BeagleZ Corner

That is typically for fast growing sativa type plants.


Ask @Hillbill He grows 12/12 from seed




Yea more harvest in the year and there is a certain point in veg to yield ratio where you start losing ground … also you have to factor in cost to run the op… I remember guys where hanging naked 1000 watt bulbs down in the canopy to help with side lighting cause the penetration up on top light only goes so far and you get fluff… but then costs to run the op get out of control


So this the infamous FL Crippy known as Tampa Crippy XI, and has intersex traits. An IBL from CSI known as Xmas bud 79 was crossed into 2 phenotypes. Phenotype B is like SFL version. Phenotype A is central FL that has more pine than funk. That Xmas bud had a minty pine funk to its male flowers and stony potency. Only one phenotype qualified, as the 2nd had a higher hermie ratio. Phenotype B netted 0 out of 21. Phenotype A netted 1 of 3. 1 was NO stretch less than 2ft, thick branches, low nodes, multiple sites. Had a pine minty odor. Finished at 50 days. Ridiculous gland coverage, very calming and powerful for anxiety. I happen to be running a prime PTK male. A resin male, very heavy pollen drop and compact nodes through entire flowering. @Jinglepot got sent this male to use on Romulan. That male was the surprise I didn’t expect because I intended to use Xmas pollen. The re-veg failed and a cutting was taken during the emergence of Cyanobacteria in the cloner. In a bud I found 3 seeds thinking they were Xmas X’s but later I found out they were PTK. 2 phenotype’s emerged again. This time MUTANT. One sativa variegated short node and an Indica thick meristem, stubby nodes of PTK expression in structure and leaf, however PTK is recessive where I do want it instead.

The flowering of these 2 plants was unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. At only 4 weeks, they looked like 8 weeks in glands. The sativa phenotype is a true Haze like, having a spicy slight pine odor. The Indica is apple/melon and pine. The sativa makes more medium nugs along its branch. The Indica makes thick dense nugs and fatter tops overall. The Indica shows mostly Crippy then at the end it finishes as Xmas. I should note the intersex was eliminated at the 2nd IBL. The sativa is completely Xmas bud. Like the first parent both finish at 50 days WITH seed, so really 45 without. Next the flavors of parent are amplified 2-3 times, pine, ice, mint, gas and funk of Crippy. Next the potency of PTK and Crippy COMBINED somehow to be stronger than G13 to be absolutely NUCLEAR mind blow. The flavor and expansion of the two have so much intensity your eyes are popping and you squeal to hold as it DETONATES inside the lungs. My project thread has the PROOF of me smoking, just look at my :eyes: and reactions to know it’s no joke. I’m a veteran smoker bro. I AVERAGE 2-3 oz a MONTH and is HALF my usual usage. It’s a space shot and coma melt coupled w hallucinatory aspects that will make you say WTF is this ?! The flavors are the STRONG old school type without lemon/citrus terps but the POTENCY is far stronger than “old school” strains. Look over my project thread, I document. EVERYTHING as I go and my observations/suppositions/speculation.

The last to complete the 4 is NL#2, which testing showed to be similar to Xmas. Again no stretch and compact, heavy pollen dropping. All the terps remain within a family profile to keep it free of one’s that contradict pine/mint.

The 3rd IBL has stabilized the line sexually to be tested and already show increased uniformity from deformations/weird leaf shapes, and intersex traits that lowered fertility to pollination and random fertilization from actual targeted, less deformed shells on seed and undeveloped. I almost declared Tampa Crippy too unstable but a plant bridged a gap and I was able to cross it (pun intended :smirk:) to leave all the instability behind with 2 IBL’s and a final 3rd to have a brand new plant of both phenotypes of sativa and Indica versions.

Anyway testing runs until May beginning of June for outdoor season. I may make exceptions because space isn’t available currently, but I assure you I will CUT OFF once I have 1/4 total left and I don’t anticipate holding on to what’s available to send for any extended length of time. Anyway look over my postings and pictures to find more. Think it over and let me know when/if you do, but don’t think too long.


I cant WAIT to start a few if those PTK x Romulans. I’ll probably start 6 end of Feb/early March to run alongside the Romulan from the seed run I just did. My hope is to have 2 different pheno females to flower in my big room with 6 or 8 Romulan


Sold! HaHaaa
Really, thank you for that in depth explanation of the lineage!
If your cool with me waiting 2 or 3 rounds I’ll shoot ya a DM :+1:


You’re very welcome :grin: Absolutely, shoot me DM when ready. Both versions are yours to run along w bonus NL 2 F2.


First trellis is in, took a page from @ReikoX and used screws to wrap the line.

This way I’m hoping I can just untie the corner and pull the line out for easier harvest.

I’ve already decided that I now hate my old rigid metal style in comparison.

I think I’ll top the BlackRaspberry tonight :thinking:


Can’t wait to try a bed of soil like that. Looks nice :+1:


It is a lot of fun. Challenging at the same time


Gotta have your stuff pretty dialed. I don’t yet. Was organic outdoor. Not all the knowledge and techniques transferred well.


Killer scrog screen I need to sit down and make a nice one vs the netting I’ve been using


What were the challenges you found @crownpoodle ?


Yeah man, I’m loving it. I will eventually get thicker line but the store only had neon pink at the time. That would clash with the rest of my color scheme so I went with the thinner line. Want thicker line for the upper trellis for sure.
I always hated the netting, I dont know, maybe its just me but I can never have them not get tangled up on me. Too frustrating for me.


Yeah, I’ve Scrogged before, and loved the results, but I hate not being able to really get in and inspect them


Felt like the grow just got away from me. Depleted the nutes pretty quickly in 5s. Was using a killer organic mix I used outdoors in 30s. Those are pretty forgiving. I was constantly dumping or spraying compost tea and my plants loved it! Can’t do that as easily on a tent.
In soil, by the time any deficiencies were detected, any corrections didn’t happen real quick, problem looked worse, not better. In Peat and Prelite, it’s all on me. No guessing what they are getting when I feed, as long as no nute lockout.


My problem with the pink nylon string is the pink rubs off on my fingers. If it rubs off on my fingers, it will probably rub off on the buds.


I get that, smaller pots are much harder. I get overwhelmed trying to stay on top of clones and moms and I end up giving away moms cause I just don’t have the energy to take care of the little pots anymore at some point. that being said, I currently have a goal so I’m doing it again lol.

The larger pot is muuuuuuuch more forgiving with the larger volume of soil. Space is a luxury though I know.


:arrow_double_up:WARNING PSA EVERYONE :arrow_double_up:

No way! damn, I’m glad I didnt get that lol
Thanks for the heads up!