BeagleZ Corner

You’ll def have some good flavors. I’m rooting on the Sour Grape and that old moldy blueberry muffin one.


That saints crossing is a forest of chonk dude! I sound like a broken record but glad you gave that thing a second run, this is a good example of why you should do that more often with stuff


That SC dough! I’m really glad we are neighbors!!

Disclaimer. Here comes SIP guy again:
I was listening to an Alan Adkisson and Kevin Jodrey interview, where Kevin Jodrey says that using probiotic sips has brought out expressions in plants he has held for a long time, that he has never seen before using sips. Nube’s last GM grow would be another example of SIPs bringing out the best in plants. Here’s the interview:


I just watched that myself the other day. Great minds think alike, or at least watch the same
YouTube vids


I could physically do some amazing things, if someone gave me the perfect amount of food to eat too.

It makes sense. 100% healthy plant will show you everything it has to offer, but even if it was 95% happy, you’re still missing out on that 5%. And that 5% might be where the extra funk smell is hiding, or that extra strength to make you green out.


I agree. This specific video made me try the earthbox. Jeremy from BAS piqued my interest, but seeing Jodrey talk so highly of EB/SIPs pushed me over the edge.


I wish that video of Alan Adkisson giving a tour around his farm was still up. The one where he is talking about frogs living in his reservoirs and completing the circle of life. It was so fucking inspirational. SIPs are the way, the truth, and the light!


This kool aid is delicious!


Drink deep my friend


I’m with you there @imstinky! I have to say the OG beans are the ones I’m most excited about these days! I mean just look at them lol

@LegsMahoney , yeah man! This was a good lesson for sure. Was not expecting such different expressions but we know this plant keeps impressing us, right? Super excited for her(my broken record)
Love that Gif too!

@CrunchBerries you need to stop by and put your nose on her. Interested in a second opinion.
I know I’m due at your place though, once I kick the sinus infection we’ll catch up.
I’ll be watching that video tonight, thanks for sharing!!


Agreed I’ve been really excited to dive into og beans between the quality genetics from quality breeders and the good intentions from those that created them is just asking for greatness garden is looking proper and calling it now the midnight cowboy is going to be the underdog sleeper :grin:


What up Fam!
Day 54 of flower for the SaintsCrossing. Hurry up and wait stage. Packing on weight and density like a champ. Pistols have started to turn overall and the fade is setting in a little more…

The 3x3 is filling out. I’m always surprised what that first week of stretch will do to a tent, Ha.
Had ferment Friday again this week, 6 gallons of leaf formula drenched and foliar.
Saturday they got another leg shaving and tonight the bed got 2 gallons of clean H20…
Friday night…




Debating on what to do for support this round. Late for the first trellis layer so I might just stake them. Kind of liking it without the trellis.

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Looking stellar all around bud. The saints crossing looks like it’s real come into its own. I’m curious now if that could be considered a downside of running a bed overall: slower varieties, or ones with a different rate of nutrient uptake can get outpaced by their bedmates and never properly show off what they’re capable of, or you think this was just a one off?


thanks Bud!
I would tend to agree @LegsMahoney. Not sure if its a downside to the bed or to my gardening prowess though :wink: but something to overcome for sure. I am getting a little worried that the MC might get crowded out just like the SaintsCrossing but time will tell there.
Planning the flip and putting plants in the bed that are the same size could help too :wink: but not something im very good at apparently lol

I am thinking the larger plants would obviously have the larger root mass, therefor having more control over the exudates being put out into the soil which would determine which microbes are producing which nutrients that one plant is calling for. Not really starving the others but not really giving them exactly what they want either. just my working theory :thinking:


I guess you could spin it either way too right, if you’re pheno hunting looking for the baddest motherfucker out of the group then it’d probably be a good thing to pitch em all in the thunder dome and see who outdoes the other. Matter of perspective I guess, cool considerations though :v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Yeah, I’m looking forward to monocropping the bed at some point. Great way to find the one best suited to your environment.
Clone and then f2


What up Fam!
Quick update tonight for the SaintsCrossing. Flower day 60 today. Buds are rock hard now. Pistols are starting to recede, especially on the lowers. Thinking about taking most of the larger colas in the next few days then let the rest ride for a bit longer. I’ve had some issues keeping the RH under 65 in the tent and I’m starting to get a little worried with the density of these.
Looked at the trichs the other day and there was a pretty equal mix of clear/cloudy/amber so I’d like to sample that. In other words, I’m trying to convince myself it’s ok to take the big ones ASAP.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Y’all be good, good vibes :sunglasses:


It’s all diversity.

All trees, plants, humans, animals, planets, stars, titties and booties, all come in different sizes…

Nothing to be overcome, it just be like that.
Don’t look at your tent like a factory, it’s more like a small representation of universal life.


:joy: agree with ya, just not sure what your getting at…
not sure I’ve ever thought of my tent as a factory. I grow exclusively for myself and a select few friends and I’ve never sold my own herb.


It’s 7:24 am and I haven’t slept yet, that’s what’s up. :joy: