BeagleZ Corner

Might need to run that down the line with More Cowbell, which I have. Maybe Air Guitar too.


Been thinking about picking that one up. If you go that route keep me updated.


Yes I’ve heard some bad things about some of the straw out there as well @HorseBadorites. The straw I use is from BAS, IF I get straw. It’s a bi product of a mushroom farm near them, they grow oyster mushrooms on the logs and then once they get their flushes out of them they sell them to BAS to then in turn sell to us.
Looking for a similar local source but all the mushroom “farms” ive talked to so far just re’sell. I will deff try the extension office and see what they say.

Appreciate the heads up!!


Thank you @crownpoodle, they will be more to look at in a few weeks :wink: Crunch had the correct answer and the MC.
Welcome to the corner!


Nice sale at GLG right now. I know Bodhi, but I intentionally have not looked close. Well…except I know if I ordered A, B, and C I’ll hit the1st tier. With all the freebies I get to tell the missus “per seed it was cheap.” Not being dishonest exactly, but not likely to order right now.
But it’s been a long time since I ordered much. I need more space, not seeds.


I’m not sure where you are, but I know of a place in PA that just gives their spent compost away. You have to haul it yourself, but it’s free.

Edit: actually found 2 places in CA that also have free compost :smiley:!



don’t we all, but what do we do?


We get more space!!! Haha! I’m trying to figure out a way to create more space myself. And anyway, you’ve got a pretty decent amount of space already. I think you could fit another couple/three sixty-gallons where you’re at. Or maybe a bunch of random five- or seven-gallon pots… I dunno haha.


nice nice! yeah i just expanded into another closet in my house

400sqft with plenty of freedom and free power, working on it!


Just finishing my first proper “first joint of the day” smoke on the big SSDDbx.

Initial impression. This is kicking the ST to second breakfast spot. I really like this weed. Nothing overpowering, but a great head buzz. I’m ready to get some shit done.
Joint burned nice, never got too hot, was super smooth and flavor is beyond my description capabilities but I’d say it’s enjoyable. Should improve with the cure.
Deff getting the melon nose when grinding the buds.

Thank you again @HolyAngel , I can’t wait to hunt through the rest of the packs now!!

Y’all enjoy this fine fall day!


NICE! I think you and @DesertHeartGardens both got a sour butter/melon pheno, which was the same pheno I grew out too. Put out the yield and definitely some get shit done herb :muscle: Gotta thank the A5Haze for that effect as well as the melon flavor. Glad you guys are enjoying it ^^

I think after seeing all these I’m gonna use another blueberry-ish male to make the BX2’s with, but I might have to reverse a girl while i’m at it :thinking: Thank you very much for growing these out!


Yeah, @DesertHeartGardens description is far superior to my own :crazy_face:

The smaller one Is different for sure. Will sample her tomorrow morning first thing.


Pretty sure the only way I can add more space is if I buy/rent more.


You can always dig :crazy_face:


I’m sure that’s way over my price range and well beyond my skill set. :sweat_smile:


Looks like the entrance to hell . Cool room


Or this:


Not mine, I have ordinary basement stairs with a ordinary door :neutral_face:


What up Fam! It’s been a weird day in Bohdi land(see what I did there ;))

Not sure how to feel about this.
(I’ve written and deleted about 20 paragraphs on this so, I settled for the above sentence.)

Anyway, today is flower day 30 for the SaintsCrossing and I’m continually blown away by this run.
She is stacking up really nicely and holding onto the Limeade scents. I’ll need to tie up the second trellis pronto as I’m predicting some nice heavy spears.
Filling the res every other day now.

In the 3x3 I decided to give the BBMxVBB, BR and MC a topping and a early haircut to slow them down for a few days so the SG can catch up a little as she’s a week or 2 behind the others…

Tomorrow is a new day and we will all wake up remembering that we have more beans than any of us could ever grow anyway :wink:

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Something must be in the air or planets in Gatorade or what ever that saying is :sweat_smile:Limeade scent you say brb buying a pack :joy: what a beast looking girl she’s really shining once she got her own spot good vibes and much love can’t wait to see the 3x3 start to take off :v::seedling::sunny::heart: