BeagleZ Corner

OG run! Ten characters


@minitiger , @Jinglepot ’s SourD

Yeah, @imstinky, gettin pumped for the next one.

Sounds like the OG showdown is taking the lead


Selfishly my vote would be for SpaceCowboy because I have 2 packs and am very curious. SunRa is a favorite of mine and I’d assume there should be some good stuff in Larry x W15 as well.


Great, i could cross reference your poll to decide what to germinate lmao…
Seriously, those all sounds wonderful…

Gun to my head and I’ll choose Gfume and GG4*Gfume…


I’d do the Frankenstein x green crack and the Mikaido x bubblegum! They are 2 I’ve been looking at doing for some time and just never make room for!


Uhg, thought this would make it easier, thanks for keeping me confused @Jinglepot and @alwaysnoob !! :rofl:

The Frankenstein’s keep calling me too Jingle.


That’s some of @JohnnyPotseed work! I will be growing some this summer! I cant wait!

  • Sow all the seeds.

0 voters


Definitely gotta throw in my vote for the landos stash sourD etc. etc. in lieu of that I wanna see what’s up with that sunra too :v:t2:


These would get my vote! The Bloody Monster I grew turned out to be male but it was one of the most beautiful plants I have ever thrown away (no room in the inn for a male).
I am going to run some of the GG4 x Fume soon myself and wouldn’t mind seeing someone else do so before I do.

If that’s not 2c’s worth, I’ll have to owe you.


My vote is pop a couple beans of each if space allows, and if not those g fume F2’s and gg4 ril x g fume sound absolutely killer I have both of those as well as the WL X g fume and the BBW 2.0 x g fume that @DefNSmokn gave out recently so I’d love to see any of those going as I’ll be germinating one of those 4 or maybe a few seeds of each of the 4 as soon as I wrap up my Norstar genetics testers @BeagleZ


I vote for the og/wookie showdown! It’s fun to compare similar strains like that imo. That or an overgrow creation run - I need to do that soon.


Looks like we have a winner. Pretty stoked on the OG/Wookie rundown!

I had a total stoner moment…
Once it was clear in my head I took out the seed jar from the fridge. The SpaceCowboy was the first pack I grabbed. Looked and looked and couldn’t find the SunRa. Commenced tearing my desk drawers apart, all drawers in the grow corner, even the junk drawer in the kitchen. No where to be found, WTF.
Then it hit me. I had given the SunRa to @CrunchBerries fir his birthday and then promptly forgot to adjust my ledger :man_facepalming:

Being the gentleman he is, has offered me a few back. I only feel right about this as I have the AppyF3 on the way which will now be split between us. Or the TwinFlame or anything else in my storage for that matter. I’m willing to part with anything to do this run now lol.

Once I have my mind made up it’s damn hard for it to change.

So long story short, thank Crunch for the assist. And I’m a douche

In other news, I have a little update for the 4x4.

The BR is still stressed. Debating on turning the light down to 60% but I don’t want to slow the BBMxVBB or MC anymore than they already are.

The BBMxVBB is not swelling as hard as I’d like, deff suffering from lower light and crowding. The smells are just outrageous though. So blueberry.

The SG is loving life. Hasn’t had a day yet she’s not been praying. Really swelling up now and super dense buds. Love the looks of these buds. She was a bit late starting to frost compared to her neighbors but she’s glistening now.

And the MC is next to impossible to get to now. Starting to get some purple to her and I’m liking the bud structure on her. Will be nice to give this another go with more space.

Overall I wish I had started the WCA sooner along with shifting from veg to bloom sooner. I don’t think I got that initial push of flower like I usually do. I had given them a leaf formula at like week 3 or 4 of flower and I think I should have been pushing the bloom hard at that point. The thinking was to get a bit more stretch out of the shorter gals but I think it hurt me instead of helping. Highguy
Still going to have prime buds but not seeing any big spears in my immediate future which I sometimes prefer anyways. Easier trim maybe

Oh, finally got some support up, which might have had a bit to do with the bud development as well.

Pics from day 40 of 12/12


BlueberryMuffin X VintageBlueberry…




That’s all I got for now Fam.
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all!


Nice! I’m out of likes but… :heart:


I said to myself, I’m never dimming my light again, for anyone! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Take it as you may.


ron jeremy whole ass half ass


This reminds me of that comic, I forget his name but he has a whole bit on the word ass.
I’m going to go look




That guy is hilarious!!!

Important teacher for those learning english!


I’ve been dialing in the veg tent for about a week now. Put a badly neglected basil plant in to try to nurse her back to health.
Put her in my new batch of soil and gave it some maintenance formula foliar.
So far so good, new growth is going nuts…

Happy Sunday Fam!!


Hehe, it’s fun to keep topping basil endlessly.
They can sprout a pre-flower crown (I dunno official name) overnight, chop that off asap if you wanna keep it in veg. The flavors only become more and more intense and spicy.
I ate some leaves of a plant that’s probably almost 3 years now, yesterday and my tongue was burning as if there was black pepper on them. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: