BeagleZ Corner

Thanks brother!
I dont want to comment prematurely but its looking promising @DesertHeartGardens.
The BR is starting to give off a nice berry smell as well, possibly a Goji leaner??


What’s the word on that saints crossing crunch? She a stunner or what?


Doesn’t seem to matter that you didn’t SCROG, the lower buds are looking same size as the highest ones. :slight_smile:

Probably makes more difference with the old non LED lights.


I’m liking the tent without the screens. Easier to look around. I think I’ll prob just start staking them as needed here soon.

I have the light cranked to 100% so I’m anticipating some light burn at some point maybe on the tallest ones, but I want to give those shorties a fair shot :wink:


The SC from my recollection was something special. The flavor was limeade all the way through the J. I would love to try it for first breakfast sometime for a better picture. My picture that night was hazy from too much Turkey and brewski’s.


I can’t do the screens, I like to get at the plants more to tuck and pluck and bend during flower. Now I’ll only do stakes and hoops and LST


It shall be so
Want her to cure a bit though as the dry was a little fast


Dude! Limeade sounds amazing! Glad you gave her another go the @BeagleZ might have to grab some of those beans if I can find em, love the idea of some limes in the garden


I believe it’s worth the search for sure @LegsMahoney!
Been smoking on a few buds I kept out of the curing jars the last few days, and I really like it, even without the cure.
Limy for sure (hoping it concentrates in the cure) and the buzz has been kind of a Gemini for me, if I have something to do it motivates me but if I feel I need to relax it will do that too.

I smoked some the other night while I was stewing about the shitty tile job a contractor did for me, I ended up ripping 1/4 of it up, gratified with my decision, I smoked some more and promptly melted into my couch lol.
One more reason I hate hiring anyone to do anything for me @minitiger.
That old saying really does ring true these days.


Alright Fam, meant to do this last night but got distracted.
Flower day 32 in the 4x4.

Top dressed with a mix of my EWC/compost from my outside bin and the EWC from my inside bin. Sprinkled top of that with some fresh ground GnarlyBarley. Then watered in 6 gallons of FruitFormula adding the WCA to the mix. I won’t be adding anymore LABs until after harvest.

Everything is cruising along for the most part. The BR is showing some signs of light stress. She’s been a droopy drawers the last few days and is bleaching a bit at her tallest. Not really seeing as vigorous growth on her either but covered in trichs, the slowest bud development out of the bunch but a ton of sites so might just be like the ValeTudo, super compact marble size buds, dunno, maybe she’ll have a growth spurt now that I’ve added the WCA to the mix.
She has a distinct berry smell(not raspberry), I’ve never had a Goji berry so I can’t speak to that but maybe I’ve been missing out lol.

Lowered the light to 80% and will see if that helps any.

The SG is powering through, deff the powerhouse in the tent. She is flipping a few sugar leaves way up top but not worried about that, she seems fine. Getting some really cool purple center veins on the leaves, maybe indicating the eye candy to come once the fade settles in :thinking:

The BBMxVBB is doing great despite the crowding issues, really wish she had more space but it is what it is for this round.
Giving off the best Blueberry scents I’ve encountered yet! I mean wow. Like candied blueberries. Really really hoping I don’t screw her up. Perfect node spacing from top to bottom, really nice structure.

The MC is really hard to get to now but she seems to be doing ok considering.

Ok, now the fun part…



Managed to grab one shot before lights came on



BlueberryMuffin X VintageBlueberry…

Just noticed my runoff is active AF…

Y’all be good, good vibes :sunglasses:


That is awesome! AK Bean Brains seems to the man when it comes to blueberry terps! Stoked they are showing up pretty consistently in these f2s!


Gotta love that “anytime” smoke buddy, might have to track down a pack of that stuff myself. Bummer about the shoddy tile work dude, I feel like the trades have suffered immensely these past few year as. Around here it’s impossible to find anyone let alone get good work, needed a plumber a couple months back and called literally every number that came up in a google search only to have one dude call me back. Makes me wish I paid more attention while I was on the job working construction in highschool, luckily for most tasks I’m a halfway decent YouTube-handyman :joy::joy:


Yeah man, I tried my usual contractors and everyone booked till spring. So I bit the bullet and had the Lowe’s Service “pros” do it.
Should have sent him on his way when he showed up without a grinder and no wet saw.

Needless to say I did not save myself any time as I had relay the tiles and figure out the linear drain myself.
So now the battle over refund begins. Still haven’t even contacted me telling when they plan on coming to finish the job(grouting).


Oof, that’s rough man, what a fucking bummer. I hope you’re able to get sorted quickly, or as quickly as could be expected dealing with them


Good luck nailing the shysters man.


New light for the 2x4 is on its way so time to get the little black book out and make some decisions :hugs:


What light you decide on?


Couldn’t let @LegsMahoney have all the fun lol I copied, cept I got the bluSpec, HLG 300.
Pretty excited to get my vegging in a tent instead of out in the open.

I snuck it into the shopping cart in the middle of all the kids gifts :wink: :wink: pro tip, shhhhhh
Now i just have to grab it off the porch before the wife notices or I’ll have some explaining to do


Oh yeah that things going to kick ass the rspec does great so that extra blue is going to crush it going to have some super happy plants :grin: @BeagleZ


Dude way to go! I can’t wait to see how that thing does for you. I’m itching to fire up my Rspec but abstaining until after Xmas since we’re traveling this year