BeagleZ Corner

yeah, hoping shes not too effected. At least we know what a beast she can be :slight_smile:


Sorry it happened bro, sending you good vibes :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Keep on truckin brother I’m sure you’ll have better luck next time ! @BeagleZ


That sucks about the timer bro. She’s crow hopping but you kept your seat. Ride on.


Thanks guys! Its all good, I think it came late enough, we should still have some great smoke :sunglasses: and if all else fails, theres bubble bags :wink:

Really though there should be a battery or something on this light to hold enough charge to keep the timer going while the power is out or something, this is a serious design flaw to me.


The plants are looking absolutely stellar. Works of art


What up Fam,
today is flower day 68 in the 4x4.

The SG is down and in the dry tent along with the BR. Decided last minute to chop her as well.

Unfortunately or fortunately, it looks like we will have quite a bit of SourGrape hash. Quite a few green seeds poking out at me. Might be able to salvage enough prime seedless buds for a jar or two. Regardless she is possibly the prettiest plant I’ve grown.

I have not found any sign of pollination on any of the other plants. :thinking:
I’ll get some pics of the drying buds this weekend sometime.

The MC is really gorgeous as well, insane colors. Fading to almost black. Getting a kind of medicine smell from her, reminds me of flinstones vitamins…

The BlueberryMuffin X VintageBlueberry is fading hard and still has the killer BB smells. Can’t wait to sample this one, I hope it’s as stoney as @Greasy ’s. They look pretty similar to me so :crossed_fingers:

Sorry the light temp is all over the place tonight, I had both tents open and the T5 on the shelf on.


We have progress in the veg tent. Sent off the DNA tests yesterday so should have results Monday or Tuesday.
We have one runt BR and a sensitive SpaceCowboy but overall everyone is looking real nice.

The runt, came up a few days after it’s sibling and was covered in mites. I washed the mites off as soon as I saw but I think they had already munched quite a bit. It is really trying hard to live so I’m going to keep it around and see what comes of it. Definitely will not make it into the tent this round for flower…

Here’s the sensitive SpaceCowboy…

And here’s what the rest look like, this is a SunRa…

Well that was longer than I thought, I’m going to have a dab of the SaintsCrossing I squished the other night…

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Everything is looking fantastic! Especially the bluberry muffin. And my right eye will be watching your SunRa. I’ve got a pack, but who knows when I’ll get to it. Def interested though.

I just finished chopping all of mine and damn sure ain’t posting up anything this long tonight. Haha. Couple bong hits then bed.


That’s the best kind of tired :rofl: Congrats on your bounty my friend!

Getting real excited for the SunRa as well, I already have a favorite but trying not to take sides till the tests come back lol

Enjoy your slumber homie :sleeping:


Everything looks soooo good!


Love the looks of that midnight cowboy dude!


Looking killer!!


Congratulations on another fruitful harvest! Excited to see what the next year brings!!


Thanks brother! I must say though, feel I could have done a bit better with my nutrient cycling this go around.


The mark of a true champion :smile:

Thanks for all the awesome stuff in your posts, always looking great from what I see!

Edited cuz I said awesome twice lol (although I still did haha)


Me too @LegsMahoney! It’s a shame she was buried in the back, im hoping she gets some density to her in the next week or so, pretty fluffy at the moment, but a looker none the less.

Thank you kindly @breadwinner! Ill take a double awesome :crazy_face:
I do hope folks can get something worthwhile thru my ramblings :crossed_fingers:


Here’s a few flash shots for you Fam…


BlueBerryMuffin X VintageBlueberry…

Happy Friday, stay safe out there.
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Sounds like a nice mix of genetics to have on hand. Really interested to see what you think about the Midnight Cowboy because I don’t think I’ve read any reports at all on that cross. It’s cool to see so much Wookie 15 being tested with this current run as well as the next. I also love the look of that Black Raspberry posted a week or two ago as well and BB muffin x Vintage BB sounds incredible too!


That’s the goal @syzygy, I need a vast diverse stable so I can do some seed runs. VAST lol
(In my best Duncan Idaho voice)

Going to try to get some sunlight shots of the drying buds this weekend. The BR has some real pretty buds. Anxious to see what that one has in the flavor department.

There’s just something in the Wookie. I just know one of my unicorns is hiding in there.


The gold prospectors motto!!!