BeagleZ Corner

That Black Raspberry is goooood. And @CrunchBerries loves that sunshine 4 so it’s probably real good too. I’ve got both of those cuts but they will have to wait a couple months til they hit a flower tent


Yeah, just one of those analog ones you push the pins in and out on. Your light has internal timer? Have you tested it with a loss of power yet?

I would think it would be a simple thing to engineer some sort of 9v battery backup or something just to keep the timer in check but what do I know.


Happy to hear that Sunshine4 has made it out into the world! I like the Black Raspberry also, seems like there is more of a come down crash which can be rough during the day. For myself, the SS4 has no come down and keeps me whistling while I work. Great Dad weed!


I finally got caught up again…LOL
This thread moves fast.
Nice looking buds @BeagleZ …all of em!
You do good work!
That is some fine looking hash too.

@Sprawls has a nice bit of sprawl goin’… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
That is where you go to avoid arguments about spilled freezer hash… :astonished:


My light doesn’t have a timer. I have been using a digital timer from vivosun. I could get a surge protector with battery backup, but I believe they only hold for about 30 min.


Before I switch to 12/12, there will be signs everywhere in here about what not to do if I’m not here.


Glad to hear. I’m also searching for some good Dad Weed. Gotta be productive during those naps.


Just gotta plug the Good Medicine in terms of dad weed, it’s easy to shake off if you need to but you can keep smoking and settle into a nice relaxation state if need be as well


Alrighty Fam, update time for the 4x4.
Day 58 of 12/12

We have definitely turned the corner on all the plants. Everyone is fading fairly quickly. All have really good density already and the only one throwing noticeable new pistols is the SunRa. Just waiting on some ripeness for the most part now but the SunRa looks like she might chunk up a bit more.

Looking like fall…

BlackRaspberry is hard as a rock and showing quite a bit of amber already. Thinking she will come down next weekend. Getting mostly moth ball and lavender with just a bit of sweetness from her now…

SpaceCowboy #2 will be the smallest yielder but she sure is pretty. Smells have gotten interesting on her, orange zest alcohol, like a overly oranged Old Fashioned with too much bitters…

SpaceCowboy #1 is the hardest fading plant in here. Great yielder of medium sized perfectly spaced nuggets. The nose is like the inside of a Fender guitar case I have. Not sure how to describe it, moth balls, cleaner, and rubber with an added something rotting near by…

The SunRa I have high hopes for, well I have high hope for all of them lol but I’m really liking this one. Really nice structure and heavy yielder without being overcrowded. She’s trying to chunk out it seems so will giver at least a few more weeks. Still getting a very pleasant cedar perfume from her…

And a couple cotton balls I got from my first IMO collection this season. From pocohantas st park…

That is all for tonight, hope everyone has a great week!

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Nice looking show @BeagleZ . Bunch of good lookers there. Bet it smells.


Thanks @crownpoodle, nice of ya to stop by!!

Funny you mention it. Had to remove the exhaust filter to clean it today and I must say I’m glad my state is legal now :crazy_face:


Man that’s a beautiful collection along with those beautiful plants that sun ra just sounds more and more appealing the more I see and hear about it gonna have some killer smoke on your hands with that run killing it as always @BeagleZ


Oh hell yeah. That’s a sexy IMO-1!
Oh, and the plants are fine too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Won’t see her this year due to California salmon fishing being closed. There’s a beautiful commercial roller comes into town to fish. Maybe 42’. Older wood boat. Someone shows her some love. I just love well kept boats.


They are all looking soooo good, great job. I think my favorite is the black raspberry thou. Looks like a pretty good yeilder also


Appreciate it ya’ll!

I am looking forward to that SR @DesertHeartGardens, hoping for a good well rounded smoke. Really liking the plant overall, very nice pheno :crossed_fingers: the smoke holds up to her looks.

Indeed @HeadyBearAdventures , to say I was excited to see those fluffy balls is a understatement lol
I guess the plants are ok :crazy_face:

I love old school wooden boats @crownpoodle , although, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again I’m sure. Ill never own a boat but I will always have a friend with a boat I put gas in. I do think the correct thread is missing this comment though, unless I missed something lol

I might have to agree with you @Mrgreenthumb , there is something special in this cross for me. Looking forward to hopefully having a nice wook leaner in this one. The search will continue thru these beans


I have one if ya want…


ohhhh I know… we will compare, don’t you worry lol. I do want it but I need to clear some room first.


Tick-tock tick-tock


Good day to daydream in the sunshine.