BeagleZ Corner

Thanks brother! Always appreciate you stoppin in bro!


Looking fantastic :heart_eyes: :drooling_face: :star_struck:
That #2 is definitely a beast!

:thinking: what’s the smells on that saints crossing exactly? I wonder if it’s a Bubba leaner :thinking: i had a single SSDD F1 that came out looking just like your Saints Crossing there. Had a mild chocolatey hash thing going on with a couch lock sleepy high. I ended up dry sifting it and pressed it for rosin :yum:


Thanks @HolyAngel, I gotta say man, these beans have been a pleasure to watch grow!! Thank you again for the dedication you put in!!

It’s hard to get under there and get in for a good whif. I’m getting some tartness but everything has evolved slightly the last week or so. I’ll update once I get it out and can get my nose in it :crazy_face:

I would not object to a bubba leaner, and if that’s the case then I’ll be sure to keep the clone around in the EB!!


I got a pack of bubba in the fridge that I’m itching to get to. I’m still calling it that that saints crossing is gonna be the winner out of there, I base that on absolutely nothing other than I think it looks like a sleeper :grin::v:t2:


I’m hoping so too @LegsMahoney. Super intrigued to look thru the rest of the pack.

The EB clone is finally starting to get some new growth poppin so excited for that as well.

Although my VPD is whacked in the 2x4 right now as I’m using the humidifier in the dry tent. Might need to get another one to give her a proper head start in life :thinking:

Off to Token Rhyme I go… do da do da… they also have the new AC infinity fans…


It was tucked up underneath the green blanket taking a nap. Sleeper for sure!


Some great looking buds you’ve got going there!


Thanks Bud! Cant wait for this rounds samplin party :slight_smile: should be some good flavors :crossed_fingers:


I too, can’t wait for this rounds samplin’ fiesta! Excited to bring some new flavors to the party!


Yes! I am anxious to get some of those lemony terps of yours. Your SS4 sounds absolutely delightful!! :clap::clap:


Well, my daughter is in bed and my wife took my son out to dinner so I took advantage and cut down this massive SaintsCrossing on day 69 of 12/12.

Here’s one for scale…


All in all she might fill up a jar. …

Not getting any chocolate @HolyAngel, it’s bitter. A rind of some kind, a not so lemony lemon rind if that makes sense.

She’s in the dry tent with the first half of the Vale, I might let the other half go for another week and see what happens.


Hm, do I start retracting my claims that that one was the sleeper ?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I don’t think I’d jump to conclusions just yet @LegsMahoney. Yes true, it wasn’t the best yielder this go but she did get buried pretty fast.

I have decided for sure to keep the clone in the eb, so we’ll see how she does without competition :slight_smile:


That’s what’s up! I woulda done the same thing for sure


Quick update tonight Fam,

Some trichome shots of the SSDD’s…

Found a nut sack on the ValeTudo so finishing her chop tonight.

The SaintsCrossing clone has really found her stride in the EB…

Y’all be good , good vibes y’all :pray:


Oh yeah! I’m just about a week away from chop exciting times one of the 4 could of most likely been taken today maybe even on day 60 but giving the others time to finish up don’t mind if it’s a little more stony then the others they are some super frosty gals so stoked to get a cure on them and try it out and cant wait for your smoke reports you make your final decisions on what you are running next? And so excited to see the sc take off in that earthbox much love and good vibes :v::heart::seedling:


Yeah man, the stonier the better for me :wink: mine will go 77 days at least. Trying to give #2 all the extra swelling time I can. #1 has already bulked up so she’s just hanging ambering up.
Maybe we should organize a fall SSDDbx meetup @DesertHeartGardens ?? That’d be epic

I have made some decisions. I’m going to run
SourGrape, much love @DougDawson
BlueberryMuffin x VintageBlueberry, much love @Greasy

Flavor run! :yum:

Decided to hold off on the LavenderJack. That is one of the cultivars I want to concentrate on so I’ll prob pop the whole pack at once. Maybe round after next.


Oooooh sour grape!! I’m excited for that

I thought of you this morning as finished my bud of Strawberry Temple and also the Jamaican bag seed bud that was donated from TR. Its been a clear headed morning for a few hours now. Happy Friday!!


Very cool man, looking forward to seeing the grow for you.


That would be so epic

that should be a trip to flavortown :joy:

so stoked to see the midnight cowboy added that black razz sounds like it should be super tasty and all that I’ve seen you can’t go wrong anything BOG, sour grape should be awesome and anything blueberry :drooling_face: have some of those planned to try out in a few runs with Oregon huckleberry f2 to find some dank :blueberries: smoke