Beans 4 St. Jude

AK47 f2
#8 huge stretch, couldn’t be much more NLD, fat stacking brain buzzer
#9 chunky monkey, no trim no problem

Pictured below. No 2003 HT cannabis cup indica category plants here…


All caught up on donations. Overgrow has raised $1,800 for St. Jude kids. Thanks all!

Also, there’s no more NYGhazeAO x Goji available


Wow that Ak looks so good and that so awesome to hear @LouDog420 :grin:


No small feat, congrats to you for putting this together @LouDog420 a noble cause for sure and some fire genetics out to the community, win win.


Awesome! That’s a hefty chunk of change.

Can’t wait till I get another donation in. This has become my go-to charity, not just because of the beans, but because if the work they do as well!

Thanks for bringing light and attention to this amazing group.

Much love @LouDog420


Getting some very cheesy smells off these RKS x Chem D bx from Chimera. We ran the Ultra Sonja from Grindhouse/Steele years ago (UK Cheese x Tang Tang where Tang Tang was a P19 leaning cut of blockhead, if I remember correctly), and the terps on these RKS x ChemDbx take me back to those.

We only use the latest tech for growing dope, as you can see… Single ended HIDs in cool tubes… Cutting edge :wink:

Here’s the RKS x ChemDbx males sitting pretty with a couple cuts of OG Chem… OG Chem x (RKS x ChemDbx)… Yes please

Get that ‘donate’ button clicking finger ready…


Your letter arrived @LouDog420!
You da man!!! :pray:

I am seriously psyched to start digging into these!

Seriously OG’s, why wouldn’t you do this?

Let your seed addiction save the life of a child!!!



Since Dirtron and Heliosphear doubled with the donation to the World Kitchen, we reached deep into the vault. Bring the generosity and we’ll go off list for ya :wink:

Not pictured was a pack of Casey Jones IX from my personal stash.

The Casey Jones x Arne’s Forgetful Snowdog is an interesting chuck. Using my colored cut casey jones f1 and hit to Esbe’s/Hybrids From Hell Arne’s Forgetful Snowdog…

AFS is Snowdog BX1 x Amnesia Haze/Arne

Casey mama for the CJ x AFS


Did not want to put you on blast as thanks for your generosity! :wink:



You are right! People should be jumping on this. It’s a wonderful place to support and really great genetics.

Here is my OG Chem x Casey Jones that I just cut down last week at 92 days since flip. She has a sweet exotic tropical coffee smell. Easy to grow with a nice above average yield.

I cut a branch off about 2 weeks ago. This is some very strong daytime smoke without any anxiety or raciness. I really, really like this girl! Thanks for the chance the get these. @LouDog420


Great looking baseball bats!

Very surprised at the flower time. Is this the first run from seed? And how old were they when flipped?


Thank you! Yeah I was kinda surprised she went that long. Actually could’ve probably went another week. Everything else in the room finished on time.

I think they were around 5-6 weeks when flipped from seed. I had a sister plant to her that only took 9 weeks. She has a light earthy smell after drying. She wasn’t as pretty but also smokes very strong.


Thanks for the info, always appreciate feedback. Sounds like you found an outlier, but haven’t run enough to say one way or another.


Updated list…

We’ve now added pollen for those that want to make their own seeds. Same old story, same donation, same process, just grab some pollen and/or beans now, 1 item for each $25 donation…

RKS x ChemD bx pollen from Chimera, 4 males all stress tested and rock solid for intersex traits. One short stocky boy, can smell the terpinolene oozing out of him. The other 3: taller, stretchier, chemD leaning. All pollen comes mixed. I’m a big believer when already working with small populations (<100 plants), to chuck all the males and keep the gene pool as open as possible. Anything obviously deleterious is removed (intersex, structure, vigor, pathogens, etc.)

Additional shots, a few OG Chem ladies also pictured. Those OGC x (RKS x ChemD bx) will hit donation station in a month or so…


@LouDog420 Got a couple of your Oger99 x C-Plus going. Found this crazy one that is starting to turn into a beast. It was slow to get going but is getting bigger than everything else.

It has whorled phyllotaxy and has topped itself.

Also I absolutely love smoking the OG Chem x CJ. I’ve grown hundreds of plants in my life and she is probably in my top 5 ever.


Looks great. Anything C+ can get a little funky with the blueberry in the background. Watch those for intersex instability with an extra eye.

Very happy to hear you like the OGC x CJ. Anything hit to the OGC turns out great, it seems.

Thanks for sharing your plants!



Donate to St. Jude for 2 packs ($50), get a third pack free… limited time… spooky scary deal for spooky scary Halloween… Donate on or before October 31, 2022

Also adding to the list, limited time for the spooky scary deal, not sure if they’ll come back, but really just posting so someone donates and I get off my ass and shuck seed…

  • Sour Jack f2s
  • AK47 f2 x Black Rose
  • Bubblehead (4way mix) x OG Chem/Gorilla Bubble mix (bx2, bx3, bx1f1)
  • Double Strawberry Diesel f2 x Kush/Haze
  • C+/Agent Orange x Kush/Haze
  • G13Diesel/Geisha x Kush/Haze
  • OG Chem x RKS/ChemDbx
  • Plus anything on the list from September (scroll up)

Good vibes all


slaps leg

WHELP! guess I better head over to donate


Got 'em!

overgrow must be doing targeted ads now, spooky scary!


What’s C+? It sounds familiar but I can’t quite place it.


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