BeagleZ Corner

I’ll be on the lookout for that report. And hey, go ahead and bury your face in there bud, you earned it, just make sure when you do it you whisper “you fuckin’ with me, you fuckin’ with the best”




Had to go back and edit my numbers, somehow (high guy) did his math wrong.
Not a huge shift but thought I’d point it out.
Was wondering why the 2 were almost identical in numbers lol.
Note to self: do math before SpaceMonkey


What up Fam! Happy Friday!
Little update in the flower tent tonight.
We are officially going bonkers.

Gave a pretty hefty defoliation, enough to make another round of FPJ. Although I’m going to have to stop fermenting everything and give my worms something to eat sooner or later. They have plenty of grains and bran but they do enjoy fresh salad quite often.

I put the first trellis up on Thursday and we are already 99% covered. One or two squares does not have a node yet, but it is reaching and will get there no problem, so I’m going to go ahead and flip prob tomorrow.

I keep being amazed how fast these ladies veg in this bed. I love it.

Group shot…

HindSight 1
She’s a bit smaller than 2 but they both are very similar in structure and rub. The stalks and branches on both of these is pretty impressive. Prob would not need any trellising but that’s just how I roll for now…

HindSight 2
By far the fastest, strongest and most resilient lady in the bunch. Afraid she’s going to take over, well afraid isn’t really the right word;) …

HotMess 1
She is just behind HS2 in vigor. Great strength in her too, nice thick legs :leg:

Still being a runt. Appears healthy and is growing fast in a sense, branching out like mad but just not really moving vertical at all. Part of me wants to take a cut of this one for the next EB run after the ST.
I was not expecting this much of a difference in pheno from the description from Twenty20.
Can’t decide if I love it or I’m impartial to it.
What do y’all think, is she worth exploring from clone structure wise? …

She’s kinda being a problem child. Some pretty severe leaf curling in her the last week or so.
I’m just not entirely sure about this cut. Like a untested rifle;)
Everyone is really happy yet she is just lanky and not really enjoying the bed like the rest it seems…

Also started shaving their legs. You can sort of see the difference between the FOTM stalks and the others…

I put some rocks around the bed to give me kind of a window into the mulch layer. Took a peak the other night and I think I have successfully brought back a healthy population of diverse critters…

That’s all for this evenings installment.
Chillin for a while, stop in and say :wave:
Hope y’all have a great weekend!


Sweet update!
Very cool idea that stone!
I think I’ll put a few in my lower pot.
Should speed up the decomposition a bit. :thinking:
Better than plastic foil!

Thanks a bunch for sharing, much appreciated!

Party on!


Thanks @Rogue !
Yeah bud, it’s working pretty good. I put 4 in around the bed , one between each outer plant. The roves scatter pretty fast, was hard to catch them but there’s at least 4-6 every time I look.
They seem super happy and energetic :+1:


Referring to the “mulch” cover for the EB?

1 Like

What’s EB?

I’ve seen someone cover their no-till bed with a black plastic foil.
I love my cover crops way too much for that!
But the worms must love it though.
However if a couple of fungus gnats get in there…
Lord have mercy!


Earthbox, they have a black plastic cover.


New circuits are in, now the exciting part.
Outfitting the 4x2 for EB flower chamber :grin:


And here we go!
Going to top dress with some local goodness, Veteran Compost. Also some kashi and GnarBar then we will tuck her in…


Amazing how lush that bush looks considering the size of the pot!
Cool compost, thanks for supporting the vets!


What a glorious day!

DBJ @Great_lakes_Genetics knocked my socks off with the freebies! Thanks brother!
If you didn’t know, now you do, GLG pays it forward!


nice picks !!


Thank you very much @Kami , I keep meaning to break out the fancy shmancy camera and lenses etc, but using my phone is so much more convenient.


Is she handling the transplant well?


Will get down there in a bit @Rogue


I live in the same room as my plant, I forget that’s not the case for everyone, LOL.
They’re getting all my CO2 that’s for sure!
A drop of drool now and then too.


Well, she’s still alive :joy:
As expected a bit droopy, still getting the tent dialed in with the CMH and its heat. Coupled with the box being a bit too wet.
Going to give her a big dose of LITFA @Rogue

While we are down here might as well take a peak next door…

Yesterday was first day of flower and I swear they are already stretching :ok_woman:


She’ll perk right up after a day in the rainy tropics!

Do you cover all the time or only at lights out?
This way you could keep a low covercrop.
Best of both worlds.
Ebb and flow.