Beebud's country living journal

Somebody’s gotta go down there…
The other two options are Mega Maide or Chocolope. :thinking:


Wedding Cake no.2
She’s so pretty

LA Pure Kush


My out yards are way overgrown from all the rain this year, along with my laziness. But, it’s going to be super hot next week and the bees need airflow. My poor weed eater ain’t gonna cut it so going to use a blade on it and get done early!
This yard has I think 31 in this pile of weeds. Lol


It’s going to be handy having these to look back on for reference.


Scorpion Candy


It’s amazing to see how much progress your plants have made. Plus, it’ll be a great reference for future grows. :green_heart:

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I know who’s coat I’ll be pulling when I stop pussyfooting about with my outdoor.


Nice plants in here!! Thanks for sharing!!

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Thanks, appreciate that. Was a solid no go the last 15 years, just couldn’t risk it. Then our state got with the program on the rec side.
Things are happy happy right now. :grin:

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Back at ya on the indoor side brother. :crazy_face:
But honestly i shoot from the hip quite a bit. There is a really cool dirt story coming up later though.


Kinda warm and fuzzy this morning thinking about dirt. I’m not a nerd about all the amazing details about soil health and performance yet still find it all fascinating.
Indoor using a soilless medium or a largely mono ingredient such as Pete, there isn’t anything available outside of our feeding.
I’ve run tubs with varying degrees of amendments and the plants that run out of gas first are the ones with the least amount of actual soil vs just Pete.
Anyhow just appreciating the value of being able to steer the ship with…dirt!
The last indoor grow there was zero soil amendments. I didn’t realize how much the - even small amounts of compost / worm castings / actual dirt were making a difference. Then the issues arise and I remember what kept me out of trouble before. The issue was underfeeding!
Ok rant over but related, according to a post above with pic of the plants on the clone rack, it’s been 9 days since put outside in 5 gal buckets. Hard to believe they can jump that quick but there they are.


If the chocolope on the right gets enough growth I’m going to select her for the reversal over the MB15. I’m needing to hunt some supercharged day smoke so she’s got my attention. :face_with_monocle:


These little Jack the Rippers were in that clone rack pic also. About 2 inches high in the back!
Had to cheat on them to get a bit of jump. They’ll go out in about a week.


how many frost free weeks to you get?

Zone 6b, end of October frost. Not sure on weeks
Never mentioned, but over half what I got out is high risk on finishing. I couldn’t help it and said what the heck I want to see them grown out and maybe get a little.

i sit on lake Erie 6a in Canada we are lower here than 5 states here i stick stuff out late all the time shit time with my cucumbers this year scaped them and started over yesterday will i get some not sure come what may but a layer of plastic will move you one grow zone south


Beautiful, healthy plants! You’re going to be in good shape come harvest time.


I appreciate your vote of confidence. Nature rules, but mobile tubs are nice too. Lol


Little Jack rippers are out with the rest.

Wedding Cake starting to look proper. Trying to catch up with the Scorpion Candy. SC stopped stretching so it just may catch up.

LA Pure Kush

Pretty morning


It’s been 29 days since Mega Maide went outside. The pic posted
then shows a scraggly clone. Different story now, so glad it’s gonna be big enough to get some smoke.

Having a hard time getting a proper pic of Chocolope. The pics just don’t do her justice. She’s wide, lanky, vigorous and sexy.

Dogwalker looking nice. Didn’t get it right on this hole for sunlight. Despite that she’s done really good but I do think a couple boxes of 12 or even 20 guage should do the trick on a couple spots for light. :rofl:


Labeled as Gabagoo. It’s flowering faster than any, it just waited till it was 7 ft. tall.
Right is a topped Vortex. They are both around 9 ft.
