BeagleZ Corner

Thanks guys!

Yes I think she found her stride in the EB @LegsMahoney! Im loving this plant. I’m getting that early tart aroma on her again. Lime aid ish :yum:

@HeadyBearAdventures , this is always my favorite time of any grow, the lime green tops and noticeable daily growth is so satisfying.

Had to fill the res so might as well take a few pics right? Since we are talking about fast growth lol she hasn’t slowed down on the stretch that’s for sure, she’s exploding…

In other news, all the sex tests have been sent off, have these littlens on the slow roll under the T5 until next week…

Here’s a bonus shot of the IMO growth I’m getting in the solo cups…

Be good, good vibes y’all


Now I’m not a man of the bible, but seeing praying leaves always getting me pumped!!

Looking fantastic!


Thanks bro! Yeah, pretty damn pleased with this run so far. Excited to see her fill out


I have a good feeling about that SC in the EB bro-brah! Beautiful!


Have I told y’all how much I love this plant…
She is responding extremely well to that last veg foliar feed, will be using FFJ from here on out and we will be shifting from foliar to top watering. I’ll omit the LAB in the solutions as that is a constant in the reservoir.
We should be stacking within a day or 2 :hugs:


I’m about to get busy again…

Happy Toker Tuesday y’all!


Damn nice m/f ratio :grin:


Hellz Yeah!!


Happy hump day Fam!
Ending week 3 of flower on the SaintsCrossing. Everything is smooth smooth sailing so far, stacking hard out of the gate, love the looks of her. Going to top dress with a bunch more of my IMO3 and top water with a bloom formula in the next few days…

I’ve transplanted our next round into the 3x3. Hoping to carry over some of the momentum from the EB over here.
Transplanted earlier this time, instead of going into the gallon pots decided to go straight from solo to the bed. Definitely needed some new shoes, they should perk up and settle into their new home in a day or 2. Once they settle I’ll top dress with some IMO3, water that in and cover with more rice hulls or I might get some more straw in here, it’s been a while. Or maybe I’ll just use some leaf mold. :thinking: Anyway, I watered them in with some rain water leaf formula.
We have one each of the BlackRaspberry(BR), MidnightCowboy(MC), SourGrape(SG) and BlueberryMuffin x Vintage Blueberry (BBMxVBB)…

Big thank you’s again go to some true OG’rs @DougDawson and @Greasy for the SG and BBMxVBB! :pray:Respect :pray:

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all! Enjoy the rest of the week, it’s downhill from here :crazy_face:


The BB cross is looking strong! I’m really excited to see what she does for you. I’m really enjoying the one I just harvested. Very dreamy and spacy high with berry flavor. I hope you find some good berry smells!


Looking great bud. Really happy to see another Sour Grape growing, hope it comes out amazing for you.


Yeah man, she didn’t miss a beat in the transplant. Sturdiest of the bunch so far. I’m really looking forward to seeing what she offers up.
Your description is exactly what I’m looking for @Greasy!

Me too @DougDawson! This will be my first BOG gen grow and I know how you did them proper so I’m Really excited, hoping to get some killer flavor on this one.

Once I hone in on my golden monkey I promise I’ll grow more than one of something :wink: I just can’t make up my mind lately, I’m very indecisive

Grapes, berries, skunk, fuel, sour… I want it all!!


You are going to do great, you got this.


Dude! Been down for the count for a while over here with a bunch of bullshit but it looks like you’re doing great man, saints crossing looking good as ever and that bed looks like it’s about to launch too, keep it up man, digging the show versure


Good to have you as always @LegsMahoney whenever you can stop by. Hope the headaches stay subdued and that work bullshit fades. I fucking hate working lol. Well working for other people I should say, that I hate, the work not so much. Ramble much, anyway, good to see you out and about.


Decided to go ahead with the EB topdress tonight. Went with the EWC/compost IMO4. Watered that in with a gallon of blueberry bloom formula mixed with rain water…

4hours later everyone still happy :slight_smile:

While we’re down here, 1 day from transplant…

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all!


I grow in coco w/ salts, but I love to watch organic growers… I just sucked at it :frowning:

No weed outside, but all our veggies and flowers are organic. The reason I’m chirping in here is you mentioned mulching your beds with straw.

I’m in a state extension garden group, and some folks have had issues with straw either being grow with synthetic ferts, or being treated with pesticides. If you care, you may be able to find out an organic source from your county ag agent.

We use a lot of straw for the veggies, especially tomatoes. I’m going to try the organic stuff next year to see if it helps with with all the crap our tomatoes eventually get. I really like tomatoes :yum:

Back to your regularly scheduled programming!


Nice bunch of plants @BeagleZ. Is Midnight Cowboy a Bodhi strain? The missus liked the sound of that one, if it’s the same.


Yeah it’s a bodhi strain. Mendo purps and Wookie I believe


Yes bodhi it’s mendo purps x Wookie @crownpoodle @CrunchBerries on top of it :joy:


I’m in Canadian peat/Perlite with salts too. Started with my outdoor mix a couple years ago, but had to switch. Being new to indoor, it was a struggle. I finished with some bailout suggestions, then switched. Much better control, but I still watch those organic guys.
Need your shit dialed better than my current skill level.