BeagleZ Corner

Full transparency, it was not ok to leave them for 7 days without a watering…
Pissed at myself, hope they ain’t too mad at me :triumph::hot_face:


They’re lookin pretty okay. They’ll bounce back hella quick brother!


Couple days from now you’ll never know the difference .


Nahhhh, they’ll be fine. It’s weed! Just water them, they’ll bounce better than ever haha…


Thanks guys! Hoping they bounce back. Didn’t get a chance to peak this morning before lights out so I’ll be wondering all day lol.

The SC seemed the most pissed


Yikes! Not too bad though. Like everyone else said, they will be fine.

I just got back after 4 days being gone, and my bed looked good. But mine are also a lot smaller and not in flower right now. 2 of the earthboxes in flower were empty though.


@BeagleZ Hate to beat a dead horse… but… yep, should be just fine… a few fan leaves will be lost… all good! Looks like a fun vacation!




You’re good man, they say to torture your plants, so you’re right on


Ok Fam, everyone bounced back pretty much. Had quite a few dried up dead leafs and they are a lot more into the overall fade than I had expected and there are some pretty necrotic leafs on the SSDD’s but we are back on track for the most part. Already picked most of the dead stuff off.
Gave the bed 3gallons of LeafFormula on sat and 3 gallons of FruitFormula on Sunday. Will give it a few more gallons of clean water throughout the week.

Flower day 57

Group shot…

The ValeTudo is all but done. Zero new growth, just letting her ripen. She will prob get chopped in about a week. Holding the grape smell but now has a overtone of latex, quite nice. The trim on her will be next to none…

SaintsCrossing bounced back but the pistols sure took a hit. I now call her the red head lol
Small but super dense micro buds. The tart smell has given way to what I can only describe as my grandfathers old barn. I guess that’s a mix of saw dust, motor oil, diesel fuel, and must…

SSDDbx #1 is finishing faster than #2, more compact and dense. Still can’t place her nose, @CrunchBerries i need help with this one…

SSDDbx #2 is packing in some weight, not nearly as airy as when I left but I’d like to see some more trichome production in the next few weeks. I am really excited for this one. Still has the blueberry muffin nose…

I know this will prob get lost in the romulan shuffle but didn’t want to leave y’all hangin any longer :crazy_face:
Good vibes y’all


Seems like your ssdd girls are ca-mg hungry like mine very vigorous hungry plants my number 4 seems real similar to your number 2 pheno making some fat spears and a bit more airy/starlight dom the vale looks super frosty! And number 1 similar to my number 5 pheno can’t wait till there finished for a smoke report :joy: so glad they bounced back much love and good vibes @BeagleZ


Yeah dude, way more hungry than either the Vale or the SC.
I’m pretty stoked on the Vale, hoping it smokes as well as it smells! It’s superglue sticky :slight_smile:
I was thinking the same about my 1 and your 5 earlier! All look phenomenal BTW :+1:


I see you dude, not lost in the romulan shuffle, shits still looking pretty good. I still maintain that saints crossing is gonna be a sleeper


What up Fam!
I’m a little behind, got slammed for a few days at work and the expired cert got me all out of whack… but I’m getting back in my groove I think.

Update for flower day 64 in the 4x4

ValeTudo, started chopping her. Rock solid, super sticky grape smelling goodness. Really hoping the smoke lives up to the bag appeal on this one!! The purple is not translating in these pics, beautiful fade…

SaintsCrossing, she’s done as well and will come out after the Vale… reserving judgment on her :wink:

SSDDBX #1, still my favorite. Things have shifted a bit and this one seems to be a bit more berry forward now. Love the look of the flowers, does not come thru in the photos but there are sooo many colors. Still throwing new pistols but the bracts have started to swell and she is bulking up nicely :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My favorite flower in the tent…

SSDDBX #2. She’s a monster. She seems to be on track with #1 now, swelling bracts and bulking. As with #1 the aroma is shifting. I think I’m starting to get the sour butter thing now, this almost has a sour cream thing going on. A bit of light stress up top but I was expecting that being so close to the light. At least a few more weeks on her I think…

Overall I’ve noticed some issues, and I think I know what I did to cause it. I’m pretty sure I’ve been driving the KNF formulas too hard. All my major waterings have been the KNF applications with maybe a gallon or 2 thru out the week of clean water. So say 6-7 gallon dose of KNF and then only one or two gallons of clean water before the next 6-7 gallons of KNF.
This is what I’ve noticed…

So I have started a new watering regimen of 1 gallon per day with 2 gallon lower dose KNF application every 7 days. They seem to be responding well, I think the PH shift between the KNF and plain H20 is something I was missing. I am also wanting to keep the soil at a more constant moisture level instead of letting it dry out.
I think this guy will appreciate that…
he seems to be really digging it in here.

One last note… I am sooooooo STOKED!!! There are zero rove beetles on my buds :grin: they are still in the soil for sure but staying put now. I must have had something out of whack for them before. All I can attribute it to is the KNF formulas, once I started using the proper mixes they stopped trying to escape.
I am overjoyed

Y’all have a great week!! Stay toasty, Good Vibes :pray:

one last last note… i have decided to get a proper soil test after this run.


I had some rove beetles getting up to my sticky buds last couple rounds too. Enough to be annoying, but not enough to mess anything up. Just had to pick them off as I was trimming.

But my last round I didn’t have them on my buds at all, and I haven’t seen any on my plants yet this round either. Could have been the mustard seed meal I threw down. I think that was the only difference.

Everything looking banging! Can’t wait for the smoke reports. I have a couple packs of the SSDD bx and a couple packs of the Saints crossing too.


the rove beetles won’t go on your buds if there is no mustard seed?

no shit man… i’m overjoyed for you! how many runs in the soil are you at? i’m hoping to never have to do a soil test i’m in my 3rd cycle

the saints crossing looks so nice and curly haired!


This is my 5th run in the bed. Just want to double check things as my first soil test was not really any good. And with the mosaic virus or whatever is on the one SSDD want to make sure there’s nothing funky in there.

@imstinky , I had them bad. It literally doubled or tripled my trim time last round. I could do cartwheels right now lol


finishing strong @BeagleZ very nice man!


oh, is this your second test? after how many rounds was your first test? and by not really any good do you mean you had to re-ammend a lot?


The mustard seed meal i top dressed with between rounds def took out my gnat problem, but I’m thinking it also solved my rove beetle issue I had with them climbing my plants. Not 100% sure though.

I would never find an alive one up in the buds, but I’d find dead ones stuck on the outside of a bud like it was a sticky trap.


I did a soil test after my second round I think it was. It was the test that was bad, I went to a local feed supply place and im not even sure how they tested it. so im going to go to Logan Labs this time, that way I know I’ll get a proper test and could even talk to someone if I needed.

The first test was really just out of curiosity to see how much i had depleted the soil. I did not do any special re-ammend after the test. think I did my usual craftblend/GnarBar and ewc