BeagleZ Corner

I’ve been there too man, panic attacks and a dash of hypochondria :joy::joy:.

@HolyAngel congrats on keeping strong quitting! I can say eventually you do stop thinking about it/wanting em as much, so hang on brother you’ll get there. :heart::v:t2:


It gets easier my brother! Just remember to breath while you roll up another hog leg!


Thanks Heady!

A constant quest of mine, always at my fingertips :wink:

Hey hey @LegsMahoney , wasn’t expecting to see you out of your meat coma this soon :crazy_face:
They did swell up pretty nicely the last few weeks. #1 is deff my favorite structure wise, she’s nice and tight and fairly dense. #2 is still a bit airy but better than a week ago for sure so glad I left them in that extra time.

Thanks for stopping in @api312! Appreciate the kind words.
I’m on week 6 or 7, trying not to make a big deal of it by tracking days and whatnot, in the past I feel like that has just added pressure to the whole thing. I am getting quite a bit of anxiety as well, had a bad day yesterday, hoping it eases off.

Good luck @HolyAngel with the patches! We can all do it together if we stick together!

I was explaining it to my wife @minitiger, all excited like she would know what I was talking about. Alas, she just looked at me with this dumbfounded look on her face and said, “seriously?” Lol
I just kind of sat there and pouted for a while after that.

So proud of you @CrunchBerries , your my pillar to live up to!


Stay strong!! It’s so worth it. I guarantee it makes you feel so much better physically and the longer you go without the better you will feel mentally too. Absolutely agree on the tracking thing. Best to just to let it go. :no_smoking: (except herb :rofl: )


Is she too young to remember the preview channel? Or did she just never do that? Haha.

I’ll actually catch myself watching a tv show in the little box when I’m looking through the guide now. Like, when you hit the “guide” button to see what’s on and the actual show that’s on gets all small and goes into the left-hand corner? And I’ll realize I’ve been watching the tiny little left-hand corner thing for ten minutes, all like,”Dude! Get it together!” haha.


She is one of those foreigners, but I figured they might have an equivalent. I mean she’s been in the states for over 20 years so she deff remembers the preview channel.

I will add, my wife does not smoke my weed so yeah, she might be a bit more clear headed than I :crazy_face:


Ok Fam, the deed is done…

and I can not fucking wait to clean that tray!:crazy_face:
Not too full of energy tonight so not a whole bunch of pics but I do have a few highlights, really just wanted to get it done as fast as possible tonight…

Tent is full, 7hangers of #2 and 2 hangers for #1 so now that the vale has dried a little took all 3 of those hangers and combined into one to save some space. Also trimmed up the SaintsCrossing. Damnit @LegsMahoney i think you may be right, had a prelim/no cure leg of her and MmmMmm me likely. Want to let her get a bit of cure on it before I comment further but really liking her right off the stalk!

I also just realized I never went back and did a proper final report on the last harvest so hoping to post that this week.

Time to put my tired old ass on the couch,
Good vibes y’all :pray::call_me_hand:


Lookin good! How do you have your drying area setup? Wondering if I can improve mine at all


I have a 4x4 tent, little humidifier inside and a portable AC/Dehumidifier unit that I duct in from outside the tent. I open only one vent at the top. The AC sits on a chair and drains into the air handler drain. Stays pretty much 58-62 both RH and Temp.
Need to figure out a better location for the setup though. It’s all up in my way.

I’ll update with some pics tomorrow, or I guess later today at this point lol


I’m pretty similar. 4x4 tent with a portable AC, large 50pt dehum, and a fan all inside the tent. Air exchanges when the dehum kicks on and creates shit tons of negative pressure lol, and fresh air gets sucked in from the duct holes and vents. I should try and keep the AC outside the tent so it’s blowing fresh air in. Would like to get these numbers a bit more stable but it’s not too hateful so far. Dehum was set to 60%, just lowered it to 50%


Dude! Just checked my dry tent… the 9 new hangers in there drove the RH up to 70

Going to leave it open for a day I think :thinking:


What up Fam! Started in on some maintenance tonight and while I was at I gave the SaintsCrossing a little attention.

Top dressed the EB with some of my IMO3, straight on top basically treating it like a kashi.
Watered that in with a bit of leaf formula.
Cover went back on and I started some bends. I think this will be it for the training. I don’t want to outpace the box again like I did with the ST so I’ll prob flip her within the week…

Took my soil sample and decided to go ahead and do my usual re-emend on the bed. Not really depending on the test for amending purposes, more just want to see where I’m at in terms of the calcium buildup and just how far depleted we got.
I started off with a sprinkling of Ocracoke island sand. Why not.

10 cups CraftBlend…

4 gallons of my compost which is basically high grade EWC :slight_smile: closin that loop :slight_smile:

8cups GnarlyBarley fresh ground with one of my most prized possessions, my grandfathers meat grinder…

Shoooshed all that together with the old finger tips. And added a monolith to remind me not to shove a 5th plant in the middle…

Watered everything in with 2 gallons of SoilFormula and threw my Little Rock’s back in and I’ll let this sit in the dark for a few days…

Last order of business was to put 1.5 gallons of a diluted vinegar solution in the tray. I’ll let it sit overnight, scrub it and shop vac it out tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a Stoney weekend! Be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Circle of life brudda! Excited for the next evolution.


Dude! I spent a summer surfing in okracoke when I was a younger man. Good times


My mom had and used a meat grinder just like that. :smiley:


Excited to see that SC in full bloom! I’ve got good feelings about that one! Have you tested the harvest from the last run?


Yes, barely. Prob should not have yet so reserving judgment, but I do think it might be something special… time will tell :crossed_fingers:


Happy Friday Fam!
Tossed the cover crop on the bed today and sprinkled some IMO4 I made from my EWC on top. Watered in with seed formula…


Had a seed crack open with 2 tap roots, thought it was strange… found this this morning…

Is twins a thing in cannabis?


Yes I had one last year only one of the 2 survived on me though.