BeagleZ Corner

Yea, more work for sure. But its has to be satisfying to succeed doing organic in a tent.
If I could keep enough jars packed, I would like to try again. Maybe try some 8 week strains for a better chance to finish well.


:+1: :+1:It is for sure, especially making all my own inputs. Ive pretty much closed my loop 95%ish I’d say.

The struggle is real :rofl:

I hear that! This is my only drawback. Especially when I have the plants in the corners of the bed, once that second screen is up there is zero chance of me reaching much back there. First trellis offers challenges but I still can manage the most critical thinning out stages since that screen is only 3x3, Top screen is 4x4.


Quick update tonight Fam.
Been battling a stomach bug all weekend, daughter had it, wife had it and gave it to me.
Managed to get enough energy to do a little training.

Shouldn’t be too long till flip. I want to give the BR some time to hit the screen.
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Hope you get to feeling better soon! Screen is clean and plants are green! :bear::+1:


Yeah man, sorry to hear that! I live with genetic GERD and stomach issues daily, so I feel ya! :pensive:


Yeah! Feel better soon my man. Is this bug that’s going around Barfy or poopy.


Ass on the toilet, head in the tub :nauseated_face:

Thanks guys, appreciate the well wishes :pray:


Perhaps taking colloidal silver will accelerate the process of illness through :thinking: I rely on it for those 24 hrs bugs


Oh no. The double duty. I haven’t been sick like that since I got food poisoning from hibachi 12 years ago this Valentine’s day. It was the shit nightmares were made of. Four people, 2 couples, 1 bathroom, 1 Toilet, 1 tub, 1 shower. That night I saw and heard things I can never forget.


Oh wow, that’s a closeness you can achieve in no other way lol


Hahaha. I got to watch my homeboy liquid crap in the shower. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


Fuck dude, sorry to hear about the open hydrant syndrome you got going there, just got over a cold last week here at the house, so you know, probably due for something new by the end of the week :joy: :skull_and_crossbones:


Just imagine the people on that $*&!t Cruise Ship. Where at the end it was literally up to their ankles :laughing: Humans HATE things that remind them they are just animals.

Feel better soon @BeagleZ !


Sounds like you have norovirus which is the most common food borne illness, spreads very easily, especially amongst unsuspecting members of the same household. It definitely sucks but you should be feeling better soon. Also, my wife worked for the county as a health inspector in a past life and saw how prevalent the virus was and could be.

@Gonzo, yeah that cruise ship sounds terrible, around where I live, there was a fancy horse camp type of thing with tons of families and all, well everyone got norovirus and was walking around basically shitting and puking themselves while they tried to enjoy the expensive experience they paid for. I am sure it was quite the sight.


/\ This is why I don’t eat at restaurants & buffets. Between the sanitation & the people with flu right next to you for 45mins coughing :laughing: No thanks! The only thing I’ll eat is Sushi from actual Japanese chef & in a real emergency Chic Filet. Otherwise it’s home-cooked, or something that’s going to get nuked in the Microwave.

Anyone see the Yelp episode of Southpark? That’s what’s going on in Kitchens. Save yourself! #ENDocdRant

Hope you’re feeling better today BeagleZ!


Another quick update this week Fam. And another ailment. Been battling a migraine all week that was apparently a absece in my tooth. Made it into the dentist today and got an antibiotic and scheduled a root canal for Tuesday. Uhg, I feel like I haven’t functioned as a human in a month.

Anyway, the girls are doing fine despite my lack of attention. I did give them a watering with some fresh canna JLF I have brewing. Used it fresh, like 3 days old, tons of activity so I saw it more as a JMS at that point.

As @HeadyBearAdventures and I discussed over in his thread, it will now most likely be too hot to use again for a while so the lid is on and it’s in the corner doing its thing now.

Going to do the last training/trimming this weekend before we flip next week sometime.

That’s all for now, hope everyone had a better week than I
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Dude I’m sorry to hear about your tooth! Frankly my biggest fear these days, i haven’t been to the dentist in like a decade, need to get back but I’m terrified of what the report is gonna be. Hope you’re able to get patched up quick man! :heart::v:t2:


My guy! You have been taking some knocks lately, that sucks. I truly hope things get back in the upswing very soon… you’re due for some good luck.
As to the JLF, I really DO dig that idea of it doing double duty as a JMS! Capture that initial surge in microbial activity, and then wait for the fermentation… now that is a nice natural cycle imo.
Stay hydrated, medicated, meditated, and masturbated, and you’ll be good to go. :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile::+1::grin::rofl:


Me too buddy, I got to that question on the paperwork, “when was the last time you saw a dentist?” And I felt like leaving it blank lol.
It has been at least 8 years, but I have to say, they were really nice and didn’t judge me at all. Maybe cause I was crying I was in so much pain though lol


Lol, maybe a good way to relieve some pressure :joy:

I’d say I’ve had my fill for sure, ready to be normal again