Beans 4 St. Jude

Casey Jones IX from sob on IG


AK47 f2 no.9 x Violeta grown outdoors

And another shot of the casey IX from sob, preharvest with some color


I have bubblehead x violeta in early flower, should be interesting to see what bubblehead characteristics mix in.

I have a OG Chem x RIL just starting veg, thats great to hear about the quality and production


Bubblehead is a killer plant. Not sure how she will mesh with the violeta, but if it’s mostly bubblehead and a little violeta color, that’d be my ideal mashup…

OGC x RIL, the RIL bring frost, and OGC kicks vigor, yield, and structure into high gear with any crosses, for sure.

Thanks for sharing and hope you find something nice. You’ll be the first to bring the BH x violeta cross to flower.

Good vibes,


Casey Jones ix
The yellow one is finally coming back to color. I rushed flipping to flower and her roots hadn’t reached the res yet. Her and the OGC/GG4ril that are closest to the light are hungry compared to all the others.

These are some stinky plants! The smell is sharp like cedar but w/a whiff of roasted coffee beans or close to burnt popcorn in front of it. 2 of them have a sweet Bubblegum smell but the last is absolutely free of anything sweet.

The CJix have a citrus smell that has turned into marshmallow and fruity gum while the other is smelling more of grapefruit rinds. The citrus one is pollinated from about halfway down. I hope so at least. Time will tell.

I’ve been nursing these from tiny embryos. They popped upside-down and had stuck helmets. There was not much of anything to them when I pulled the shell off but 2 of 3 have made a comeback and are hopefully on their way to bringing another GHaze leaning plant back to me. I won’t make the mistake of not cloning everything again. Thanks for looking.


Finally got around to cleaning some beans that had been sitting… Nothing new here that isn’t on the list already, but always nice to get rid of the chaff…

Bosscotti crosses are hanging… Skullcap crosses in the oven.

Stay tuned for halloween special and updated seed list :wink:


OGC/GG4 ril


Told you she’d bring the heat! Looks great man, thanks as always for sharing your pics


Casey Jones ix
1/2 seeded


Violeta f2
You can see the color better in the clone than you could on the from seed mother.


4SD/ChemDD x (Cookiewreck x ECSD/OG Chem) by sunshinefarmsdaydream on IG


CaseyJones ix 58 days from flip

OGC/GG4 ril 58days from flip

More of the Caseyjones ix


@NICO great job on all of them!


Thank you. I’m excited obout these. I’ve been happy w/everything I’ve grown from @LouDog420. This is the best thing going seed wise for me, I don’t know anything about the different genetics being in place stuck in prohibition, this way I get to learn what’s what, help fight cancer and all w/o spending $ I do not have on seeds that I am clueless about.


You have happened upon one of the best in the business for bringing some of the best and proven genetics together in great crosses and F2s. With @LouDog420 creating new and exciting stuff all the time one could actually just run his gear an get a look at so many wonderful strains and genetics and it supports a great cause too!


That’s the plan. I haven’t bought a pack of seeds since I happened across the St.Judes thread.


Without a doubt. Lou’s been doing this for a long time and has a great eye for quality flower. I’ve followed him on IC for a long time. As humble a man as you’ll ever come across, as well.

Nice job Nico. They look fantastic.


Thanks all, happy to share and glad others are finding things they like out of the beans produced and can also support St. Jude. I just chuck 'em and mail 'em, picking my favorites and trying to preserve lines that may not be readily available anymore :wink:

Watch for mold on the OGC x GG4ril, she stacks heavy colas and sometimes if environment isn’t dialed, is a recipe for mold. Yours are looking pretty fat, very OGC like with some extra resin from the gg4ril, which was the whole point of the cross…

Bosscotti chucks are in paper bags… Watch for another spooky scary halloween special starting the 31st and running through November. Warning, some older seeds will be removed from the list, as you all have depleted those stock. If there’s something you see you really want, hit me up and I’ll make sure you get the spooky scary special price too before they disappear like a ghost!

Good vibes all,


It’s hard to spend money on seeds anywhere but here and Johnny Potseeds sales given the prices and good genetics with documentation!


To many good seeds sources on OG to go any where else for beans 🫘, and the information you can obtain is off the charts. The ability to correspond directly with the people that produce these genetics and have grown them give us all a leg up on anything that can be obtained from these seed banks and you always have the best place to post questions for the right advice. :facepunch::wink::+1::partying_face::jack_o_lantern::sunglasses::ghost::peace_symbol: