a thing to her since the initial topping when they were seedlings.

I picked up some 3ft brass rods at the big box store for the training rods. Cut these in half and they are a perfect depth for the hight of my first trellis.
The are much sturdier than the cut hangers I have been using and figure they should last me for quite a while. Hope so cause a bit pricy for what they are but I like the upgrade, the simple things :grin:

You can also see here 1of 2 cover crop seeds that have managed to germinate. I’ve never had this low rate before.
The MO took over the new mulch layer in n record speed and just matted them out I think.

All right y’all, time to start the last of the trim, come on in and have some scissor hash :crazy_face:


I wouldn’t have topped since the canopy is already so full, it just produces more leaves and stems, energy that doesn’t go to the flowers.

I think topping only makes sense with nutes/hydro setups.
And if you can’t control humidity.

They’re looking super healthy though!

Edit: I had an interesting convo with @Greasy about this and he had bigger yield outdoors with plants he topped than the ones he topped not or less.
So there’s that too. And genetics play a big role in everything too, as always.

So really it comes down to experience.
It’s all different, everything and everywhere.
Endless variety in the universe.


Felt it was my only option for that one. Trying to keep an even canopy thru the entire run this time and didn’t have anywhere to bend it.
It is filling up rather quickly, pretty impressive what a week will do


Very nice! They are chugging along indeed. You just might have something on the way to assist with some pre trellis training here and there. :wink:


Looking good bud!!


Graded and re jarred the harvest today along with taking some weights cause why not. Not really too interested in it as it is all for personal and gifting. But it is nice to know your equipment is performing.

Graded into A+,B and C/Trim

SourPine Pheno
A+ = 255g
B = 073g
C = 102g

Frutti Pheno
A+ = 207g
B = 046g
C = 109g

Total Usable Product = 790g or 27.8oz or 1.742Lb :astonished:.
I feel like it may still be expelling some moisture a bit so I might re weigh it in a week or so but prob not.
By far my best yield to date.
I feel the Frutti could have gone much longer as she was a lot airier than the SourPine pheno.
I will let the EB flower for as long as possible to see the difference.
Really Happy overall, the aromas are still holding strong.

a few pics of the A+ piles

SourPine Pheno…

Frutti Pheno…

A+ is for myself, @CrunchBerries and a select other few.
B will be the majority for gifts
And the C will be for R&D, rosin, wash, edies


Damn phat yield indeed :fire:


1.8 elbows is BANGING!!! Great job!


Big piles of primo looming flower, that’s a win in anyones book. Good on ya bud!


Thanks @imstinky! Got to say though, all the props go to bodhi for these, I just put them in some decent dirt :wink:

If you start smelling the fruit let her go longer than I did


Thanks Legs! It’s hard to not burry my face in those piles lol Tony Montana style
Can’t wait to do a proper smoke report!