BeagleZ Corner

It’s a good vibes zone, man.


Fuck it , 3 of 4 got topped : SunRa on the right

The runt still trying its damndest


Go runty go!!


Back at you my dude :heart::v:t2:


Its been a bit, looks like things are churning our fire like they should be! :metal: :green_heart: :vulcan_salute:


Hey bud! Glad to see you stopping by!
Thanks man, we’re just truckin along…
Sending you all the good vibes :pray:


Well Fam it is day 78 in the 4x4 today and I think its chop day for the BBMxVBB and the MC.
Was scoping last night and I think we have enough amber showing. the BBMxVBB is starting to foxtail pretty good, I dont want to loose any of that terp profile so I think the sooner the better on this one, I may have taken her a bit too long but time will tell.

Will update here in a bit once I get down to the corner

Going defoliate in the tent and then cut them down while.


Get em bud


I’m ecstatic! I’ve been working trying to finish my basement for almost 5 years and this morning I just passed my final inspections!!!

Now I just have to build doors, cabinets and shelving lol


Congrats homie! That’s gotta feel pretty damn good, I imagine!


Yeah buddy :slight_smile: one step closer to my goal of having an actual enclosed grow room :wink:
Huge weight lifted, I had them extended like 5 times and the county would call me every few months to “remind” me of end dates.


Congratulations big homie!! That is good news!! Let’s celebrate with a couple hogs and some laughs!!


This would be one of the times I may need to get stupid drunk lol


The greatest scene in cinematic history

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Congrats dude, kinda forgot about the permitting/inspecting process for building in those major metropolitan areas, out here there’s nobody checking up on anything until you go to sell something :joy::joy:


It’s good to have those inspections with all the shit ass contractors out there fucking shit up. I’m sure it’s more of a headache up front, but it’s good to know someone came out and verified that nothing is gonna go to shit after you pay the workers.


Yup, if I want that the SqF and bathroom to exist, gotta jump thru their hoops. I sure as shit didnt do it for my mental health lol

This is why I do 97% of work myself. I do not mud drywall or hang it over my head. I have a great plumber that I tip with weed so he’s golden. But yeah, other than that, I do it myself

I think I actually mentioned earlier somewhere in the thread that I tried to save myself some time and have lowes “Pros” do my tile install. I ripped it out and did it myself

:muscle: :muscle: :hammer:


Yeah it’s hard to find good help. Next time I need a plumber, I’ll have to get your dudes name. The wife’s friend got dumped by her plumber bf so he’s out of the question now.

I could prob figure out a lot of the stuff, but it’s easier and faster for me to pay a “professional”. I’ll always mess something up, or it’ll take me 4 times as long to do something. I did the backsplash in my kitchen. Had to cut out the grout and do it again because it was ugly and wife didn’t like it. I redid it and it looks fine. We then paid someone to do the bathrooms because I wasn’t gonna go for that much tile work and fuck it up.

I can rig shit up to work, but it ain’t gonna be pretty and professional looking 90% of the time.


Yeah man, just let me know, gladly pass work on to him, great guy!

I hear ya, finishing anything to completion and professional quality is my achilles heel, but im also a stubborn ass taurus so ill just keep on trying lol


What up Fam, sorry to be MIA, been sick for a few days.
Feeling better today and my last day of taking it easy so thought I’d get some jars out and finally get to some of these reports.

First up we have the ValeTudo from Copa.
One of the prettier plants I’ve grown for a while but the purples started to turn brown at the end, I may have taken her a bit too long. I hear there is a super fast pheno which this may be it. Not the best yielder, lots of little bud sites covered in trichomes.

Real interesting smells, can’t nail it down but opening the jar I get big league chew, artificial grape with some anise or something. Kind of old school medicine-y not very sweet smelling which sounds weird with the above description but it’s what I have :rofl:
Flavor is good, again sort of medicine-y with some slight grape and anise tones. Smoke is think and heavy.
I haven’t decided if I like the buzz on this. I think it might be slightly depressing and heavy. I like a good night time herb but I don’t think this one is my bag. Always seem to get guilty thoughts (more than usual) a few hours after smoking. Really gives a great resin ring on a joint though.

Next up is the HotMess from Twenty20.
One of my favorite smokes right now. Really cured up nice, super frosty and super Stoney.
Opening the jar you smell hash, smoked the taste is straight hash. Not like a live rosin or anything just a old school hash. Great bedtime weed. Melts you to the couch and eases the racing thoughts.

The bag appeal is great, nice density and a decent yield. DUMPED dry sift and presses nicely as well. Would run her again for sure.

Last up for tonight is a newer one and is still curing but I like it too much not to share a little more.
SaintsCrossing from Bodhi.
Great all around weed, it’s bright when I want it to be but if I overdo it, it can put me in for a nap.
Flavor and taste are great, limeade with a bit of the grass from underneath the lawnmower that’s been soaked in gas and engine oil.
She’s on the re-run list for sure…

That’s all I have for tonight, I’m on set tomorrow so prob be a day or 2 before I get to more jars.
Will update on the 4x4 then as well.

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses: