Beans 4 St. Jude

If this is about my “I chose poorly” comment, I was just being silly! I’m more than pleased about what I picked!!

Edit: PLUS, they were free seeds. I’d never complain about them anyways 🤷🏻


Nothing in particular, but the mental floss open pollination was a bit sexually unstable, so it was a good opportunity to repeat the loudog guarantee :wink:


The smell is over-powering orange/grapefruit zest. When I opened the bag after 66 days of being heat sealed it mellowed out into smelling just like canned frozen orange juice concentrate. It is quite remarkable.

This was one of top 2 from the last run, after the 2 month cure in the Grove bag, before the cure, I can not stand the smell of her. The citrus is extetreme and is not nice for my sinuses. Potency wise she is the best out of everything I grew last run, #1 of 20.



Thinking about moving the old grow thread over here… Icmag is struggling more so than usual…

Look out for new TK x Petrol OG crosses from swamp boys in the next month or so…

Day 20 in the treehouse… 1 gal coco. 6 feeds a day. 2.6ec. KISS. Under Growers Choice E-720, Spectrum King Phoenix 680, Grow Light Science 850, and Total Grow Lumyre 720.

  • OG Chem - Ganja Rebel
  • OG Chem x NYCO - Ganja Rebel x Catnip Seeds
  • RKS x ChemD bx - Chimera
  • Cookiewreck x ECSD/OG Chem - Cannaventure x Ganja Rebel
  • Double Strawberry Diesel f2 - Ganja Rebel from Rez
  • AK47 f2 #9 - Joey Weed from Serious
  • Bubblehead - Tony Green/Karma Collab
  • Violeta (3 phenos) - Ace
  • 100k (5 phenos) - Exotic Mike
  • Purple Zkittlez x Temple Kush (5 phenos) - Ethos
  • Don Mega x Red Runtz (3 phenos) - Exotic Mike
  • Peyote Purple (3 phenos) - Cannabiogen


Looks like some fire NICO! Awesome looking plant. The orange zest is from Ghaze for sure. I always called it orange baby poop :wink:


@LouDog420 here are a couple buds from the Casey Jones IX1 before final trim. Both very similar in structure with a nice rotten pineapple type smell. Will let them cure a bit before trying but will sample some of the sugar trim this week sometime!

I thought I saw a round brown bug on one of the leaf tips. Very small so got out the loupe to inspect. It was actually oozing resin!


Sorry to hear things aren’t feeling as supportive over that way, but you know you are most welcome here and it would be great to see your work in real time! (Just don’t bring any riff raff with you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear:)


Oh snap! I’ll be curious to hear about the smoke!
I haven’t seen CJ since I was on ICMag a decade and a half ago.
Lou wasn’t offering the CJ IX to just anybody (totally understandable), so I’m happy I got the (CJ x SB)x(SB x CJ) IX. Casey was always one that escaped my grasp, and now I have a little piece to hold onto… and so do you!
Is it your first go-round with Casey, or have you grown it previously?


ask loudog about the CJ IX, if they arent still available from him i can send you a couple of the ones i have. I know lou would rather have the donation to St.Jude!


@HeadyBearAdventures there’s also this collaboration between Lou and Tony available on sale a couple places:


Oh yeah brother, that was tempting!
For now, I’m satisfied with what I have, which is a blessing all on its own.
One thing I’ve learned in the last year and a half on OG: There are so many strains, so many crosses, you can lose your mind coveting what you don’t have. I focus more now on what’s in front of me, and when things pop up that truly interest me, I make an effort to get them, but I have such a deep and wide lineup, there’s no urgency anymore.
I think that’s the biggest difference in the way I approach the forum now: I trust that what comes to me is what I’m meant to have, and I have the tools and resources to acquire anything I don’t have, but want. Abundance, vs. Scarcity.
Now my goal is to give away more than I’ve received!


This is my first time growing Casey Jones. I think I have grown a hybrid that had some CJ in it. It is one I have also wanted for a long time!


Very cool. Congrats on a successful harvest of an elusive strain.
I will anxiously await your report :thinking::grin:


Can’t upload pics at IC since Friday… Hard to use a forum if we can’t share pics. I think the only question is whether to post everything here in this thread or start a new thread for the grow only… I bring the riff raff regardless :wink:

@Comacus any pics of them growing? Thanks for sharing. I always like the ladies with some color, personally.

I gave 90% of my casey stock to Tony which he released under his flag. The CJ IX beans from Tony are the exact same a few got through the St. Jude program. I wanted them out there and didn’t have any distribution at the time, so gifted them all to Tony for release, maybe 50 packs. I think those are all sold out though. Unfortunately, I’ve given away all I can and only have personals left. When I get around to running them again, you bet I’ll toss that pollen, just not sure when that will be.

Good vibes all,


never mind. not even an acknowledgement.


Easy homie, I just didn’t see your post. I think you, and anyone who has interacted with me around here, know better than to assume that I’m being rude :bear::+1: If not; now you do!
I appreciate your generous offer, but I’m truly content for the time being, and I also have my runs planned until at least the fall, so they’d just be sitting.
Besides, you hooked me up with that Drama Queen x Bye Ya that I want to get to!
Hope your day is a supportive one.


Hey @LouDog420 just a curiosity, the OG Chem you work with, are those from that dude Dan from Rebel Grown? Or is Ganja Rebel a different breeder alltogether?


Dan, GanjaD, Ganja Rebel, Rebel Grown are all the same person. An OG tree grower from IC

He gave me a bunch of testers back in 2015 after I shared some pics of his Double Strawberry Diesel f2 that looked just like the original DSD mom he found from Rez. One of those packs was the OG Chem bx 1.1 which gave me the girl I’ve kept around since then. His OG Chem cut backcrossed to his 5G’s yellow line


That’s rad! I just met him actually, seems like a super nice dude, gave me a pack of his 5G purple that I’m gonna look through. Thanks for clarifying dude, I had never heard that name (OG Chem) except from him so I wasn’t sure if he had gotten that from someone or if it was his cross


@LouDog420 here are a few pictures of the CJ IX1 plants. The two were very similar. One was a little bigger and more chunky. They were small plants this run and bet they would be really beautiful as larger plants!