Beans 4 St. Jude

Ppl have been all over the internet looking for the best 420 deals & cheapest seeds all week… and here I am refreshing the Loudog thread just waiting for an updated list :sweat_smile:


Lol. You’re not the only one. Missed out on the Feb special and have been waiting patiently since. I need some of those OG candy orange x’s in my life


The 420 sales suck this year so far.


Shit, tomorrow is 420??? Should we run a special?? :wink:

casper x kush, just finished drying. Casper came out with big fluffy buds, surprising, but stink and flavor is right on og. Some intersex issues, so running her again, but donator beware. I’ll have a rundown of new varieties when I update the list…


The 420 BOGOGOGO Special

It’s in the name. The buy one - get one - get one - get one special… $25 donation gets you 4 packs this 420. The following restrictions apply:

Pack 1 and 2 - You call it - Anything you want on the list.
Pack 3 and 4 - Anything from the following collections:

  • OG Kush/ON Haze Crosses
  • Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Agent Orange Crosses
  • Violeta Crosses
  • (Cookiewreck x ECSD/OG Chem) f2s
  • Irene/T1000 Mix x Skullcap

Check out the website for latest seed list, now organized by pollen donor: DONATION SEED LIST

Latest kush crosses (casper, Irene/T1000, and Umami 762) are now available @lambchopedd

Thanks everyone for your support and donations, and always excited about the next round… Gonna toss that dank dough at some serious heaters… Stay tuned, stay safe, and happy 420 all.


The 420 BOGOGOGO special is too hot (seriously, 4 packs of seeds for $25, kinda crazy). Only valid for the rest of the month of April. Strike while the iron is hot, this deal won’t be back around.

Good vibes all


I love your new website.


I have two new Beans 4 St Judes ladies in the flower tent.
NYCO x Bosscotti in the corner and Double Strawberry Diesel x Bosscotti next to her with the giant fan leaves. I didnt top them, just letting them go all natural.

I also have a NYCO x Kush in veg that just showed female. Im excited to have more Loudog work in the tents.


Awesome, thanks for sharing bud. Think you’re the first to get any bosscotti crosses to flower. Excited to see how they do. There were some freaky plants in the bosscotti’s, and only one real female keeper, so… Sometimes may be good, sometimes may be shit!

Kush male was stellar, if his progeny are anything like I think they’ll be.


When I look at the Bosscotti crosses I have from you, I picture that male. He really was incredible. His genetics will make an appearance in those seeds eventually.


Maybe it will make some freaky versions of nyco and Double Strawberry Diesel, I’m hoping for some fun weirdness.
I wanted to give an update on my og Chem x gg4 ril. This is very strong stuff. Beautiful OG stank to it, and amazing flavor. I barely did any trimming and the nugs are perfect IMO. Definitely going to be planting this again. This nug weighs 6.90 grams.


density and ease of post processing comes from the OGC. She adds great structure, vigor, and some stink and potency to everything she touches.

Also just fyi your cross is the OGNYCO x Bosscotti… OGNYCO = OG Chem x NYCO (reversed). She kept the NYCO terps with some extra yield, vigor, potency, but still likes to foxtail. I got rid of the original NYCO cut years ago but not before reversing her, so just hybrids left and some S1s in the vault.


Will those S1s ever make it to the donation list? Or saving them for later use?

And to keep this on message, I have just donated.


Thanks for the support.

No, NYCO S1s will not be available. I think I have less than 10, she didn’t readily accept her own pollen.


Gonna try to pack some beans this weekend… Thanks everyone for your patience.


You better watch your speed


Just noticed this thread…is the list still the same? Some nice things up there, love me some Double Strawberry Diesel….and Violeta sounds great also. Thanks for posting this thread and sharing your love with a charity


List on the website is up to date:

Unfortunately, overgrow doesn’t let me edit any posts older than a certain age…

14/17 standing on the casey ix1, not bad considering age


It’s mind blowing to me that someone who spends his own time and money (packing and shipping) has a website with better pictures and descriptions of the cultivars than the breeders that grow for profit.

Really nice site Lou.


LOL thanks bud, every pic on the website is one I’ve snapped over the years

Why a real breeder would put out lines without at least having some nice pics of maternal and paternal stock is beyond me… The website is a free go daddy website, can’t make it any easier or cheaper than that! Just lazy not posting pics in these days when everyone has a phone in their pocket… My written descriptions can use some work, as that’s more time consuming than just uploading pics


yay can finally post in here…

Legends are legends!

LD420 doing the Lords work! LOL ! keep rocking bro!